Chapter 138

The psychic golden monkey fought like a human being, waving his fist and hitting Lin Mo, and then slammed into the kick with Lin Mo’s kick.


There was a huge explosion, but the expressions of the other peak beast emperors changed drastically, and one by one retreated towards the distance.

The psychic golden monkey flew quickly towards the distance at this time.

It looked at Lin Mo in shock.

Under the situation of doubling its strength, its strength just now absolutely reached about 110 million catties, but when facing Lin Mo, it was still invincible.

Doubling the strength does not mean doubling the strength. The power of the psychic golden monkey is probably more than 800 million catties. If the strength is doubled, it will be 1.6 billion catties. It is estimated that the strength will be doubled several times.

The psychic golden monkey kept vomiting blood. Just now Lin Mo suffered a lot of injuries with a kick.

Lin Mo’s right foot was also flushed at this time.

He quickly took out some life energy, and at the same time urged the profound meaning of life to heal his injuries.

Within a few breaths, his feet completely recovered.

Lin Mo looked at the psychic golden monkey and quickly caught up.

Take advantage of your illness and kill you.

The psychic golden monkey said at this time: “My injury has recovered.”

Suddenly its injuries quickly recovered.

However, it did not continue to fight Lin Mo, but shouted: “Go together, kill 13 and kill him.”

Following these words of the psychic golden monkey, Lin Mo felt his soul transformation power rose again and reached a new realm.

The psychic golden monkey allowed the other pinnacle beast kings to join together, obviously giving in.

In fact, it has nothing to do without admitting defeat.

It takes a lot of mental power to support the method of speaking out according to the field.

The most important point is that once he takes back the domain, everything will be restored.

For example, the psychic golden monkey doubled his strength before, and after closing the domain, his strength will fall back, and there may even be some sequelae.

Similarly, it is now recovering from injuries, and once it can no longer support the field, then his injuries will reappear.

Seeing this, the other peak beast kings quickly attacked Lin Mo one by one.

Lin Mo snorted coldly, and quickly displayed another talent supernatural power.

In Lin Mo’s view, killing these pinnacle beast kings this time achieved the goal.

He has now reached the soul of the second-class grandmaster, killing these peak beast emperors should be able to reach the soul of the second-class grandmaster.

These pinnacle beast kings quickly displayed their domains one by one, while attacking Lin Mo at the same time.

In the eyes of these beast kings, Lin Mo is as big as an ant.

But the next moment, Lin Mo’s body quickly grew bigger and bigger than both of them.

Looking at Lin Mo’s body, these peak beast kings were all shocked.

Lin Mo opened his own causal realm, and then took out his axe.

This is the first time Lin Mo has used this axe when he uses his magical powers.

Lin Mo slashed with an axe at the giant tortoise, which was the largest among them.

The tortoise beast emperor saw Lin Mo attacking his back, and suddenly looked disdainful.

Its defensive power is the strongest among all the beast kings, and its back is the strongest defensive power, and it is not afraid of attacks at all.

The other beast kings were also a little happy at this time, Lin Mo was stupid and attacked the old tortoise’s back.

They attacked Lin Mo one after another.

A series of powerful attacks were directed towards Lin Mo.


Lin Mo’s axe finally landed on the old turtle’s back.

The next moment, all the peak beast emperors saw that the old tortoise’s back was directly broken, and the whole body was chopped in half, and his death was miserable.

“How can this be?”

“What level of weapon is his axe?”


“Dead, how is it possible?”

These pinnacle beast kings looked at each one in shock, unable to believe it.

At this time, their attacks also fell on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo did not evade.

But these powerful attacks fell on him, but only caused some minor injuries.

The next moment, Lin Mo waved his axe, slashing frantically.

Under the power of the causal realm, Lin Mo seemed to attack indiscriminately, but in fact every attack fell on these peak beast kings.

In the sky, the rumbling sound continued, and the peak beast kings continued to die tragically, and the huge body fell to the ground.

At this moment, the psychic golden monkey was also afraid.

It turned and fled quickly.

But the next moment, an attack suddenly fell on it, directly cutting it in half.

The body of the psychic golden monkey fell towards the ground.

The other peak beast kings also fled, while some continued to send out distress signals.

At this moment, they were scared.

Lin Mo’s axe kept slashing, and none of the pinnacle beast kings could escape, all of them were beheaded by him.

Seeing all the peak beast kings die, Lin Mo couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly put their bodies away.

This time it is estimated to be able to exchange a lot of energy crystals.

At this time, Lin Mo sensed that from the depths of the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range, more powerful monsters appeared.

Without any hesitation, it quickly rushed towards the Xuanguang Holy Land.

Must escape this time.

If you don’t run away, you will be killed by the other party.

At this time, a primary beast sect rushed towards this madly.

This is also a psychic golden monkey.

It just sensed that its own brother was dead.

This made it furious and chased it quickly, be sure to kill the man who killed its brother.

Lin Mo was running extremely fast at this time, his huge body was running wildly in the mountains.

The speed is profoundly demonstrated by him to the extreme.

Many people who ventured in the Jiyuan Mountains looked at Lin Mo and were dumbfounded.

Many people even wonder what kind of race the 737 is, it is so huge.

Not long after Lin Mo ran over, the psychic golden monkey chased him.

Feeling the terrifying aura of this psychic golden monkey, these people looked horrified.

Fortunately, the psychic golden monkey didn’t pay attention to them at all, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Mo kept rushing towards the Xuanguang Holy Land, while rushing, he took out some pills and took it quickly.

His talents and supernatural powers can’t last for much time. Once he recovers, the sequelae will come and he will feel weak.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Lin Mo’s supernatural powers to end, and his whole person quickly became smaller.

Lin Mo felt a little weak, but fortunately, he had just taken some pills, and the situation was fine at this time.

Looking at the psychic golden monkey behind him, Lin Mo continued to escape without hesitation.

If this were in peacetime, he wouldn’t mind fighting this beast sect-level psychic golden monkey.

But he had just fought with those peak beast kings, and he didn’t have much power to fight against this beast sect-level psychic golden monkey.

Lin Mo ran for a while, the psychic golden monkey chasing him tighter and tighter behind him.

Lin Mo frowned. At this speed, he was afraid that if he didn’t return to the Holy Land of Profound Light, he would be overtaken by the psychic golden monkey.

“It seems that we have to explode.” Lin Mo sighed.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he didn’t expect to encounter this person here, and he quickly rushed towards the other person. .

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