Chapter 126

In the passage, Lin Mo’s phantom around him at this time was not enough, only a causal realm remained.

This is what Lin Mo currently understands the most.

In the past few months, Lin Mo has almost been comprehending the realm of cause and effect.

He has two top-level domains, but the domain above the domain of everything is much worse than the domain of causality.

At this time, the phantom of the causal realm followed with a thud.

Lin Mo immediately felt the pressure disappear and sneaked quickly.

But when he walked the same distance as before, he found that the energy in the causal realm had not been exhausted.

Adding up his other artistic conceptions, profound meaning domains, etc., obviously, none of them are as powerful as the causal domain.

You know, this causal realm is equivalent to the peak of Wuhuang, and the others are at most equivalent to the elementary ~ Wuhuang level.

Lin Mo suddenly noticed that there was a ghost in front of him.

This made him feel a little curious. Before that, he hadn’t seen any phantoms.

When Lin Mo walked past the phantom, he found that the other person seemed to be looking at him.

The next moment, the phantom disappeared with a bang, turned into some crystal fragments, and merged into his body.

All things realm!

Lin Mo was a little surprised, what was incorporated into it turned out to be some perception and energy about the realm of everything.

At this moment, Lin Mo’s domain of all things rapidly expanded to 500 meters.

Although he was promoted before, but the domain of all things did not follow.

It has always been the realm of cause and effect that followed Lin Mo to advance, and even surpassed Lin Mo to advance.

Before, Lin Mo mainly used two abilities in the field of everything, one is insight.

Under the realm of all things, everything can’t escape one’s own insight.

The other is reduction, which can reduce everything to its original appearance.

Now, Lin Mo has one more ability, combination.

Before this, Lin Mo had thought about this possibility, but at that time he was too weak to succeed at all.

But now it succeeded.

Of course, it does not mean that everything can be combined, there are still limitations.

For example, Lin Mo can only combine one thing at this time.

He opened his hand, and a long sword quickly condensed in his hand.

This is the insight I got before.

This is a long sword made up of various elements, probably the same level as the previous blood dragon sword, that is to say, it is used by the martial artist.

But even this is very scary.

The combination ability is very strong, but Lin Mo gave a wry smile. First of all, to combine one thing, you need to study the same thing many times and master all the combinations before you can combine.

Lin Mo didn’t know how many times the person who left the phantom had combined before experimenting with the combination method of this long sword.

But when Lin Mo was practicing, he was very savvy, maybe he could try it.

If you can combine energy crystals…

In terms of combination, Lin Mo is a beginner.

Lin Mo is very grateful for this person who left the shadow.

He moved on.

At this time, outside the Yijing Pavilion.

“The record is broken!”

“This is a record-breaking.”

“The record is broken again.”

A loud noise kept ringing.

On the stone tablet, Lin Mo’s name is impressively ranked first.

Chen Xueling was still in shock at this time.

She was still thinking about whether Lin Mo could surpass her master.

As a result, Lin Mo responded quickly to her.

Lin Mo quickly surpassed Mu Tianqin, and quickly surpassed the top two, occupying the first position.

In the passage, Lin Mo continued to move forward, but the energy left behind after the causal realm was broken is getting less and less.

The pressure gradually increased, and finally Lin Mo stopped.

He was also a little curious at this time, whether he broke the record or not.

A voice sounded: “Congratulations, you broke the record and obtained 30 energy crystals.”

Lin Mo discovered that in Xuanguang Holy Land, almost this type of martial emperor-level trial place had a record of 30 energy crystals.

But some places will add some other rewards.

For example, this time, Lin Mo’s benefit from the phantom is far more than thirty square energy crystals.

Thirty energy crystals quickly appeared in front of him.

Lin Mo put the energy crystal away and was about to leave. At this time, the voice rang again.

“As the number one, you can leave a shadow of energy as a reward for latecomers.”

A ghost quickly appeared in front of Lin Mo.

He was a little surprised at this time, and the phantom he had obtained before must have come like this.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo left some causal energy.

These energies are not a lot, but if it is someone who has just grasped the realm of cause and effect, it will be of great help.

If the other party doesn’t have a causal field, it can be regarded as a kind of sentiment.

Lin Mo turned and left.

Soon, he was out of Yijing Pavilion.

As soon as they appeared, the crowd boiled.

Someone shouted, “Brother Lin, do you still continue to challenge?”

They were very excited. Two of them, in one day, broke the record of two trial places.

· ···Seeking flowers············

This was almost unheard of in the past.

“Go on!” Lin Mo said with a smile.

He has only got one hundred and twenty squares of energy until now, which is far from enough.

Previously, one hundred energy crystals were enough for Lin Mo to buy pills for cultivation for a long time.

But now the effects of those pills are not enough.

Before Lin Mo asked Qin Long to collect some higher-level pills.

The higher the elixir, the more energy crystals are naturally needed.

Lin Mo estimated that he would need three hundred square energy crystals this time to be able to meet the requirements.

He asked Zhuge Liufeng to refine weapons before, at this price.

It’s not that the price of pill is more expensive than weapons. On the one hand, Zhuge Liufeng gives him much cheaper, and on the other hand, Lin Mo himself needs too much.

At this time, hearing Lin Mo’s words, these people became even more excited.

……. … 0

Lin Mo soared into the air and headed towards the next trial place.

Behind him, a large number of people flew up.

There were about 3,000 people who flew from the Years Tower before.

But it has doubled, reaching 6,000 people.

Among them, many of the new additions are artistic conceptions.

These people looked at Lin Mo who was not in Yijingliu, and actually broke the record of their Yijingliu Yijingge. While they were not upset, they were also very curious about which genre Lin Mo would choose next.

Soon, they knew that the body refining was fluent.

There are several places for trial training at the Wuhuang level.

But when they saw the one Lin Mo chose, they were all in an uproar.

Beaten Court!

Just listen to the name and you will know what the trial here is like.

Yes, it was beaten.

For exercise stream, beating is a way to strengthen the body.

That’s why there is such a place as Beating Pavilion.

But this place is not easy to break into, mainly because it is easy to get injured compared to other trial places.

At the end of the general turmoil, the trial pavilion will provide a part of the life energy to help you recover, but generally it can’t make you fully recover.

So to break into this, you need to prepare your own medicine for healing.

At this time, as Lin Mo chose this place, in the sky, a group of black people fell towards this place, just like a swarm of locusts, making the body refining here a little frightened.

I saw the people here, five big and three rough, all a little confused at this time, don’t know what happened.

Lin Mo fell quickly, took a look at the ranking on the stone tablet, and walked into the beating pavilion. Spoon.

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