Chapter 133

Lu Yinghao felt a strong sense of danger before he reached the position he wanted.

The next second, he felt that he was hit in the chest.

He flew towards the other side of the battlefield, spitting out blood.


His body hit the ground and almost broke his bones.

Lu Yinghao looked at Lin Mo in shock.

Until now, he didn’t know why the situation had become so fast.

Lin Mo flew in the sky, looking at Lu Yinghao high up.

Lu Yinghao’s upside-down field is indeed a bit peculiar, especially when it comes to attacks, which gives Lin Mo a feeling that he is invincible.

It is a pity that everything, in front of his realm of everything, has been seen through.

Lin Mo is not a pedantic person, and the causal realm did not have enough effect, so he directly changed the realm.

Instead of entangled in the realm of cause and effect, it is not strong enough to defeat Lu Yinghao, but directly converted into the realm of everything.

Lin Mo has known for a long time that everything has its own limitations, unless it is strong enough, otherwise, there will always be places where it can’t be used.

The causal field is indeed very strong, but it also has limitations. 13

Lin Mo looked at Lu Yinghao and asked, “Are you still fighting?”

Lin Mo’s punch just now had a strength of one billion catties, reaching the level of a junior Wu Zong. At this time, Lu Yinghao had been seriously injured.

Lu Yinghao stood up, looked at Lin Mo, and shouted, “Hit!”

He still has a trick that he hasn’t used, so how could he just give up like this.

And if he loses to Lin Mo this time, then his progress in condensing the soul of the grandmaster will slow down a bit.

He stood up, looked at Lin Mo and said, “This is my strongest blow. If you can resist it, I will give in.”

Lin Mo’s expression also became solemn, Lu Yinghao is very strong, and his strongest move must be very difficult.

I saw Lu Yinghao rapidly shrinking his domain, and finally condensed it on his own weapons.

The next moment, he slashed out.

A blade of light was emitted from the knife and disappeared in an instant.

Under the induction of Lin Mo’s domain of all things, this powerful blade was more powerful than before, and it kept beating throughout the battlefield.

There is no purpose, no rules, and the speed is extremely fast. Maybe it will hit you in the next second, or it may hit Lu Yinghao in the next second.

This is a move to look at luck.

Moreover, the inverted power that was concentrated on Lu Yinghao before, is now concentrated on this blade of light, even if Lin Mo wants to use causal power to attack, it will be empty to a large extent.

Lin Mo glanced at the blade light, his body appeared in front of Lu Yinghao in a flash, and punched him towards Lu Yinghao.

You are indeed very powerful in this move, but the problem is that you are not that strong.

Without the protection of causal power, Lin Mo can easily defeat him.

At this time, the sword light suddenly appeared behind Lin Mo and slashed towards him.

Lin Mo showed a slight smile. This hero is really powerful. He thought he had given up control of Dao Mang, but in fact he did not completely give up.

Dao Mang was indeed controlled by no one before, but as long as he needed it, he could continue to control it.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and nodded towards Lu Yinghao.

Causal grafting.

In the next moment, the sword light that had attacked Lin Mo turned into attacking Lu Yinghao himself.

Lu Yinghao’s face changed drastically, and he quickly waved his sword.


The explosion occurred.

Lu Yinghao flew out, vomiting blood again.

He tried to stand up from the ground, looked at Lin Mo and said, “You won.”

At the last moment, he suddenly felt that Lin Mo’s position had changed, so he forcibly changed the position of Daomang.

The inversion ability suddenly changed to the front, and when the reaction came, the blade light had already appeared in front of him, but he could only resist it by himself.

It’s just that this sword light is his most powerful attack, temporarily resisting, but can’t resist it, and the injury has increased.

Lin Mo smiled upon hearing Lu Yinghao’s words.

He looked up and looked around, and suddenly found many people in an uproar.

In the eyes of many people, although Lin Mo has a strong talent, it is impossible to be Lu Yinghao’s opponent.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt the shock, admiration, admiration, etc. of others, as well as the sense of pride after defeating the enemy.

Lin Mo felt that his soul had changed a little, and he was changing towards the soul of the master.

Lu Yinghao left quickly.

This time fighting with Lin Mo, although he was injured, he still had some insights.

He believes that next time he will become stronger.

When the battle is over, Lin Mo also plans to leave and find another person to fight.

At this time, a person rushed up quickly and said: “Lin Mo, how about a match between us?”

Lin Mo looked at the other person, then smiled: “Fengtai.”

Fengtai is also on the list given to him by Wan Guangming.

And his ranking is much higher than that of Lu Yinghao, about tenth.

Many people originally planned to leave.

Today’s battle opened their eyes.

At the same time, his heart was full of shock. Lin Mo deserved to be a person who broke the record of twelve trials in a row. It has been less than a year since he entered the sect, and now even the pinnacle of Wu Huang can beat him.

Fengtai looked at Lin Mo and smiled: “I think you didn’t consume much just now. If you need to recover, you can recover a little bit, then how about we start playing.”

Lin Mo said: “No, let’s fight directly.”

Lin Mo’s consumption just now is not big, and basically has no effect.

He originally thought that he would have to find them one by one, but he didn’t expect that his own battle would directly attract these people.

In fact, Lin Mo far underestimated his influence.

Even if it wasn’t for his lack of strength before, these peak martial emperors would have sought him.

Defeating one of him is more effective in condensing the soul of the grandmaster than in defeating several peak martial emperors.

Lin Mo has too many auras.

Since entering the sect, everything he did 733 was shocking and eye-catching.

The lazy Taoist originally thought that he could go back to sleep, but he had to fight again and yawned for a while.

He wanted to go straight back to sleep, but when he thought of going back, he might have been carried out by his master again, but he still held back.

He looked at the two of them and said, “If you want to fight, hit it quickly. I’m sleepy.”

Lin Mo said, “Let’s start.”

Fengtai quickly opened up its field.

Lin Mo feels oppressed.

This Fengtai domain is similar to the Lan sisters’ five-star magnetic domain, and both are capable of oppressing people.

But there are some differences. In other words, this field is dedicated to oppression.

At this time, I saw that the originally circular area was directly compressed into a straight line, connecting Lin Mo and Fengtai.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt as if he was carrying 800 million catties on his back. It was very difficult to charge quickly.

Feng Tai smiled, and those who fought him for the first time were very easy to fall into his calculations.

Although Lin Mo had read Fengtai’s information, it only wrote about the opponent’s domain, and didn’t write about the fighting style.

At this time, Fengtai rushed towards Lin Mo quickly and punched him.

His punch was extremely fierce, and seemed to add oppressive power.

This punch definitely exceeds 100 million catties.

“So strong!”

Lin Mo had long expected that these peak martial emperors would be very strong, but they were actually stronger than he had expected. .

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