Chapter 135

Jin Changkun looked around in a daze, and then he shook his head and lost himself.

Lost in the confrontation of the mystery of illusion.

He looked at Lin Mo, arched his hands, and flew outside.

Lin Mo sighed, if Jin Changkun fights with all his strength, then he still needs to spend some time.

But the other party chose to fight with himself for the profound meaning of fantasy, and the result was a miserable loss.

Following the defeat of Jin Changkun, Lin Mo felt the transformation of his soul again.

If he had only understood what the soul of a grandmaster was before, then he has completely sensed it now.

Lin Mo feels that as long as he is willing now, he can transform into the soul of the master, half-footed into the Wuzong level.

But if it changes now, it will only be the soul of the third-class grandmaster, belonging to the lowest level.

This is not what Lin Mo wants.

Lin Mo looked at the audience and asked, “Is anyone else coming up?”

This time, Lin Mo waited for a full ten minutes and no one came up. He could only leave with regret.

Seeing this situation, the lazy Taoist couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly left and returned to his house to sleep.

Lin Mo also returned to his mansion, let Wang Jing pay attention to it, and then began to practice again.

His medicine has been exhausted, and there is no other resource income yet.

This makes Lin Mo feel like a pauper.

733 Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Lin Mo’s mind.

“Yeah, why do I have to choose humans? Can I also choose alien beasts? Defeating the peak of the beast king is also effective. The powerful peak beast king may be stronger than humans, and after killing it, it can still be Sell ​​for resources.”

Lin Mo hasn’t hunted foreign animals for a long time.

In the small world before, his first way of obtaining resources was through hunting alien beasts.

Lin Mo quickly asked Wang Jing to fetch the information. After checking it, he sat on Elizabeth and headed towards the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range.

The Extreme Abyss Mountain Range is close to the Xuanguang Holy Land, where there are a large number of strange beasts.

The disciples of Xuanguang Holy Land hunted and killed foreign beasts, almost all of them came here.

After Lin Mo entered the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range, he flew all the way towards the depths of the mountain range.

Elizabeth exuded a strong aura, making other strange beasts afraid to approach.

Fly flying, suddenly a burst of energy flew toward Elizabeth.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and finally reached the area of ​​the Wuhuang-level strange beast.

Elizabeth is the pinnacle beastmaster, and the average beastmaster does not dare to approach at all.

After all, Elizabeth passed by, not occupied their territory.

But the Beast King is different.

A pinnacle beast king flew on their heads, (bdeh) offended their dignity, and naturally wanted to kill.

Lin Mo defeated the Beast King’s attack with a single blow, then put Elizabeth away, and quickly landed below.

The Beast King can already be killed.

There is no need to wait until the peak beast king, first kill some lower level for resources.

At this moment, below this is a primary Beast Emperor Amethyst Beast.

This guy is a little confused at this moment, and a little nervous the next moment.

Looking at Lin Mo falling from the sky, he quickly judged whether this human being could deal with it.

But the next moment, Lin Mo has appeared in front of it.

The Amethyst Beast was shocked, and was about to flee, but was killed by Lin Mo with a single knife, without even having time to expand the domain.

Throwing the Beast Emperor into the space ring, Lin Mo continued on.

Soon, Lin Mo met the second junior beast king.

These junior beast kings all have their own territories, and they are next to each other, so Lin Mo doesn’t have trouble finding them.

This is a giant orangutan.

When he saw Lin Mo, the guy screamed and then killed Lin Mo.

The giant orangutan quickly opened its territory.

This is a power field, which can strengthen one’s own power while reducing the opponent’s power.

Unfortunately, it has no effect on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo slashed and cut it down, and the giant ape’s body was directly broken in half.

Lin Mo waved his hand and put away the giant orangutan.

He went on.

Soon, the junior beast king slaughtered by Lin Mo reached more than ten.

Lin Mo went on.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a fight ahead.

Lin Mo walked over and took a look. Several disciples from the Xuanguang Holy Land were fighting with a giant python.

This python is huge in size, and its body is golden yellow.

At this time it opened its own domain, and a golden domain shrouded everyone.

Poisonous fog field.

Several people in this field have obviously been poisoned.

Among them, there is actually someone who Lin Mo is familiar with.

Qin Lian!

Qin Lian was a junior martial emperor before, but now he has been promoted to an intermediate martial emperor.

Before Lin Mo was called the first junior martial emperor, he was one of three people who challenged Lin Mo.

At this time, his condition was also very bad. He was attacked by toxins and his entire face was full of gray.

The other people are the same, they can’t support it anymore.

The golden python looked very leisurely, staring at these people fiercely with a pair of eyes.

At this time, it saw a person coming from a distance.

It felt a little bit, and it quickly expanded its range from one hundred meters to five hundred meters, and it also enveloped Lin Mo.

“Run away, this area is poisonous.” Qin Lian shouted loudly.

The poisonous fog made his eyes a little unable to open, but he could still sense someone coming.

“It’s useless, I can’t escape. I didn’t expect us to die here.” Another person said.

Lin Mo is still advancing, and the poisonous mist has no effect on him. His body is too strong.

Moreover, Lin Mo also holds the profound meaning of life, and it is easy to dissolve the poisonous mist.

Seeing Lin Mo walk in step by step, the golden python was a little uneasy. It stuck out its tongue and attacked Lin Mo.

The golden tail hit Lin Mo hard.

The bodies of alien beasts are generally stronger than humans.

This is an intermediate beast king.

With its tail knocked down, its strength was over 400 million catties, which was extremely terrifying.

“Be careful.” Qin Lian shouted again.

At this time, a strong light stimulated them.


An explosion sounded.

The next moment, the poisonous fog domain disappeared, a green breath enveloped everyone, and the poison in them quickly disappeared.

Qin Lian was overjoyed. They found that the poison of themselves and others had been relieved, and the golden python had been killed astonishingly.

At this time, they discovered that the person who had just rescued them had already left, leaving only one back.

“Who saved us?” one of them asked.

Qin Lian looked at the left back, and felt very familiar. Soon, a figure appeared in his mind.

“It was Lin Mo, it was Lin Mo who saved us.” Qin Lian said excitedly.

“It’s Lin Mo who defeated you, it’s impossible, how could he be so strong?” another person said.

They have been in the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range for more than half a year, and because they haven’t returned to the sect, Lin Mo’s situation is unknown yet.

Qin Lian was also a little confused, and then affirmed: “It’s Lin Mo that’s right. As for why he became so strong, I don’t know.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s go back. This time I almost died here. The next time I ask, if it is really him, thank you very much.” The captain of several of them said with a smile.

The others nodded. This time, it was not easy to get a life back.

Lin Mo moved on at this time.

He has entered the area of ​​the Intermediate Beast King, and once again starts to kill.

Soon, ten more intermediate beast kings were killed by him.

The next moment, Lin Mo heard the roar of a powerful strange beast coming from the depths of the Extreme Abyss Mountain Range.

Then, a green goshawk flew out from inside and charged towards Lin Mo. .

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