Chapter 183

At this time, the sage Langya appeared at the beach. Looking around, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s really terrifying. I didn’t expect Lin Mo to be so powerful.” Saintess Langya sighed.

At this time, her communication token rang quickly, and she picked it up and looked at it.

There really was such an expression on her face.

“I don’t know if he will find it here. The realm of cause and effect is terrifying. I didn’t care about it before, but I have learned it now.”

The sage Langya dived directly into the sea, intending to take shelter.

She had completely given up on this big fight.

Moving forward in the sea, she felt something wrong for a while, looked around and suddenly retreated suddenly.

Lin Mo’s body suddenly appeared in front of her.

Lin Mo looked at her with his mouth curled up slightly, and said with a smile, “I ran fast enough. In such a short time, I ran hundreds of thousands of kilometers.”

For such a long distance, even at Lin Mo’s speed, it took a while to catch up.

The look of Saintess of Langya was extremely ugly.

She shouted: “Lin Mo, let me go, how about I owe you a favor?”

Lin Mo shook his head and said, “Your favors are worthless. Please hand over what you have. You hope to be like Wanlong Daozi, with only 13 pants left?”

Human favors are worthless!

This is the first time that Saintess of Langya has heard someone say this. If she was willing to owe someone a favor, the other person didn’t know how happy she would be.

Her face was flushed.

One pants left?

If this happened, she would rather die.

The sage Langya looked at Lin Mo with stubborn eyes, pursed her lower lip, then let go, gritting her teeth, making a creaking sound.

Then she softened and exhaled a long breath, seeming to have made up her mind.

She quickly took out her space ring and threw it to Lin Mo, saying, “This is everything on me.”

Lin Mo took a look, then checked it, and suddenly saw a lot of good things inside.

At the same time, he saw that there were many saints’ clothes inside. These clothes were actually treasures. They were all made of special materials and possessed a strong defense force.

What surprised Lin Mo was that there were still a lot of underwear inside.

Seeing Lin Mo checking these things, Saintess Langya’s face turned red.

But she didn’t have any way, after all, Lin Mo said that all the treasures must be handed over.

These clothes are also treasures, and if they are sold, they are at least dozens of square energy crystals.

Even if it is clearly stated that it is the saint of Langya, it may be normal to sell hundreds of energy crystals.

Lin Mo took these clothes out and watched the face of Saint Lady Langya flushed even more.

She gritted her teeth and decided that if Lin Mo dared to mess around, she wouldn’t make Lin Mo feel better even if she was seriously injured.

But to her surprise, after Lin Mo took them out, he put these clothes directly into another space ring, and then threw them to her.

Lin Mo turned and left, he was not interested in collecting these clothes.

The dozens of square energy crystals may be precious to others, but for Lin Mo, they really don’t pay much attention to it.

On the sea, the waves were rough, and a figure quickly rushed out.

Lin Mo glanced around, then quickly rushed towards the distance.

Next, it’s time to harvest others.

Other people’s things may not be as rich as Wanlong Daozi and Langya Saintess, but as Wuzong, their wealth is naturally very rich.

Soon, Wu Zong screamed miserably.

“My stuff!”

“Damn Lin Mo, it’s too cruel!”

“I knew that when I met Lin Mo, there would be problems.”

“Damn, I’m hiding here, and I was discovered by him!”

One by one Wu Zong kept wailing.

Although they had already made some mental preparations when they came in, many people did not bring in the most precious things about themselves.

But when these things are lost, it is still very distressed.

But soon, these people’s moods improved a lot.

Because they found that other people’s things were also robbed by Lin Mo.

At this time, all Wu Zong of Xuanguang Holy Land hid one by one, trembling with fear.

Before they thought, if Lin Mo came in, they should have no questions.

As soon as he came in, Lin Mo met the sage Langya and Wanlong Daozi.

Just when they thought they were completely finished, Lin Mo easily defeated these two people, and then defeated everyone else.

As a result, they were even more tragic.

These people who were defeated weren’t completely incapacitated. At this time, only those who hadn’t lost, became their thorns.

In desperation, these people all went into hiding.

At this time they were very fortunate that these people did not have Lin Mo’s ability to track down, otherwise, they would not be able to hide.

Lin Mo began to explore this secret realm.

A secret realm that can accommodate Wu Zong will definitely have many treasures.

And this secret realm hasn’t been opened for many years, so naturally there will be more treasures.

Soon, Lin Mo collected many elixir.

These elixir are all over a thousand years old, and some even have several thousand years of age, and they are extremely effective.

These medicines include Ganoderma lucidum, Ginseng, Poria, Reincarnation and so on.

Under Lin Mo’s domain, these things can’t be hidden.

Some elixir has a hidden effect in order not to be collected by others.

It may look like an ordinary weed, but it is actually a thousand-year-old herb.

Roar 767!

A roar sounded, and then a strange beast soared into the sky.

This is an amethyst eight-winged giant dragon, Wuzong’s peak level, and it exudes a terrifying aura.

This secret realm can only accommodate the Wuzong level at the highest, otherwise, this amethyst eight-winged giant dragon may have broken through to the sacred beast level.

“Boy, looking for death!”

A burst of soul energy was delivered quickly.

Different races and different languages ​​can easily communicate with soul power.

This amethyst eight-winged giant dragon is like this now, emitting some soul energy to let Lin Mo know its meaning.

Lin Mo smiled slightly.

court death?

It’s really looking for death!

But it’s not me who is looking for death, it is you who are looking for death!

Lin Mo slammed his fist towards the eight-winged amethyst dragon.

The eight-winged amethyst dragon also slapped it towards Lin Mo


The two men’s attack caused a huge explosion. ,

The next moment, the eight-winged amethyst dragon quickly retreated. It looked at Lin Mo with a shocked expression.

“The dragon swallows the sky!”

The eight-winged amethyst dragon quickly displayed its magical powers.

When he opened his mouth, a black hole was formed in his mouth, and a strong suction force was generated to absorb Lin Mo.

Lin Mo kicked it.

Supernatural power: trample!


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