Chapter 173

In the Intermediate Wuzong area, in an area, energy is constantly emerging at this time.

Not long after, a magic circle emerged.

Although the level of this circle is not very high, it is very complex and combines many attributes.

With the passage of time, the power of this circle has lost its power.

Soon, a humanoid rushed out of it.

“Haha, I finally came out.” Yisna laughed loudly.

He has many carapace on his body, which looks weird.

Especially the mouth is very pointed, like a straw.

“I have been sealed for so many years, and now I finally came out, hehe, first find someone to suck some blood.” A pair of wings quickly appeared behind Yisna, and he flew quickly.

Soon, he found a Wuzong, this was the intermediate Wuzong of Tian’a Holy Land, who was hunting evil beasts and resentful spirits everywhere at this time.

In the ancient battlefield, hunting and killing evil spirits and evil beasts was the biggest income of these Wuzongs.

Of course, their situation has not been very good recently, because the resentful spirits and beasts have been greatly reduced recently, and their income has also decreased.

Many people suspect it has something to do with Lin Mo. After all, Lin Mo killed so many wraiths and monsters before.

Of course, what they knew was Lin Mo at the junior Wu Zong ancient battlefield.

As for Lin Mo’s hunting of Wraith Spirit and 13 Beasts here, they didn’t know.

After all, Lin Mo directly let his master buy it. If he took it to the exchange area for exchange, then they would know that this time, Lin Mo was doing a ghost.

Du Wei was looking around when he suddenly saw a creature flying towards him in the distance, and he was overjoyed.

He knew at a glance that the creature in front of him was not a human being.

Here, even humans can kill, let alone human beings.

Du Wei was a little excited, took out his weapon, and quickly released his understanding.

His domain is the meteorite domain, which combines the profound meaning of gravity, the profound meaning of earth, and the profound meaning of speed.

As his domain enveloped Yisna, the next moment, a large number of meteorites quickly smashed towards Yisna.

A gray streamer appeared on the surface of Yisna’s body.

The next moment, his body quickly passed through these meteorites and continued to approach Du Wei.

Du Wei’s face changed slightly, waving his treasured sword, and slashing towards Yisna fiercely.

Esna didn’t care at all, and moved on.

The blade light passed through him, and then landed on the ground with a bang.

Du Wei’s face turned blue when he saw that his sword light had no effect again.

A phantom Pixiu quickly rushed from his head, and quickly rushed toward Isna.

Mind skills!

Pai Yao opened his huge mouth and swallowed it towards Isna.

Esina’s double eyes looked at the attack, and he smiled, his mouth suddenly enlarged, forming a pipe, and he sucked hard.

I saw this Pixiu phantom, which was actually swallowed.

The Pixiu phantom was swallowed, and Du Wei’s face suddenly became extremely pale.

He looked at Isna with a look of fear in his eyes.

He quickly turned and fled.

Du Wei grasped the profound meaning of speed, extremely fast in speed.

At this moment, some pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. Those were some books he had read.

When I saw Yisna before, he just felt a little familiar.

Now he finally understood what it was.

“Zerg, and it’s still a human-eater among the Zerg!”

The Zerg is a very large ethnic group with a variety of species.

Man-eating bees are one of the most dangerous species.

Although it does not have the strong reproduction ability of the mother worm, it has extremely high lethality.

When fighting against the worm world, humans suffered great losses.

Later, people developed a poison to deal with this man-eating bee.

When the devouring bee swallows, mix in poison, and the devouring bee will die miserably after swallowing it.

Naturally, Du Wei didn’t have the poison at this time.

After all, too long had passed since the Zerg invasion at this time.

Now, in the entire Cangyun Great World, Zerg is basically out of sight.

Du Wei’s speed is very fast, but Isner’s speed is even faster.

Esna almost appeared behind Du Wei’s back, his long mouth pierced Du Wei’s back fiercely, and then quickly started to suck.

Du Wei only felt that the energy, blood, bone marrow, etc. from his body were constantly being sucked away.

His face changed drastically, and he was about to resist, suddenly he felt numb all over his body.


There was a look of despair on his face.

Not long after, only a piece of human skin with bones remained for Du Wei to be sucked by Esna.

Isna took the opponent’s ring, glanced at it, smiled, and then continued to rush towards the distance.

Lin Mo was closing in the cave, and suddenly, his token rang quickly.

When many people are closed, the communication function of the communication token will be temporarily closed.

This way, you won’t be disturbed when you retreat.

After all, when you are in retreat, you sometimes practice until the critical moment.

At this time, if the communication token rings, it is very dangerous.

But this is not a big deal for Lin Mo.

He is cultivating the body, not the energy, and this will not happen.

Lin Mo picked up the token and looked at it, his eyebrows raised slightly.

The one who asked for help was the Intermediate Wuzong of Xuanguang Holy Land.

Just now Lin Mo thought it was someone from the Eternal Dao Sect, but when you look closely, it turned out to be a Zerg.

He smiled slightly, put away the token, and quickly rushed outside.


Lin Mo is not worried. The nihilism of the other party is not a difficult problem for him.

Lin Mo quickly rushed in the direction where the man-eating bee was.


At this time, the seven major forces also received the news, and each one looked solemn.

A man-eating bee would not cause much trouble.

But at this time in the ancient battlefield, there are many intermediate Wuzongs.

If all were swallowed, it would definitely be a blow to the sect.

Moreover, once Human Eater is promoted, it will enter the advanced Wuzong area and even the peak Wuzong area.

At that time, big things will definitely happen.

While the seven major forces made people withdraw, they quickly searched for the original poison.

With the end of the war, the poison later disappeared.

It is very difficult to find it at this time.

Lin Mo rushed forward, his speed was extremely fast, even several times faster than Du Wei’s before.

Du Wei has mastered the profound meaning of speed, which is extremely fast, but Lin Mo has begun to improve the profound meaning of speed to the extreme, a person who can almost comprehend the law of speed.

Moreover, Lin Mo’s strength is much stronger than Du Wei, and his speed is naturally much faster.

Soon, Lin Mo saw the brother who was calling for help, but the opponent was not one person, but five people.

The five people worked together, and they were not killed instantly.

But the situation is not good at this time, and he is extremely embarrassed. If no one is rescued, it is estimated that he will be sucked up soon.

The Manchewing Bee is worthy of being a well-known existence among the Zerg, and it is extremely powerful.

ps: My father is hospitalized, and he has been busy in the hospital for the past two days. Taking advantage of the opportunity to come back to rest, I wrote a little bit. .

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