Chapter 147

Baimu Chengguang’s face suddenly turned pale, and the whole person stepped back a lot.

Looking at Lin Mo, she felt a panic.

Baimu Chengguang gritted his teeth and was about to perform his last trick.

This trick also has certain sequelae to her.

This is her bottom-pressing move.

Otherwise, although the trick just now is very powerful, it is still very difficult to secure the position of the No. 1 Martial Emperor of the Bermu Empire.

She was about to use it, when the ancestor Bermu’s voice suddenly sounded in her mind: “Give up, you are not his opponent, even if you use that skill, you are not his opponent. He dealt with you without even half of his strength. Woolen cloth.”

Baimu Chengguang hesitated after hearing it, and still gave up the ability to use that skill. If the difference between the two of them is not big, they can still fight, but if the difference is too big, then they can’t fight.

However, she has always been arrogant, her eyes flushed at the thought of losing, and tears flowed out.

She gave Lin Mo a stern look and shouted, “I admit defeat.”

After speaking, she turned and left quickly.

There was an uproar in the audience, and Baimu Chengguang actually gave in.

With Bermuda’s orange light surrendering, Lin Mo equaled to defeating all the martial emperors of the entire Bermu Empire.

This allowed his accumulation to increase rapidly again.

Sure enough, as Lin Mo expected, it increased by a third.

As long as he defeated the strongest Martial Emperor of the three major forces, Lin Mo could begin to condense the spirit of the Grand Master.

“Thank you, Brother Baimu.” Wan Guangming said with a smile.

He can also feel that Lin Mo’s accumulation has deepened again.

The ancestor of Bermu looked at Lin Mo with admiration and smiled: “If you don’t let the two of them marry, what do you think, we can be regarded as a pro-in-law.”

Wan Guangming was taken aback for a while, and then smiled bitterly: “I am very willing, but it depends on Lin Mo himself. You know, this kind of genius is extremely independent.”

The ancestor of Baimu nodded and said: “This is also the case, when Song Feixue, the first beauty, pursued you, you didn’t refuse and married someone else.”

Wan Guangming’s face trembled when he heard it. What the first beauty is not that she is powerful, and the first beauty that people like them can’t resist, is not good.

And that woman is a thousand years older than him, so he doesn’t like it.

And at that time, Wan Guangming was only at the Wuzong level.

Later, Song Feixue failed to advance to the rank of Martial Sage, and his life span reached the end of his life, but he was promoted to the rank of Martial Sage, and he looked very young now.

After staying on the Bermu Empire for two days, Wan Guangming took Lin Mo and moved forward again to the next big power.

At this time, the news about Lin Mo’s impact on the soul of the special master also spread throughout the Cangyun Great World, the two sects, the three holy sites, and the four empires.

For a time, many people talked about it.

Many people are curious, can Lin Mo succeed?

More people think that Lin Mo is impossible to succeed at all.

Because it is too difficult to accumulate enough accumulation.

Basically, to succeed, you need to defeat all the sects, holy places, and the strongest martial emperor of the empire on the entire continent.

In this way, it may not be able to succeed.

It’s just that except Wan Guangming, no one knows about Lin Mo’s situation, which is completely different from what they imagined.

Eternal Taoism.

Dao Ancestor Mingshan snorted coldly when he heard the news.

“Come here, let the ghosts come.” Mingshan Daozu said.

The people around looked startled, and some people said, “Daozu, do you really want Guiwu to take action?”

The ancestor Mingshan shouted: “If you ask you to bring him here, please bring him quickly. Ask what more!”

Hearing what the ancestor Mingshan said, the people below quickly walked out.

Not long after, a sound of chains rubbing against the ground sounded.

A person who was locked by a thick chain came in, his hair was scattered, and his eyes were blood-red. Everyone was shocked when he saw it.

The ancestor Mingshan looked at the ghost crow and sighed. The peerless genius back then turned into such a monster.

However, the ghost crow’s strength has not been reduced, but has become more terrifying. It is a problem with his mind.

“Ghost, this time you help me deal with someone. If you win, I will release you. From then on, you are free. If you lose, you will die.”

Hearing the words of Dao Zu Mingshan, the people around were shocked.

Let this ghost go out, I’m afraid that many people will suffer.

Just looking at the imposing Mingshan, he didn’t dare to speak.

Guiwu smiled stupidly, muttering two words: “Freedom…freedom.”

Ming Shan shook his head and sent him to be detained again. He waited for Lin Mo to come and let the ghost crow out to fight him.

At this time, Lin Mo and Lin Mo are moving on.

Flying in the air, Wan Guangming smiled and said, “I have already contacted Wanhuazong, and I will send the strongest person to fight with you.”

Now everyone knows the strength of Lin Mo, and there is no need to send any top ten, top three or the like to explore.

Soon, the two arrived at Wanhuazong.

Similarly, Sect Master Wanhua, Li Tiangang came out to greet him in person.

Li Tiangang looked very similar to Wan Guangming.

At this time, the eyes of Wanhuazong’s people fell on Lin Mo’s body.

Looking at Lin Mo, these people are a little curious, such a young man, really so powerful, dare to attack the soul of the special master.

Especially some peak martial emperors, even more unbelief in their hearts.

Lin Mo smiled and looked at these people, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Soon, the battle was scheduled.

