Chapter 164

Soon, the training room was also put up for auction.

The next thing is becoming more and more precious.

Lin Mo basically has no chance to shoot behind.

Originally, he was also fond of another thing, but after all, he still didn’t have enough money to afford it.

Soon, the auction was over.

Lin Mo walked out of the private room, waiting for Wan Guangming to arrive.

Although he can also reach the top level, the best position is still not his turn, and Wan Guangming is different. He is in the best position.

Soon, Wan Guangming walked over.

But he didn’t come alone. By his side, there were the ancestors of the Bermu Empire that Lin Mo had seen before.

The ancestor of Bermu looked at Lin Mo and sighed: “Lin Mo, I didn’t expect you to become Wu Zong so quickly. Last time you left me, you have already condensed the spirit of the Grand Master.”

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and did not answer.

Although many people thought about this matter, Lin Mo did not admit that there could be fewer crises.

The ancestor of Bermu looked at Lin Mo and smiled, but Lin Mo did not have to answer.

Soon, Lin Mo and Wan Guangming went back alone.

Flying in the sky, Lin Mo asked curiously: “Master, do you know who the person who photographed the training room was before?”

Wan Guangming thought for a while and said, “It should be the Tuoba Dao ancestor of the Eternal Dao Sect.”

Eternal Dao Sect…

Lin Mo thought that he really had a relationship with the Eternal Dao Sect.

I killed so many people of the Eternal Dao Sect before, and now the cultivation room I want is also in the hands of the people of the Eternal Dao Sect.

However, the ancestors of the Eternal Dao Sect are at least at the Martial Saint level, and may even be the peak of the Martial Saint. It is not so easy to get this training room from their hands.

But Lin Mo is not in a hurry, he will talk about this problem when he reaches the realm of Martial Saint.

Lin Mo said again: “Master, can that world tree let me feel for a while.”

Wan Guangming looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: “Do you want to comprehend the law of life?”

Lin Mo nodded and said, “My causal realm is composed of the four profound meanings of life, death, destruction, and destiny. If these profound meanings can be evolved into laws, the realm will be stronger.”

“No problem. I originally planned to refine it into a weapon. Since you need it, I will lend it to you for a period of time. But if you don’t feel it, you can return it to me without getting too entangled. After all, the law is very difficult to comprehend.”

“Got it.” Lin Mo smiled.

For this, he is still very confident.

At the beginning, he also fully comprehended all kinds of artistic conceptions through a freely graffiti work by an upright and powerful person.

Therefore, Lin Mo is very confident in understanding the law.

Returning to the Holy Land of Xuanguang, Lin Mo began to retreat again.

He first took out the blood of the mountain giant.

Lin Mo opened his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

The next moment, he felt his body was like a volcanic eruption, which was extremely uncomfortable.

His whole body was hot, his strength skyrocketed, and his body began to swell uncontrollably.

Soon, Lin Mo’s body rose to several tens of meters.

However, his training room itself is also very large, but it can hold it.

However, if it grows to be as tall as a kilometer as he displays his magical powers, then it will not be able to hold it.

At this time, Lin Mo realized that he really wanted to become a mountain giant.

When your bloodline is pure to a certain level, then in fact, you have become that race.

Lin Mo himself has the blood of the mountain giant, only to take the blood of the mountain giant again.

And the current bloodline was drawn from the real mountain giant.

It can be said that the purity of blood he possessed at this time was no worse than those of true mountain giants.

But Lin Mo didn’t want to be a mountain giant, he didn’t want to be as huge as those alien beasts.

Lin Mo began to compress his body again, his body began to shrink, just like the last time, and finally became the same height again.

Seeing the restoration to the original state, Lin Mo couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, he still felt a steady flow of power.

The bloodline of the mountain giant is too strong.

And Lin Mo estimated that the mountain giant that was killed may be of the martial sage level.

The bloodlines proposed by mountain giants of different strengths are also different.

Had it not been for Lin Mo’s body to be much stronger than the average Wuzong-level powerhouse, it is estimated that his body had exploded at this time.

Lin Mo took out the machine and punched it up.


Two thousand nine hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and thirty thousand catties!

Looking at this number, Lin Mo himself was stunned.

This time, he actually increased a billion strength, which is worthy of being the blood of a pure mountain giant.

At the same time, a new magical power quickly formed in Lin Mo’s mind.

Earth escape!

After being powerful, the mountain clan is actually very close to the earth and possesses a lot of magical powers related to the earth.

Earth escape is just one of the more common abilities.

Even Lin Mo himself possesses this ability, after all, he is also a person who has mastered the profound meaning of earth.

