Chapter 153

Gu Dao was very excited at this time, but he didn’t expect to meet Lin Mo here.

He is a disciple of the Eternal Taoist School.

Previously, after the Dao Ancestor Mingshan returned, he issued an order to kill Lin Mo.

Of course, this chase order was only issued internally, not externally.

In the secret realm, although Lin Mo killed all of them, it was in compliance with the regulations. If he issued such an order to the outside, he would be resisted by other sects instead.

Gu Dao had also seen the killing order before, and the rewards were very rich, and he was moved by a Wuzong-level powerhouse.

Before he regretted that he didn’t have the chance to finish it, but he was actually met here, which made him extremely excited.

“Haha, boy, I dared to come here as soon as I was promoted to Wu Zong, and I will send you to hell.” Gu Dao laughed loudly.

Lin Mo was also a little stunned at this time. He didn’t expect that the first person he met here was actually a member of the Eternal Dao Sect.

Immediately, Lin Mo smiled.

Fortunately, I haven’t fought with the Wu Zong powerhouse yet, just test it out.

Lin Mo quickly released his own causal realm.

In the next moment, the realm of cause and effect quickly covered the ancient road.

Gu Dao also quickly displayed his domain, unlike Lin Mo, which was more than 10,000 meters in scope, the Gu Dao’s domain was only three meters, just covering himself.

Gu Dao smiled and said: “I have known that your causal realm is very powerful, but it has no effect on me. In my nihility realm, no other people’s realm can have any effect.”

The realm of the old road can actually be opened to several kilometers, but he dare not, after all, Lin Mo’s is a top-level realm.

At the Wu Zong level, the gap between the 13 domains will become larger and larger, and even if the top domain suppresses the following domains, it will cause the opponent’s domain to lose its effect.

Lin Mo punched it out, directly adding all his thought power, making his punch reach a power of 2 billion jin.

Lin Mo didn’t know the old way, so he should be cautious and use all his power directly.

Lin Mo’s fist appeared directly outside the realm of nothingness, unable to directly attack the ancient road.

Seeing this situation, Gu Dao breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was being attacked by unknowns. This situation will not happen now.

As for Lin Mo’s attack entering his void domain, and then attacking him, he was not worried.

After all, he is a veteran and junior Wuzong, and he has been promoted to Wuzong for more than 20 years. Even if Lin Mo has a strong talent, he doesn’t think he can’t handle it.

He also shook his fist quickly and slammed into Lin Mo’s attack.


The two attacks collided.

The next moment, Gu Dao’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He spit out blood and flew out.

“How is this possible? How can his power be so powerful? Is this really just a short time after breakthrough?”

The old road is full of shock.

It has been more than 20 years since he broke through Wuzong. With energy and strength, he can reach 1.4 billion catties. With the strengthening of his spirit, he can also reach 1.7 billion catties. Finally, with other artistic conceptions, he can reach 1.8 billion catties.

But Lin Mo’s punch actually far exceeded his own strength.

At this time, Lin Mo was also a little stunned.

His own punch actually severely injured the opponent.

Lin Mo actually didn’t have much judgment about Wu Zong, thinking that he was actually weak.

He is ready to escape. With his advanced Wuzong-level body and speed, he can completely run past other Wuzongs, and even easily get rid of them.

As a result, there is no need to run at all.

“If that’s the case, don’t blame me for being impolite.” Lin Mo snorted and quickly chased after him.

At this time it was Gu Dao’s turn to panic, and he quickly sprinted towards the distance.

But he found tragically that he was not as fast as Lin Mo.

This made him wonder who just broke through.

At this time, he was full of regrets. He knew that when he first met Lin Mo, he should run far away instead of getting together.

Soon, he was caught up by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo took out the weapon he had just obtained, the Void Hammer.

After he obtained this weapon, he hadn’t used it yet.

At this moment, Qi Ling looked at the ancient road fleeing ahead, and said disdainfully: “A junior Wuzong needs me to take action too?”

Lin Mo laughed, let’s test the power first.

Lin Mo waved the void hammer and smashed it down towards the ancient road.

I saw runes on the surface of the Void Hammer, directly consuming the energy in the surrounding space, and then the attack power became even more terrifying.


Lin Mo hit it hard with a hammer.

This time, he didn’t use the causal domain ability, because he was just above the ancient path.

Gu Dao gritted his teeth and quickly sacrificed a treasure.

This is a piece of white jade, emitting white light, quickly forming a protective cover.

This is what he got in this ancient battlefield. The original level was very high, but it has been abandoned in this battlefield without knowing how many years, and now there are not many powers left.

Of course, even so, the defense is stronger than Gu Dao himself.


The hammer hit the defensive cover fiercely, and then the whole piece of white jade was directly shattered, and the defensive cover shattered.

There was despair in Gu Dao’s heart. It was unbelievable that Lin Mo’s attack power was so powerful.

