Chapter 143

Lin Mo slashed over.

With this knife, he didn’t use all his power, only one billion catties.

But even so, at this time also exerted a powerful force.

Jin Feihong’s knife became 400 million jin, which was far from being able to compete with Lin Mo’s 1 billion jin.


The two swords collided with each other, and the gold scarlet sword was directly cut off.

In terms of quality, the Golden Crimson Sword is actually one level higher than Lin Mo’s Canglong Sword.

But when it comes to cutting, not only depends on the quality, but also on other factors.

Lin Mo’s power is even stronger, and it exerts even greater force on the Golden Crimson Sword.

Jin Chonghong’s sword broke directly, and Lin Mo slashed on Jin Chonghong’s body.

Jin Feihong flew out quickly, and a deep knife mark appeared on her chest.

But this knife mark is much shallower than Lin Mo imagined.

Jin Chonghong actually had many scales on her body.

These scales are not just a symbol of his incomplete transformation, but also have a strong defense.

After being beaten out by Lin Mo, Jin Chonghong vomited another bite of blood.

In the audience, many people were still worried before, but the situation changed so quickly that they couldn’t understand the situation.

At the last moment, Jin Chonghong had the advantage, but the next moment he was beaten to vomit blood.

The most important thing is that they really can’t see how Jin Chonghong was injured.

Is it a curse?

At this moment, Jin Feihong suddenly cut her chest with a broken blade.

Seeing this scene, many people were a little stunned. 13 What exactly is Jin Bianhong planning to do?

Lin Mo looked at Jin Feihong like this, and couldn’t help but sigh that the other party’s will is really very strong.

Many people don’t dare to tear their bodies directly like this. Jin Feihong did this in order to take the tip of the knife out of the body.

That’s right, the reason why Jin Feihong suddenly vomited blood and was injured was because of a sudden addition of a weapon fragment inside her body.

Lin Mo just tried a causal combination.

Before, he successfully condensed in the body of the eight beast emperor, but this time, it was an attempt.

He wanted to know whether he could succeed in the face of the peak beast emperor.

As a result, it turned out to be a real success.

Although not all of them have been combined, it is just a knife point.

But even this is very scary.

Jin Feihong originally stimulated the energy of the whole body and wanted to defeat Lin Mo.

As a result, a blade suddenly appeared, stabbing his body, directly causing Jin Bianhong to be shocked, his energy was not controlled, and the energy in his body collided with each other, causing him to be injured.

Although the tip of the knife has a certain degree of lethality, it is actually very difficult to cause such a large amount of damage.

It was mainly caused by Jin Bianhong’s own panic.

At this moment, Jin Feihong wanted to take out the tip of the knife in her body.

For this, he even rips his body apart.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

The tip of the knife is gone.

He felt for a while and found that he really didn’t have the tip of a knife in his body.

He looked at Lin Mo and felt that he was being tricked.

Jin Feihong stood up. Although he was seriously injured, his breath was not messy, and his eyes were still firm when he looked at Lin Mo.

“You are really amazing. Next, I will use all my power.” Jin Feihong said.

“Very well, let me see how strong all your strengths are, and whether it’s worth my full strength to deal with you.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

If you brag about anyone who doesn’t know how, Lin Mo will do too, and he really didn’t use all his strength.

Jin Chonghong lost the broken knife in her hand, and immediately began to change her body.

I saw his body quickly grow in size, changing from a human form to a strange beast.

When Lin Mo fought before, he almost forgot that this guy was a strange beast.

Looking at this guy’s body, Lin Mo somewhat understood why the lazy Taoist called them a carp.

This guy is not a carp monster at all.

But thinking about it, even if the carp becomes a strange beast, I’m afraid it won’t be too high level.

This is a strange beast similar to a carp, but it is completely different.

This strange beast has limbs, a large and slender body, but its head looks very similar to a carp.

Jin Feihong looked at Lin Mo with big eyes, and said: “Now is all my power, Lin Mo, my greatest strength is not in the Tai Chi domain, but my magical powers. Now let you try it. I am away from the dragon clan. The extinguishing divine light.”

Jin Chonghong opened her mouth, and a gray light radiated from its mouth.

The gray light is a bit like the gravitational energy of the king and eight beast kings.

But obviously it’s a lot of horror.

These gray rays of light fell on the ground, directly stimulating the protective array on the ground.

The entire battlefield is equipped with a magic circle, and it is very powerful and very many.

Only in this way can Wu Sheng fight here without being destroyed.

At this time, Jin Chong’s extinguishing divine light actually aroused these magic circles.

Lin Mo quickly displays the realm of everything and decomposes it.

He didn’t believe that these extinguished divine lights could not be resolved by himself.

As Lin Mo began to decompose, the extinguishing light suddenly stopped and began to collapse, but at the same time, more extinguishing light was emitted from Jin Crimson’s mouth.

