Chapter 15

The team entered the wilderness, and there were all kinds of ruins, stones, and trees everywhere.

Lin Mo followed the other four forward.

The other four people, in addition to Jin Meng, the other three are Liu Huo, Brother Liu Tu, and Chen Yun.

The two brothers are twins and look very similar.

“This is mainly the place where ordinary alien beasts exist. For us, it is not too dangerous. The only problem is that these low-level alien beasts like to be in groups and often have several teams as soon as they appear. Therefore, we warriors, come out. All must be teamed up.”

Jin Meng said with a smile.

These are only common warriors know, but Jin Meng knows that Lin Mo is entering the wilderness for the first time, and specially introduces him.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “This strange beast seems to have a lot more appearance than our warriors.”

“This is indeed the case, but this is the bottom level, and the top level won’t. As long as the alien beast grows up, it will be at the martial level. In this regard, we humans are indeed much worse, but the alien beast’s understanding is not as high as ours. It mainly depends on blood. , And the high-level bloodline, the generation of offspring is very rare.” Chen Yun said.

As a group of people walked, they introduced Lin Mo to the situation of the wilderness, which quickly improved Lin Mo’s knowledge of the wilderness.

This is much better than what the teacher explained in class.

Lin Mo’s awareness of the wilderness has rapidly increased.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Several other people looked at Lin Mo in amazement, and Jin Meng asked, “What’s wrong.”

Lin Mo looked at the direction they were heading, and said, “There is a strange animal!”

The other four people who heard this were stunned.

They didn’t find it, but Lin Mo did. It wouldn’t be a mistake.

“There are five heads in total, they are a bit huge, they should be rhinos.” Lin Mo said again.

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, the four of them were shocked again. Not only did they say the number, but even the type.

They didn’t even find the strange beasts. Lin Mo not only found out, but also said the number and type, which made them a little confused.

Liu Huo said with a smile: “You can’t make a mistake. Didn’t we find it?”

Jin Meng and others also nodded.

Lin Mo smiled slightly: “If you go forward a little bit, you’ll know. Anyway, it’s some ordinary monsters, you can kill them when you encounter them.”

Others thought so, and the group continued to move forward.

They just walked a kilometer and still did not find the existence of the alien beast, which made them even more suspicious that Lin Mo had made a mistake in his judgment.

However, in their opinion, this is also very normal. After all, Lin Mo is the first time in the wilderness, and it is normal to make a mistake.

Only Lin Mo has a smile on his face and an extremely confident expression on his face.

After another five hundred meters, Jin Meng took the lead in showing an abnormality on her face and shouted: “There is a strange animal.”

The others couldn’t help but were slightly surprised, and glanced at Lin Mo again, wondering if it was really the strange beasts Lin Mo said.

If this is the case, it would be terrifying. Lin Mo could have spotted a strange animal more than a kilometer earlier.

Everyone continued to move forward, and after more than a hundred meters, everyone found the existence of the alien beast.

After another kilometer, I finally saw the strange beasts.

When they saw the strange beasts, Jin Meng and others all turned their heads abruptly and looked at Lin Mo in shock.

The situation is exactly the same as Lin Mo said.

In front of them, there are really five alien beasts, and they are also rhinoceros, thunderball rhinos.

Thunderball rhinos are twice the size of ordinary rhinos. The skin on the body is gray and white, and the head has three sharp horns.

The biggest difference from an ordinary rhino is that this guy has a thorny ball at the end of his tail, and there are flashes of lightning on it from time to time, so it is called a thunderball rhino.

In terms of strength, Thunderball Rhinoceros is about the same strength as the Dark Tiger slaughtered by Lin Mo.

However, one tends to be agile, and the other tends to be heavy.

These five thunderball rhinos, naturally, will not cause any problems to them, even if any of the five of them makes a single shot, they can easily kill the five thunderball rhinos.

At this time, the other four people were shocked that Lin Mo was able to spot these strange beasts so much in advance.

You know, in this wilderness, not to mention the discovery more than one kilometer in advance, even if it is discovered more than a hundred meters in advance, the result will be very different.

“Lin Mo, you are too amazing, could it be some kind of your ability?” Jin Meng said joyfully.

He originally just wanted to make good friends with Lin Mo, but now he is pleasantly surprised to find that Lin Mo is of great help to them.

Lin Mo shook his head and said, “I just feel more sensitive.”

Lin Mo recalled his training these days, with a smile on his mouth.

These days, when he trains, he almost constantly consumes his mental power. Every time he finishes training, his whole body is exhausted to the point of falling asleep.