Lin Mo stepped onto the battlefield, and on the other side, Wanhuazong’s strongest Martial Emperor also stepped up.

Lin Mo was a little surprised when he saw the Emperor Wu.

The Emperor Wu he saw before were all young and belonged to the kind of peerless arrogant.

But the man in front of him was very old, and even Lin Mo could feel the decadent smell.

At this time, in the audience, Li Tiangang smiled and said to Wan Guangming: “Although Zhuge Chang’an is old, he is indeed the strongest Martial Emperor here. He was unable to advance to Wuzong because of some injuries. He was stuck in the realm of Martial Emperor forever. It has also become the most powerful among Emperor Wu.”

Wan Guangming nodded, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t know much before he came. After all, in his opinion, Lin Mo is so powerful, as long as he is more careful, it should be fine.

Unexpectedly, this Wanhuazong actually had such a powerful existence.

At this time, Zhuge Ping’an smiled and said: “Little brother, pay attention, I want to start attacking, but don’t be careless just because the old man is old.”

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Senior brother, just shoot.”

Lin Mo is also very curious at this time, how strong this guy will be?

Zhuge Ping An quickly opened up his domain.


This surprised Lin Mo. This is the person with the most fields he has ever seen.

Lin Mo owns two fields, which are rare.

At this time, Lin Mo was a little curious about the other party’s exercises. Lin Mo only possessed two areas. It was not that he could not continue to comprehend, but that his exercises could only condense two areas.

If he can get the opponent’s exercises, maybe he can develop another field.

Lin Mo also quickly displayed his two domains. For a time, there were five domains in the entire battlefield.

In the next moment, Zhuge Ping’an’s body quickly became stronger, and his aura was much stronger.

He smiled and said: “This is my first field, strengthen the field, be careful, my strength has exceeded one billion catties.”

Maybe he’s really old. Zhuge Pingan doesn’t really care about winning or losing, so he explains to Lin Mo with a smile…

At this time, Lin Mo felt a force covering him.

For an instant, he felt that even his breathing would consume five or six times the strength he had before. If it were to fight, the impact would not be small.

Zhuge’s Ping An area makes Lin Mo feel a bit interesting.

He quickly urged the realm of all things, and in an instant, this force was restored and dissipated.

Zhuge Ping’an was slightly surprised, and then didn’t care too much.

Since Lin Mo dared to attack the soul of the special grandmaster, this strength, of course, needless to say, his domain is useless to him, and it is normal.

He quickly used the third area.

His third field is called the environmental field.

Usually, in this field, you can see different scenery, but when fighting, you can choose where you are best at, and even constantly change the battle place, so that you are in the most favorable fighting environment.

At this time, with the urging of this field, the entire battlefield suddenly became a Jedi, surrounded by magma.

At this time, in the sky, meteorites continued to fall, and each one had the peak attack power of the Emperor Wu.

Zhuge smiled peacefully. Different environments can also be leveraged.

At this time, the meteorite is simulated, and the force of the meteorite is also simulated, thereby generating a powerful attack power.

With the emergence of the three realms at the same time, Zhuge Ping An quickly rushed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo kept moving, quickly avoiding the attacks of these meteorites.

But the next moment, the density of the meteorite falling is getting bigger and bigger, just like rain.

This surprised Lin Mo slightly. It is no wonder that he was able to become the first person of Wanhuazong Wuhuang. Only this dense meteorite rain caused the ordinary Wuhuang to be directly beaten to the ground.

When these meteorites hit Zhuge Pingan, they would disappear quickly and would not cause any harm to him.

Lin Mo punched out abruptly.

The realm of causality, air attack.


Zhuge flew out safely, then stood up, he spit out blood, smiled and said, “Sure enough.”

After speaking, he continued to rush towards Lin Mo.

At this moment, his resilience was infinitely strengthened.

Upon seeing this, Lin Mo continued to attack while avoiding.

This time, Zhuge Pingan was able to sense the attack, which seemed to strengthen the sense.

Boom boom boom, the battle continued.

Zhu 4.7 Ge Ping’an was secretly surprised that Lin Mo’s power had reached more than one billion catties. The strengthening of his power had little effect on Lin Mo.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo’s speed is too fast, even if some meteorite hit him, it didn’t cause any harm.

Lin Mo’s physical strength is comparable to that of senior Wu Zong. If these meteorites want to injure him, they need to increase their strength.

This is a killer move for other martial emperors, and it does not have much effect on Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly trampled out.


Zhuge Ping’an’s body flew out directly.

With this kick, Lin Mo used his magical powers to trample, and his power exceeded 1.4 billion jin. Zhuge Ping’an flew directly out of the battlefield and fell to the ground, with blood constantly overflowing from his mouth.

He looked at Lin Mo and smiled bitterly: “I lost. As expected, you are the one who wants to condense the soul of a special grandmaster. You are stronger than some Wuzongs.”

At this time, watching Zhuge Ping An was easily defeated, the people in the audience could not remember for a long time.

This is really the first Martial Emperor who defeated the other Martial Emperors of their sect. Why was he defeated so easily in the face of Lin Mo?

At this time, Lin Mo also felt that his accumulation was finally enough.

As long as you are willing, you can transform into the soul of a grand master at any time!

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