Chapter 110

Earl Han Shan looked at Lin Mo expectantly, hoping that Lin Mo would let him go.

However, Lin Mo snorted and punched directly.


Earl Han Shan’s body was completely shattered.

His eyes widened, unable to believe that Lin Mo would kill him without even discussing it.

“I want you to die! Imprint of life!” Han Shan shouted at the last moment of his life.

A blue mark was emitted from his head and shot towards Lin Mo.

“This imprint was made by my Han family’s martial sage. I belong to the Han family’s direct line. If you kill me, this thing will be attached to your body. Just wait for my Han family to chase and kill you. Unless you hide forever. Xuanguang Holy Land, otherwise you will be dead.”

Han Shan felt that his soul was dissipating, and he was dying.

At this time, he saw that the imprint flew towards Lin Mo, it collapsed quickly, and finally dissipated completely.

“How can it be…..”

Earl Han Shan couldn’t believe that his own means of revenge against Lin Mo had been resolved in this way.

From now on, no one knows that he was killed by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked indifferently, waved his hand, and collected Earl Han Shan’s space ring.

This creature seal is indeed powerful, even if it is Wu Zong, it is difficult to crack it, after all, this is something Wu Sheng refined.

But Lin Mo is different. His domain of all things has the ability to restore everything.

For Wu Zong, cracking is difficult, but for Lin Mo it is very easy.

Just as it is difficult to violently break an iron door, but Lin Mo has the key and it is easy to open it.

This Earl Han Shan wanted to imprint Lin Mo with the imprint of life, but he had miscalculated.

Lin Mo picked up the ring and checked it, then a hint of joy was revealed.

This Earl Hanshan’s family background is obviously much larger than the previous five by 720.

Lin Mo estimated that there are about forty square energy crystals.

Regardless of Lin Mo robbing those newcomers before, he can always grab 20 or 30 energy crystals.

But those people are basically the hegemons of a world, and everything about them is basically the best thing in the world.

In addition, those people actually robbed other people, so it is actually a combination of many worlds.

Putting the space ring away, Lin Mo continued to fly towards the place where Bai Shengxue was.

Sometimes there is no induction, obviously Bai Shengxue is still trying to block, but with the strength of her clone, it is still difficult to completely block.

Several times Lin Mo also felt that the opponent stayed in one place and did not move.

Obviously, just like Lin Mo, he was attacked by some people or other animals.

At this time, in the woods, Su Xiaoxiao was fighting hard.

This time, the three of them who fought with Lin Mo last time have come.

Their strength is top among the junior martial emperors, and they will naturally participate in this trip to the secret realm.

In terms of cultivation, they are naturally unable to compare with Lin Mo. Lin Mo has reached the intermediate martial emperor in a few months, and they are still in the junior martial emperor stage.

They had seen Lin Mo before, and they all said hello.

It’s just that, after all, it’s still not very familiar, not too close.

Su Xiaoxiao was constantly running away at this time.

Behind her, a man kept chasing after her.

The opponent’s speed was much faster than Su Xiaoxiao, and the aura on his body was much stronger than Su Xiaoxiao.

This man was an intermediate martial emperor. Like Lin Mo, he also got the black and white stone.

At this time, he chased quickly, but was always disturbed by Su Xiaoxiao’s thought power skills.

Su Xiaoxiao’s thought power is the pinnacle of Emperor Wu. Although he can’t defeat the opponent, it is still possible to interfere with the opponent and create a chance for himself to escape.

“Su Xiaoxiao, you can’t escape, so surrender obediently. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

Su Xiaoxiao ignored it.

The person behind her is a member of the Eternal Dao Sect.

The grievances between the two sects were told by the head teacher before they came.

Wan Guangming once said that he would rather die than fall into the hands of the eternal Dao Sect, otherwise life would be worse than death.

Su Xiaoxiao was able to pass on so many thought powers, and his will was naturally very strong.

It’s just that the mind power is constantly consumed like this, I’m afraid it won’t last too long.

At this time, behind Su Xiaoxiao was Baili Tengchong of the Eternal Dao Sect.

He was also a little anxious at this time, and if he pursued it like this, he would most likely encounter people from other Profound Light Holy Land, and I was afraid that he would not be able to kill Su Xiaoxiao at that time.

As for what I said to Su Xiaoxiao before, it was natural to lie to her.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, Bai Liteng suddenly discovered that in another direction, a person was flying towards this side quickly.

That person was also from the Xuanguang Holy Land.

Before entering, Baili Tengchong had already remembered all the faces of everyone in Xuanguang Holy Land.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao who was still fleeing, he hesitated for a while, and absolutely gave up Su Xiaoxiao, and killed this disciple of Xuanguang Holy Land who was flying here.

In his opinion, the other party was flying so straight, obviously he didn’t notice the situation on their side.

He quickly used his skills, his breath converged, and his body quickly hid in a big tree.

Su Xiaoxiao continued to fly. After flying for a while, she realized that Baili Tengchong had disappeared.

“He gave up?”

Su Xiaoxiao was slightly puzzled, and she couldn’t believe it.