This kind of training naturally results in a very rapid increase in mental power.

Nowadays, Lin Mo’s mental power is much stronger than that of ordinary martial artists. In fact, Lin Mo discovered it earlier, but he didn’t want to be so abnormal.

“Haha, with Lin Mo you, we must be able to gain more this time.” Chen Yun said happily.

“Yes, in advance, in this wilderness, it is super important.” Liu Tu also sighed.

After speaking, he smiled and said, “I’ll go and kill these five strange beasts first.”

The five are all intermediate warriors, killing these strange beasts is extremely easy.

Liu Tu has a rich combat experience, using his speed to specifically attack the weakness of the Thunderball Rhino’s neck, and easily kill these guys.

Soon, Liu Tu dug out five purple crystals from these rhinos.

This spar is the core of the alien beast, and it is also the most valuable thing in the alien beast.

“These strange beasts were the first Lin Mo you discovered, and this core belongs to you.” Liu Tu said with a smile.

“How can this work?” Lin Mo waved his hand.

“Anyway, the core of this low-level alien beast is not worth the money. Just take it Lin Mo, and you can divide it when you kill the intermediate-level alien beast.” Jin Meng said with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded and took these kernels.

A doubt emerged in his heart, if this thing is eaten, can it increase strength?

In terms of energy, the inner core is definitely much better than the alien meat.

Everyone walked for a long time, but did not move on at this time, cut some meat, and began to barbecue.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was shocked to see Lin Mo taking out a lot of seasoning from his backpack.

“Lin Mo, you are very good at eating.” Jin Meng was also a little bit dumbfounded.

When entering the wilderness, everyone is actually ready to endure hardships. It is naturally impossible to be like in the city in the wilderness.

But Lin Mo is like traveling.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “I have more appetite, so I prepare more seasonings.”

Several people originally thought Lin Mo was just talking casually, but soon they discovered that Lin Mo’s so-called more, completely different from what they had imagined.

I saw a large piece of alien animal meat being eaten by Lin Mo, almost a whole head.

The meat he eats may be bigger than Lin Mo’s body.

The other four people who were watching were dumbfounded.

Alien animal meat contains energy, but it’s not easy to digest, especially because it contains other messy energy, so even if they eat, they won’t eat too much.

It was the first time they saw it like Lin Mo.

“Uh… I’m full.”

Lin Mo exhaled.

Looking at the meat of these alien animals, he was full of sighs, and he was eating more and more.

Lin Mo used to eat ten catties to digest it, but now, he needs to eat more.

“Lin Mo, your appetite is so good.” Jin Meng sighed.

The other four people also nodded. What an appetite is this? It is estimated that the alien beasts do not have his appetite.

This guy is probably more edible than a strange beast.

“I can’t practice, I just eat some to supplement my physical needs.” Lin Mo said casually.

The other four suddenly realized that it was so.

After a short break, the five went on the road again.

Relying on Lin Mo’s foresight, several people can always spot the alien beast first and behead it.

Looking at the corpse of an intermediate-level alien beast on the ground, Liu Huo said with a smile: “It’s pretty good that we can kill one or two intermediate-level alien beasts when we come out. Five heads, thanks to Lin Mo.”

“Yeah, if it weren’t for Lin Mo, we would have missed several intermediate monsters.” Liu Tu also sighed.

It is relatively easy for them to detect low-level alien beasts, but it is more difficult to detect intermediate-level alien beasts.

But for Lin Mo, there is no difference.

And with the direct result, a few strange beasts, whatever type, would be better to kill them.

Lin Mo smiled slightly: “I’m just lucky.”

Lin Mo reached into the body of a middle-level alien beast and pulled out a blue inner core.

This intermediate-level strange beast is of water attribute.

Throwing the kernel into the bag, Lin Mo began to cut the meat of the strange beast.

The energy contained in the meat of an intermediate-level alien beast is much stronger than that of a lower-level alien beast.

In the past few days, Lin Mo did not do squats, push-ups and other strengthening strengths, but changed to running.

Each step of running doesn’t add much strength, but when it accumulates, it’s also very impressive.

The most important thing is that others have not found out.

If someone finds that Lin Mo is just doing push-ups, squats, etc., his strength can continue to skyrocket, and it is estimated to be shocked to death, and then it is estimated that he wants to catch him and study it.

“Next is our goal this time, the one-eyed anaconda in Blackwater Pool.” Jin Meng said with a smile.

ps: More than three thousand words big chapter, ask for a monthly ticket for the evaluation of flowers.

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