The Void Hammer hit Gu Dao’s body severely, directly smashing him.

Lin Mo put away the hammer, and was also amazed. This hammer, the power is probably almost 3 billion catties, it is worthy of the peak weapon of Martial Saint, it is powerful.

Lin Mo took the Gudao Space Ring and started to check it, and then smiled.

Gudao is worthy of being a Wuzong-level powerhouse. There is a lot of wealth in the ring, and there are thousands of square energy crystals.

This is much more than what Lin Mo had gained from robbing other Wuhuangs before.

Even Lin Mo’s previous gains in the Jiyuan Mountains are actually almost the same as this time.

But this is also very normal. It is much easier for a Wuzong-level powerhouse to accumulate wealth than Wuhuang.

After killing the ancient road, Lin Mo found that several resentful spirits rushed towards this side.

Dead people here, the other party’s soul was blown up by Lin Mo, the soul power dissipated, and these soul powers are the best food for the resentful spirits.

Lin Mo didn’t rush to leave, first kill these resentful spirits.

Soon, the resentful spirit arrived.

The resentful spirits here have different shapes, some are formed by the remnants of human souls, and some are formed by the remnants of other alien beasts, zergs, abyss races and other races after their deaths.

The wraith spirits formed by the remnants of different races have different shapes.

Of the five wraith spirits that came at this time, two were in the shape of a human, one in the shape of a giant bull, one in the shape of a tiger, and one in the shape of a bug.

The five resentful spirits rushed towards this side frantically, one by one, their auras rising, and the green light in their eyes flickered, just like a starving ghost.

Lin Mo quickly released his domain of all things and displayed his ability to restore.

These resentful spirits quickly dissipated as soon as they entered Lin Mo’s domain.

These resentful spirits screamed, and a series of soul attacks were launched towards Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo also discovered that his field has become larger.

The attacks of these wraith spirits had not reached Lin Mo before they were directly restored.

If this is not enough, it will attack Lin Mo.

The wraith is formed by the remnant soul condensing special energy, and the most powerful is naturally the soul attacked.

Finally, the resentful spirit became frightened and ran away quickly.

“I want to escape, it’s too late!” Lin Mo shouted coldly.

He used the realm of cause and effect and hit the resentful spirit who wanted to flee with a punch, blasting the opponent directly.

Immediately, Lin Mo made another four punches, exploding the other four wraiths, and didn’t rely on the domain of all things to slowly grind.

After putting away the four souls, Lin Mo continued to move towards the grotto.

Not long after he left, another person appeared in this area.

This person is wearing the same eternal Taoist clothes as Gudao, looking at this area.

“The battle just took place here. At least five resentful spirits died and people died, but the battle ended so quickly. Could there be any strong people around here?”

Gu Zhen looked around, then contacted his brother Gu Dao.

But soon, he found that Gu Dao did not respond.

This made him feel bad.

“Is it the old way that just died here?” Gu Zhen was depressed.

“If this is the case, no matter who kills Gu Dao, I will ask him to pay for his life in 747.” Gu Zhen coldly shouted.

He is one of the overlords of this primary Wuzong area, and he has this confidence.

Lin Mo naturally didn’t know that Gu Dao had an older brother, of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

At this time, he quickly moved in the direction of the grotto.

After flying for another day, he finally reached the area where the grotto was.

The entire grotto is like a mountain range, with a height of several kilometers, and there are many caves everywhere.

And the grotto is obviously still deep underground, hiding in such a place, it is estimated that it will be difficult for others to find him.

Lin Mo tried to attack, and a billion jin of power fell on the grotto, only to smash the grotto about ten meters.

And this grotto stretches for tens of thousands of miles, even if the elementary Wuzong wants to destroy it, it is estimated that it will not be known for many years.

This made Lin Mo more at ease. He got into the grotto and quickly dived into it.

The entire grotto is full of various passages, just like a maze.

Sometimes, Lin Mo will encounter a dead end when he advances. He directly breaks the stone wall in front, opens up another passage, and then moves on.

There are also other creatures in this grotto, another creature from the ancient battlefield, the beast.

Shamon is a kind of creature that only knows how to kill after being eroded by the murderous aura of the ancient battlefield here.

While the murderous aura eroded, it also transformed these monsters, making them stronger.

Of course, regardless of whether the evil beast or the resentful spirit, they must abide by the rules here, and only the primary Wuzong level can exist.

Once it exceeds this level, it will be forcibly teleported to a higher level area.

Lin Mo looked at the evil beast in front of him, and found that the other party was somewhat similar to himself, without energy, relying entirely on a powerful body.

Lin Mo quickly fought the evil beast, and it didn’t take long before the evil beast was killed by Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo killed the beast, he put away the opponent’s body and moved on.

After tens of thousands of miles in the grotto, Lin Mo finally chose a good position and began to practice. .

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