Jin Feihong said: “Lin Mo, it’s useless. My talent is supernatural, but it’s far beyond my own abilities. I can only use my instincts. Even the junior Wuzong encounters it, it’s hard to resist.”

In the audience, everyone watching was extremely excited.

When they saw that Jin Feihong was seriously injured, they thought Lin Mo was about to win.

As a result, such a change happened again.

Sure enough, the top powers will not give up casually, but will hide their own cards.

Looking at the current situation, everyone started to worry about Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo was struggling to decompose at this time, even he felt that his domain was suppressed within the area covered by this extinguishing divine light.

This is a higher level of power, only because of the bloodline, Jin Chonghong was allowed to use it in advance.

Lin Mo smiled and looked at Jin Feihong and said: “Since this is your trick at the bottom of the box, then I will also show my true strength.”

Jin Feihong said disdainfully: “You humans don’t have the talents of supernatural powers. Do you think that with your domain and that little power, you can defeat me?”

At this moment, Jin Feihong was extremely proud.

But the next moment, it froze.

He saw that Lin Mo’s body grew rapidly, reaching a height of a full kilometer.

In fact, not only Jin Bianhong was stunned at this time, but the other viewers were also completely stunned.

Only a few people who have seen Lin Mo’s transformation can remain calm at this time.

Lin Mo took the bone axe in his hand, and immediately slashed it towards Jin Crimson.

Jin Chonghong’s face changed drastically, and the dizzying light shrouded Lin Mo frantically.

But at this moment, the Divine Light was stubbornly resisted, and it was constantly being decomposed.

The bone axe entered the area of ​​the extinguishing divine light, and the surface unexpectedly quickly lost Guanze.

But for Lin Mo, all it takes is one second.

Destroying the sacred light to destroy the bone axe is not so easy.


The bone axe slashed fiercely on Jin Chonghong’s body, and directly hit it and flew out.

The next second, Lin Mo chased him up and slashed with an axe.

Jin Feihong kept vomiting blood, full of panic.

After casting the extinguishing light, it still couldn’t beat Lin Mo.

It originally thought it had blood and talented supernatural powers that humans could not compare.

But Lin Mo actually has blood, and looks extremely tough.

You know, blood is very rare.

Lin Mo waved the bone axe again, planning to chop it down.

Jin Feihong hurriedly shouted: “I admit defeat.”

It is afraid that if Lin Mo cuts it down, he will die.

Lin Mo’s bone axe stopped above its head.


“Lin Mo!”

“Lin Mo!”

“Lin Mo!”

Countless martial artists, King Wu, and Emperor Wu are all cheering for Lin Mo.

At this moment, these people felt exasperated, and the depression that had been suppressed by Jin Chonghong finally vented fiercely.

Lin Mo felt that his master’s soul accumulation was increasing rapidly.

Before it was the peak of the soul accumulation of the second-class grandmaster, now it is an instant step into the soul accumulation of the first-class grandmaster 740.

As long as Lin Mo is willing to transform at this time, then he can become Wu Zong.

At twenty years old, he is probably the youngest Wuzong in the entire Xuanguang Holy Land.

However, Lin Mo did not immediately metamorphose. At this time, a word popped into his mind: The Soul of the Grand Master.

This is the soul of the grandmaster that is a higher level than the soul of the first-class grandmaster.

It is also the soul of the highest-ranking master.

Now, in the entire Cangyun Great World, almost no one possesses this level of Grand Master Soul.

Even the five holy masters of Xuanguang Holy Land are the souls of first-class masters.

Many martial sages in the sect are actually the souls of second-class masters.

From this we can see how difficult it is to transform the soul of a special master.

Lin Mo’s body quickly became smaller, and at this time, Jin Feihong also became a human body.

It looked at Lin Mo and said, “Next time, I will definitely beat you.”

This time it was defeated by Lin Mo. Not only did it fail to reach the soul of the first-class master, it also regressed.

Fortunately, the retreat is not very large, and it remains on the accumulation of the second-class master’s soul.

If it really falls into the accumulation of the third-class master’s soul, then it will really cry.

Lin Mo smiled slightly and didn’t care. Many people had said this to him, but they were often left behind by Lin Mo quickly.

Just like the person who entered Xuanguang Holy Land with Lin Mo before.

At this time, these people are basically still junior martial emperors, and their strength may be improved compared to before, but they are also very limited.

But Lin Mo is about to become Wu Zong, this is the difference.

The Guiyuan Saint Beast quickly appeared beside Jin Feihong, quickly led him away, left the Xuanguang Holy Land directly, and returned to the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range.

Cheers resounded throughout the battlefield.

Lin Mo feels that his accumulation has deepened a bit.

Wanguang Mansion.

A day has passed since the end of the battle.

Lin Mo stood opposite Wan Guangming.

Wan Guangming smiled, Lin Mo defeated Jin Bianhong, but it made him very face.

Wan Guangming smiled and said, “When do you plan to transform into the soul of the grandmaster?”.

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