But Lin Mo soon discovered that this Tu Dun was different from the Tu Dun he had already mastered.

The earth escape of the mountain giant, that is the real fast.

Subsequently, Lin Mo strengthened his spirit again.

Last time, he strengthened his spirit and raised a full 2 ​​billion jin of strength.

This time, as the body is strengthened again, the power he can improve must also be greatly increased.

Lin Mo punched it down.


The machine shook for a while, as if it was about to explode.

It has been shown that this machine can withstand tens of billions of catties, but Lin Mo feels very mysterious.

On the machine, the numbers jumped quickly.

6.3 billion and 132.1 million catties.

This has reached the level of advanced Wuzong’s strength.

“It’s okay, you can also go to the primary Wuzong area for a stroll. If this directly breaks through to more than 3 billion catties, it is estimated that you will be teleported to the intermediate Wuzong area~”.

Lin Mo doesn’t practice anymore, it won’t be good if he practices too much.

He went to Qin Long again to buy some pills, and then entered the ancient battlefield again.

Entering the ancient battlefield, Lin Mo took a look at the surrounding environment, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no direct transmission to the intermediate area.

His power is too close to the Intermediate Wuzong, and it is normal to be directly teleported to the Intermediate area.

Lin Mo quickly flew towards the sea of ​​death.

Coming to the beach again, Lin Mo released his domain and felt it, and found that none of the plants and shells had come back.

But this is also normal, Lin Mo harvested too hard before.

However, before Lin Mo’s Grandmaster Soul broke through to the pinnacle of Wuzong realm, the domain has expanded tens of thousands of meters compared to before.

In this way, some of the plants and shells that were in the safe area before have been caught by Lin Mo again.

But Lin Mo found that even so, he wouldn’t be able to catch too many.

He was a little disappointed.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, so can’t you let it go.

This time when he went to the auction, Lin Mo had seen other people’s financial resources.

Compared with them, Lin Mo’s financial resources are still too weak.

Lin Mo began to arrest, and soon, he caught all the flowers and shells in his field.

At this time, a voice from the bottom of the sea sounded: “. 々 The seal has been weakened again, and finally I can use a handful of power. Hey, I sensed that it is the person who is weakening the seal. I want to catch him and let him completely remove it for me. seal.”

A soul power rushed out of the seal and rushed towards Lin Mo quickly.

Lin Mo’s face changed drastically, this soul power was extremely powerful, almost comparable to himself.

The most important thing is that this soul power is much higher in quality than Lin Mo himself.

Lin Mo quickly displayed the ability to restore the domain of all things, and this soul power quickly shrank.

At this time, the person who was sealed was shocked.

He felt that his soul power was rapidly diminishing, and the problem was that there was no way to diminish his ability.

But he is not afraid, and with his remaining soul power, dealing with Lin Mo is not a problem.

Seeing that the soul power was about to reach Lin Mo’s side, Lin Mo quickly displayed the soul supernatural power he had just acquired.

A huge vortex appeared, and the next moment, this soul power was completely swallowed by Lin Mo.

The innate supernatural powers of the ocean giants, the soul swallows.

At this time, after these soul powers entered the vortex, as the vortex continued to rotate, the will in the soul power was quickly wiped out.

A stream of pure soul power is quickly injected into the soul of the master.

Lin Mo felt that his soul of the master was about to be promoted again.

Once promoted, you will reach the martial arts level.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly wanted to thank the person (Zhao Li Zhao) who sent the soul power, this is to help himself.

Under Lin Mo’s magical powers, this soul power has no ability to turn around, and the will inside is constantly being wiped out.

At this time, inside the seabed, the sealed person screamed.

“Ah, ah, how is it possible, how can there be such a terrifying supernatural power, damn it, return my soul power.”

This time, this person not only did not take advantage of any benefits, but also lost a large part of his soul power.

At this time, he didn’t dare to release his soul power anymore.

If he was swallowed again, then he would become an idiot.

After hesitating, this person still did not release the rest of his soul power.

At this moment he waited silently, waiting for the seal to continue to weaken so that he could go out.

But what he didn’t know was that the seal would be weakened entirely because of Lin Mo, and after this time, Lin Mo would never come again, so he had no chance to go out at all.

Lin Mo is constantly devouring these soul powers at this time.

This group of soul power is extremely large, and the quality is extremely high.

As it continued to swallow, Lin Mo’s Grandmaster Soul turned out to be stronger.

Finally, his soul power reached a certain level, and he was promoted again.

The soul of a martial arts-level master.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt that he was extremely powerful. .

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