Chapter 192

Although when he was outside, Taoist Tianlong had already surpassed Wu Zong’s strength, but because of the opening of such a secret realm, Taoist Tianlong was constantly suppressing his own ability while suppressing his own breakthrough.

But after drinking this bowl of fish soup, Taoist Tianlong felt that he was completely unable to suppress the movement of the spiritual energy in his body, and had reached a critical point.

After Taoist Tianlong put down his bowl, he knelt to the ground at once.

“Lin Mo, I want to beg you to help me, I am about to break through now, but in this secret realm, Seven Seven Three will never allow me to break through.

And if I break through, then I will be discovered by the heavens, and then it will be really troublesome, and the punishment of the sky thunder will be lowered. How can a person like me be able to withstand the punishment of the sky thunder, so please Please help me. ”

Lin Mo really felt that he had picked up a trouble. When he came back, he still thought it was big. If it was expensive, he might really be able to help him, but now it seems that Tianlong Taoist is asking himself for trouble at this time.

But Lin Mo knew very well in his heart that if he really didn’t help him at this time, then some things in this secret realm would change.

Moreover, the change at this time will have a great change in this secret realm. Lin Mo really hasn’t searched all the things in it.

Therefore, he thinks that such a place should be tried as much as possible, and it is better not to make some changes, otherwise he himself will be affected.

Lin Mo’s hand was gently placed in the mind of Taoist Tianlong, and the Taoist Tianlong felt the aura in his body at this time, as if it was being continuously pumped out by a water pump.

What was going on with this kind of exercise, but he knew that the energy in his body had been slowly taken away a lot.

Taoist Tianlong doesn’t know if this result will have some impact on him in the future, but for Taoist Tianlong at this time, he can only stop his breakthrough in this way.

A few minutes passed, the Taoist Tianlong could feel his own strength at this time, just because there was no trace of a breakthrough in the scope of Wu Zong.

And even the energies he had worked so hard to cultivate had been absorbed by Lin Mo.

The Taoist Tianlong at this time really felt particularly curious. It is hard to imagine what kind of energy fluctuation Lin Mo is now.

Having just absorbed so many things from himself, for Lin Mo, is he not afraid of his own breakthrough.

Is he able to collect so much energy for such a thing so casually?

Can Lin Mo really suppress all these energies in his body? It is still said that Lin Mo had already broken through long ago, but after entering this secret realm, he was suppressed by the Heavenly Dao in the secret realm.

The Taoist Heavenly Dragon is not aware of these problems in Lin Mo’s body, but for him, Taoist Heavenly Dragon is also very clear in his own heart. He, now really can’t see through Lin Mo, even his abilities. It’s not clear at all.

Inside, he was also laughing at himself secretly. In the past, he still wanted to find Lin Mo for revenge. Now it seems that even if he goes back to practice him for more than a hundred years, he may not be Lin Mo’s opponent at all. …

“Lin Mo, are you okay? After absorbing so many things from me, is your body really OK? If it really doesn’t work.

Let’s find another medium and transmit it all. In this way, we may also be able to create a master. ”

Lin Mo shook his hand indifferently. Even if he had more energy, it would be nothing to him, Lin Mo, and Lin Mo didn’t care about it at all.

Besides, for Lin Mo, the prohibition in this secret realm does not exist at all.

“It’s okay, I don’t care. I just drank the fish soup you reconstituted, and I think it tastes really good.

And these silver fish are still very useful for fish cultivation. If you don’t find it troublesome these days, you can make more of these fish.

After we go out, we can also eat slowly, and I have a place to put these living creatures, 4.7 a storage ring, you get some more back, wait until we go out, I will give you a little bit. ”

Getting Lin Mo’s affirmation means that I can stay by Lin Mo’s side and get his blessing at this time.

Tianlong Taoist couldn’t help but secretly delighted.

With Lin Mo by his side, there must be no doubt about his own safety, and Lin Mo is not a person with a small belly.

Even Lin Mo is not such a very harsh person. With the bowl of fish soup just now, the Taoist Tianlong feels that he can live in peace with Lin Mo. .

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