Chapter 151

When Lin Mo moved forward, the weapons beside him shook extremely hard.

One by one even wanted to be able to fly directly to Lin Mo’s side.

The weapon is alive, so naturally I want to choose the best master for myself.

It’s a pity that the magic circle is extremely powerful, and it’s simply not what these weapons can resist.

Lin Mo quickly walked through the first level-one kilometer.

When Lin Mo entered the second stratum, the weapons of the first stratum continued to shine.

When Lin Mo Lin Mo entered the second stratum, the 800 weapons here lit up at the same time, and then they trembled continuously.

Seeing this scene, the viewer took a deep breath again.

Generally, the more you go up, the fewer and fewer weapons you will have.

Generally, if there are ten weapons on the first floor to choose you, then on the second floor, there will be seven or eight weapons at most, and even five or six are normal.

At this time, these eight hundred weapons all radiated light, which represented that the eight hundred intermediate Wuzong-level weapons all fell in love with Lin Mo.

This situation is more shocking than Lin Mo’s choice of 1,000 weapons before.

“What the hell is going on? The first class had all the choices before, and the second class had all the choices. When did these weapons become so cheap?”

Looking at this situation, many Wu Zong felt a little sour in their hearts.

When they first went up the mountain, few weapons were willing to choose them, and in the end they could only choose from a limited number of weapons.

Many of their fancy weapons did not choose them at all, which made them very disappointed.

At this time, the noble weapon that was used to treat them before, at this time, is like a licking dog, shaking constantly at Lin Mo, making these Wu Zong very sad.

But even if these weapons were shaking very badly, Lin Mo didn’t choose them.

The weapons here are very mixed, ranging from swords, guns, swords and sticks to pens, inks, papers, inkstones, seals, axes, and so on. There are all kinds of peculiar weapons.

Lin Mo moved on, his gaze toward the top of the mountain.

Since you can only choose one, it is natural to choose the best.

Soon, Lin Mo entered the third tier.

There are only about six hundred weapons here.

When Lin Mo walked here, all the weapons also glowed and swayed constantly, hoping that Lin Mo could choose them.

Although the people at the foot of the mountain had already expected it, when they saw this scene, they were still very shocked, and at the same time, very envious.

At this moment they can’t wait for them to walk on it.

The third class is high-level Wuzong weapons. For absolute Wuzong, when they entered before, there was no weapon to choose them here.

Generally speaking, the soul of a third-class grandmaster has one or two classes, while the soul of a second-class grandmaster has two or three classes.

The soul of the first-class master is three or four classes.

When Wan Guangming and others chose weapons, they also chose the fourth class.

However, they had very few weapons to choose from at the time, and they couldn’t be like Lin Mo at all.

The third stratum Lin Mo quickly passed, and then he went to the fourth stratum.

Here are all the weapons of the pinnacle Wuzong.

When Lin Mo walked up, all the weapons also glowed at the same time and swayed.

Seeing this scene, Wan Guangming smiled bitterly: “Even I am a little envious of this kid.”

The other holy masters nodded involuntarily.

They had reached the fourth stratum.

At that time, the weapons they could choose were also very limited.

The entire fourth class has about 300 weapons. When they first went up, they actually had only five or six weapons for them to choose from.

It can only be said that although the soul of the special grandmaster and the soul of the first-class grandmaster are only one level different, they are actually quite different.

Lin Mo looked at the three hundred shaking weapons, still had no choice, but continued to walk forward.

Soon, he reached the fifth level.

This is a Wusheng-level weapon, and the number is also sharply reduced compared to the previous one.

There are only sixty weapons here, very few.

When Lin Mo walked here, these weapons did not light up immediately, not even one of them.

The people at the bottom of this scene were stunned.

“Is the fourth tier his limit, and the fifth tier’s weapons do not match him?” Someone wondered.

“It shouldn’t be. Just now, all the weapons of the fourth tier were on. It is impossible to reach the fifth tier and not even one weapon will be on.”

Not only those Wuzong Wuhuang were very puzzled, but at this time, Wan Guangming and several holy masters were also very puzzled.

“Could it be that here we can only choose to reach the Wuzong level, so when we were in the fifth stratum, we did not have weapons to choose us, not because of our problems, but no one would have weapons to choose when they went up?” Wan Guangming guessed.

Several other holy masters could not help but nod their heads.

It’s not their dishes, but the weapons of the fifth floor, really don’t choose people.

When everyone was puzzled, suddenly, a weapon lit up and swayed quickly.

At the next moment, all the weapons on the fifth floor were lit up, all swaying constantly, appearing very enthusiastic, and at the same time the weapon that lit up first was attacked by other weapons.