According to the truth, it should be yourself who can’t support it first, unless someone is rescued, otherwise, it should be chased and killed.

Although I couldn’t figure it out, Su Xiaoxiao continued to move forward.

She was afraid that this was the other party’s conspiracy and wanted to relax her vigilance, and then kill herself in one fell swoop.

Baili Tengchong ignored Su Xiaoxiao at this time, but waited for the disciple to fly over.

In fact, as he expected, the man did not change his speed or direction, but still flew toward him.

Obviously, the other party did not find himself.

Baili Tengchong waited excitedly.

This time he entered the secret realm, he hadn’t killed a person from the Xuanguang Holy Land yet.

Finally, the man entered his attack range.

Although Baili Tengchong had the confidence to kill the opponent, since he didn’t find it, let the opponent be more advanced (bdeh).

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, from a range of 500 meters to a hundred meters, and finally only 20 meters.

Bai Li Tengchong rushed out violently, waved the long sword in his hand, and slashed towards the opponent.

The power of 396 million catties!

In addition, his field is also rapidly expanding.

Belle Tengchong’s field is the solidification field.

In his domain, just like ordinary people entering the water, it is very difficult to rush up quickly.

It would be very difficult for the other party to avoid it.

He had wanted to trap Su Xiaoxiao with his domain before.

It’s a pity that Su Xiaoxiao’s thought power was too strong, so he rushed out, and when he was chasing after him, he had never entered his domain, and naturally it would be useless.

But this one is different now, it’s too close to myself.

In this case, it is impossible to escape at all.

Lin Mo looked at Baili Tengchong coldly.

When Baili Tengchong discovered Lin Mo, Lin Mo had actually discovered him first.

As for why there is no change in direction, it is not necessary at all.

Seeing Bai Li Tengchong slaying towards him, Lin Mo quickly expanded his domain and punched out immediately.


Before Baili Tengchong’s attack fell on Lin Mo’s body, he vomited blood and flew out.

He looked shocked and looked at Lin Mo and shouted: “You did it on purpose!”

At this time, his heart was shocked, so strong attack.

The punch just now has definitely surpassed the strength of 500 million catties.

Lin Mo’s punch just now has actually added some shock skills.

In fact, Lin Mo was also slightly surprised. He didn’t blow the opponent. It seems that there should be some treasures on the opponent.

Baili Tengchong turned and fled, not daring to stay.

At the same time, he used his domain ability to block Lin Mo from catching up.

He was very fortunate at this time. Before he came, he used all his points to buy a piece of golden silkworm underwear in the sect.

If it hadn’t been for this golden silkworm underwear that had withstood part of the attack, he would have died.

But even so, he was seriously injured at this time.

Lin Mo doesn’t care about the blocking ability of the opponent’s domain.

What if I stop it, and don’t chase it myself.

He punched it again. Although Baili Tengchong rushed out of the range of 500 meters, he did not rush out of 3,000 meters, and he was still in his field.


Baili Tengchong’s body exploded directly, and even the golden silkworm underwear on his body was completely broken.

He looked desperately at Lin Mo who rushed over and shouted: “I’m not reconciled!”

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao also stopped.

After hearing the explosion, she did not continue to flee, but flew higher so that she could see the situation clearly.

She also saw the battle between Lin Mo and Baili Tengchong.

Although she knew that Lin Mo was very powerful, she was still very shocked when she saw Lin Mo hit Baili Tengchong with two punches.

Although Lin Mo won the battle with her last time, it took a lot of effort anyway.

And Baili Tengchong is also stronger than her.

“His progress is too terrifying.”

Seeing Lin Mo burst Baili Tengchong, she quickly flew over.

Lin Mo took the Baili Tengchong space ring at this time, checked it, and was a little disappointed.

I thought this guy was an intermediate martial emperor, and he would have more wealth, but the result was not as good as Earl Han Shan’s.

Lin Mo didn’t know that before Bai Li Teng Chong came in, he bought a few things at a high price, and they were all hit by Lin Mo just now.

Of course, this guy is also easier to kill than Earl Han Shan.

The main reason for this is that the two have different domain capabilities.

Su Xiaoxiao flew over and said gratefully: “Thank you, Junior Brother Lin, for helping me. If it weren’t for you, I would really die in Baili Tengchong’s hands this time.”

Lin Mo smiled and said, “I just happened to meet him by chance. Sister Sister, don’t worry about it.”

Su Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while and asked, “Junior Brother, have you broken through to the Intermediate Martial Sovereign?”

Lin Mo nodded and smiled: “Breakthrough a few days ago.”

“Then you have to call you senior brother.” Su Xiaojing thought that it was so, really terrifying cultivation speed.

The Xuanguang Holy Land is called based on the theory of cultivation.

She remembered that Lin Mo was not in the same batch as her, but a newcomer this year.

“I have something to talk about next time.” Lin Mo finished speaking and left quickly.

He felt that the distance between himself and Bai Shengxue was much closer, and if he pursued it, he should be able to kill the opponent before he found the treasure.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Mo’s back in amazement and pouted. She still wanted to act with Lin Mo, but she was left behind before she could say anything…

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