Chapter 175

For the first time, they suspected that this was false news, after all, Esna was too scary.

Those Wu Zong met him before, but the death was extremely miserable.

Even several people united together, still not the opponent of Isna.

But when they looked closely, they saw Lin Mo’s name, and they were suddenly stunned.

In their opinion, Lin Mo belongs to a person as terrifying as Yisi.

No one else can kill Isna, but it is normal for Lin Mo to kill.

“It’s worthy of being the first person in the Intermediate Wuzong area. If the Devourer encounters him, he will be finished.”

“Before I was terrified of Lin Mo. Now that I have Lin Mo, I feel very relieved.”

Many people smiled on their faces and left in no hurry.

Soon, someone was interested in how Lin Mo killed the man-eating bee, and sent another message to ask Zhao Buming five people.

Zhao Buming and the five people responded quickly.

The people who asked these questions originally thought that Lin Mo and this man-eater must have gone through a bitter battle.

But after seeing the news, everyone was dumbfounded.

Lin Mo’s three moves are easy to kill the man-eating bee, and the short fighting time is terribly different from what they imagined.

“This is too awesome.”

“I’m really curious about how he let the Man-Eater get rid of the state of nothingness.”

“If he can get rid of the state of nothingness, I can also kill this man-eating bee.” Someone said 763.

But when this person finished speaking, he was despised by many people.

If the Manchewing Bee can get rid of the state of nothingness, they can also be killed.

In their view, the most terrifying thing about the Man-Eater was not his phagocytic ability, but the emptiness.

In the Holy Land of Profound Light, Wan Guangming and others finally found the formula for that kind of poison, and they were making it by others.

Suddenly, Wan Guangming’s token lit up.

He picked it up and looked at it, with a look of stunned expression on his face.

“Head, what happened?”

Seeing Wan Guangming’s stunned expression, Mu Tianqin and others felt bad in their hearts.

In their opinion, it must have been something Esna had done again.

And it is very likely that someone from their sect was killed again.

Before that, they had already killed two Intermediate Wuzongs, which was a very big loss for Xuanguang Holy Land.

Watching them look at him, Wan Guangming smiled, with a smile on his face.

He smiled and said: “The matter is over, the man-eating bee has been killed.”

“Killed, could it be that those intermediate Wuzongs united and killed, but even if they can kill this bdeh human bee, it would be a heavy loss.” Mu Tianqin’s face is still full of melancholy.

The two Intermediate Wuzong who died this time were all of her will, which made her very sad.

Wan Guangming shook his head and chuckled softly: “No, it was Lin Mo who killed him. This little strength has improved again, and he can easily kill the Man-Eater. I heard that he has made three moves in total. In his hands, he has no ability to resist at all.”

They all showed shocked expressions when they heard Wan Guangming’s words.

They can easily kill the Man-Eater, but Lin Mo is an intermediate Wuzong.

Zhuge Liufeng smiled: “No matter what, the man-eater is dead. This time the incident is over. By the way, this time, all the martial arts, empires, etc. owe us a great favor.”

This time, if Lin Mo hadn’t killed the Eater Bee, I don’t know how many people would die.

Even if they were able to refine the poison, it would not be possible to refine the poison without a few days.

When the refining is successful, the situation in the intermediate Wuzong ancient battlefield is actually doomed.

Damn Wu Zong is probably dead.

Even the Devourer Bee can rush to the advanced Wuzong area, and with the strength of the Devourer Bee, it is not difficult to deal with the advanced Wuzong powerhouse.

At this time, the major empires, sects, holy land, etc. have all received news.

At this moment they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“I didn’t expect this kid’s strength to soar so fast. I knew it a long time ago and should marry Yun Xue to him. Now this kid, I’m afraid he doesn’t like Yun Xue anymore.”

The Holy Lord of Longshan Empire looked at the news and sighed.

Princess Yunxue is still an intermediate martial emperor, and Lin Mo’s strength is probably not worse than that of senior Wuzong, and even stronger than senior Wuzong.

Eternal Taoism.

Dao Ancestor Mingshan looked at the news, not only did not look happy, but almost burst into anger.

“Lin Mo, Lin Mo again, damn Lin Mo!” Dao Zu Mingshan roared.

Unlike the people of other schools who were very happy after they learned the news, the people of the Eternal Dao Sect were very upset.

Before, their mid-level Wuzong powerhouses were killed by Lin Mo.

Out of the Devourer Bee, in their opinion, it would be the best if they could kill all the intermediate Wu Zongs of other sects.

In this way, everyone has suffered heavy losses, and the situation is almost the same.

It didn’t take long for him to be happy, but Lin Mo actually killed this man-eating bee.

Ancient battlefield.

Lin Mo took all the space rings at this time. After the Manchewing Bee was blown up by him before, these space rings splashed out.

Lin Mo checked these spatial rings, and the brows were slightly raised.

There were fewer things in it than he thought, such as some pills and energy crystals.

But Lin Mo also knew that this was probably swallowed by the man-eating bee.

He estimated that the contents of these spatial rings were worth about 100,000 square meters of energy crystals.

This is probably the most cost-effective business Lin Mo thinks.

Lin Mo opened his hand, still holding the remnant soul of the Devouring Bee.

He quickly probed, if there are other Man-Eater Bees in this intermediate Wu Zong ancient battlefield, then continue to kill them.

“Thank you brother this time.” Du Wei finally flew over.

Before they ran far away, they were afraid that Lin Mo would fail, so they could continue to flee.

It’s just that the situation is completely different from what they imagined.

Lin Mo said: “It’s just a small matter.”

For Lin Mo, this time the matter is really small, compared to his previous battles, it is simply too easy.

“It is indeed a small matter for the senior, but it is a major event for us. If no senior appears this time, we will die. I owe the senior brother a life.” Du Wei said.

Several other people also expressed that Lin Mo owed his life.

Lin Mo smiled and said: “It’s up to you. I will check it out to see if there is any human-eating bee in the sealed place. If there is any, I will solve it by the way.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, these people were agitated.

“Then trouble brother.” Du Wei said.

Lin Mo quickly flew towards the seal formation that came out of Yisna.

Soon, he came to the area where the Great Seal Array was located.

He probed it, and if he hadn’t seen the screen in Isnar’s soul, he wouldn’t be able to sense that there was a sealing circle appearing here.

Lin Mo released the domain of all things, and he could see the situation in this big formation suddenly. .

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