Everyone who saw this picture again was dumbfounded.

Many people don’t understand the situation, and they didn’t have a choice of weapons before, so how come there are so many suddenly.

Could it be that the Wusheng-level sensing ability is worse than the Wuzong-level weapon sensing below?

That’s why it took so long to react?

However, all the junior martial arts weapons choose Lin Mo, which shocked many people again.

In the eyes of many people, the fifth stratum should have dropped sharply, but it turns out that they still choose all of them.

At this time, several holy masters can see the situation clearly, and they are all a little dumbfounded.

Zhuge Liufeng smiled and said: “These martial arts-level weapons have actually learned to be reserved. I don’t want to choose too quickly. It seems that I am the same as the Wuzong-level weapons below. I can’t help it anymore, I’m afraid Lin Mo will choose directly.”

Wan Guangming also smiled and said: “It seems that our previous thoughts were wrong. We were in the fifth class back then. Without weapons to choose us, we really look down on us.”

Lin Mo was a little nervous at first, but he didn’t have a martial arts weapon to choose himself. At this time, he also figured out the reason, and Wei Wei was speechless.

Immediately, he continued to walk towards the front.

Regardless of whether he chooses these weapons or not, he has to go to the top to take a look.

Lin Mo went on.

The sixth tier is an intermediate martial arts weapon.

Perhaps I saw the jokes about the junior martial sage weapons below, but these intermediate martial sages didn’t make such a joke anymore and chose Lin Mo directly.

There are more than twenty weapons in total here.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Lin Mo glanced at these weapons. To tell the truth, these weapons are extremely powerful, which really moved Lin Mo’s heart.

If there is no better choice, Lin Mo doesn’t mind choosing these weapons.

Lin Mo looked up and saw the seventh class with ten weapons.

High-level martial arts weapons.

With Lin Mo’s current strength, the junior martial sage-level weapons are actually too powerful for him to use them all.

But Lin Mo continued to move forward.

Soon, he set foot on the seventh level.

These ten weapons all lit up instantly, and Lin Mo was chosen.

Lin Mo didn’t choose immediately, but looked at the above.

The eighth level has no weapons.

This makes Lin Mo a little disappointed, he also wants to choose a peak martial arts weapon.

Lin Mo looked at these ten weapons and planned to choose one from them.

Soon, Lin Mo chose.

He uses a knife, and one of these ten weapons is a knife.

Just as Lin Mo was about to reach out to grab the knife, suddenly the ground of the eighth level exploded, and a hammer flew out of the ground.

……. …. …….

Not only Lin Mo was stunned to see this situation, but the people watching below were also very stunned.

Peak martial arts weapon!

This weapon is not suspended on the ground like other weapons, but hidden under the ground.

And it is different from other weapons, other weapons are imprisoned in one place, and this hammer is not like that.

At this time, the hammer rushed over, and a hammer hit the long knife. The breath of the knife fell, and it quickly lay on the ground and surrendered directly.

Immediately, the hammer fell in front of the inside, and a girl’s voice came out from inside: “Choose me.”

Lin Mo was slightly stunned. The general spirits only have a little wisdom. Just like some cats and dogs, they can express joy and dislike, but the wisdom is actually not high.

And the spirit of this hammer actually reached the level of a human being.

This is no longer comparable to other weapons.

Lin Mo grabbed the hammer, suddenly felt a tingling pain in his palm, and then some blood sank into the hammer.

This hammer succeeded in acknowledging the Lord.

In the next moment, information about the hammer quickly came to his mind.

Void hammer.

Forged 39,000 years ago, after a total of three masters, and the second director, the machine spirit was created.

The spirit of this void hammer was born after the hammer itself had passed through the nurturing, and it was not sealed in after capturing some elemental spirits.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that in terms of intelligence, it is much higher than other weapons.

With the success of acknowledgment, the hammer was directly integrated into Lin Mo’s body, and then stayed in Lin Mo’s dantian.

But soon, the hammer ran into Lin Mo’s mind again.

Lin Mo’s dantian has no energy, which is obviously not the place where Void Hammer likes to stay.

“My name is Ya Ya. If you need to fight in the future, remember to call me, but if you don’t have energy injection, I can only play the level of the peak Wuzong weapon.”

Whether a weapon is strong or not, to a large extent, it also depends on the master.

“Enough, I will get you some energy absorption in the future.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

He turned and walked down the mountain. This time, he was very satisfied with the trip to the Weapon Mountain.

At this time, the other weapons were shaking weakly, obviously disappointed that he was not selected by Lin Mo. Spoon.

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