Chapter 108

Lin Mo responded with a smile.

He had heard Wan Guangming’s introduction to the secret realm.

After entering, it will be scattered throughout the secret realm. If you encounter it, you can help later, if you can’t meet it, it’s okay.

Lin Mo didn’t have much feelings with them either, so everything should be done according to his own situation.

The time to enter the secret realm this time is about a month, and it will be teleported out when the time is up.

“Brother Gu, they will leave it to you this time.” Wan Guangming said with a smile.

This time it was Gu Tianni who led the team.

“Please don’t worry if you teach me, no one dares to fool around with me,” Gu Tianni said with a smile.

He glanced at Lin Mo and felt even more regretful.

He also found that Lin Mo’s body was getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of this body refining progress was amazing.

It’s just that Lin Mo has already worshipped Wan Guangming as his teacher, otherwise, he will be accepted as a disciple anyway.

Gu Tianni released his mount, which was a black giant eagle, exuding a terrifying aura, and it was a sacred beast.

The holy beast is equivalent to the level of Wu Sheng.

In the beginning, it was actually called the beast saint, but later some people thought it was weird to call it, so they changed it to the holy beast.

“This is the Styx eagle. It is rumored that this eagle can wander between life and death.” Someone exclaimed.

Lin Mo looked at Gu Tianni.

Gu Tianni smiled and said: “It’s not so exaggerated, but this kind of alien beast will indeed devour human souls. Okay, all on its back.”

Lin Mo and others all got on the back of the Styx eagle, and then the 13 Styx eagle quickly soared into the sky and flew towards the entrance of the dawn secret realm.

Sitting on the Styx Eagle, Lin Mo felt an extreme speed.

“This is the speed of the holy beast, so fast, much faster than me.”

Even if Lin Mo displayed the profound meaning of speed, he couldn’t compare to one-tenth of this Styx Eagle.

But he was not discouraged either, this was a holy beast, equivalent to Wu Sheng.

When I reached the Martial Saint level, there was no problem at all over this Styx Eagle.

Sitting on the Styx Eagle, they were not blown down by the strong air currents.

The Styx Eagle released a shield and enveloped them all, extremely safe.

The journey is very safe, and no one dares to provoke.

After flying for a long time, about a million miles away, I finally reached the entrance of the secret realm.

Lin Mo and others are not the first to arrive.

There are also a group of gorgeously dressed people, all of whom have extraordinary temperaments. At this time, they all looked at Lin Mo and others curiously.

“It’s from Longshan Empire!” Lin Mo judged it at a glance.

He looked at these people for a while, thinking which ones were still princesses, princes.

“Prince Du, you are the first to come every time.” Gu Tianni said with a smile.

Responsible opposite is a gray-haired old man.

Wu Sheng has a life span of nearly two thousand years, but there are not many people who can really live to the end of his life.

Prince Du said with a smile: “I am old, I can’t compare with you. You don’t have to be too hurry to come early.”

Both of them were looking at the people the other party had brought this time.

Lin Mo sensed that the other person’s eyes swept over him, putting a lot of pressure on him.

Lin Mo didn’t resist, the other party just tested it.

If you resist yourself, you will be exposed to the opponent’s eyes all at once.

Lin Mo did not resist, but a few in the crowd resisted, showing a strong spiritual cultivation.

Lin Mo estimates that these will be the focus of the other party.

At this time, the princesses, princes and counts on the opposite side also resisted one by one.

Lin Mo found that among these people, the one who resisted the most was a woman in a white dress.

The other party is very beautiful and moving, with a noble temperament on his body.

However, following the confrontation, Lin Mo discovered that her strength might have the intermediate martial emperor level, and she should be the same as herself, with black and white stones.

It’s just that the other party looks very proud.

At this time, Gu Tianni’s voice sounded in his ear: “Why, stare at the little girl, is it a fancy to them? I tell you, this is the Yunxue Princess of the Longshan Empire, the best talent of this generation. , A bunch of suitors, if you want to start, you have to do it early.”

Lin Mo curled his lips and said in a voice transmission: “Don’t bother the Lord, I’m not interested in the princess.”

“In fact, this little girl is really good, but this time in Secret Realm, it’s a good place to date.” Gu Tianni spoke again.

Lin Mo looked at Gu Tianni speechlessly, and couldn’t see that there was a matchmaker’s heart inside this guy’s burly appearance.

“Not interested.” Lin Mo responded.

He looked to the left abruptly, and found a spaceship flying in the distance.

The people of the Eternal Dao Sect are here!

Gu Tianni also put away his thoughts and looked at the spaceship with a serious expression.

Soon the spaceship stopped in front of the crowd, a group of people got off the spaceship, and then the spaceship was put away.

This group of people is different from the people on either side.

The people of the Longshan Empire did not have uniform clothing, they wore very gorgeous and varied styles.

The Xuanguang Holy Land is also not unified, but the emblem of the Xuanguang Holy Land will be worn.

The people of the Eternal Taoist Sect are all wearing Taoist uniforms, which can be recognized at a glance.

“Let the two wait a long time.” A middle-aged man in the lead said with a smile.

“Mingshan Dao Ancestor, I heard that you have a super genius this time, it is better to call it out for us to see.” Gu Tianni said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Lin Mo thought about it, the Holy Land of Profound Light and the Eternal Dao Sect were really bitter and bitter, and they started to quarrel as soon as they met.

But the people of Eternal Taoism are obviously more patient.

Dao Ancestor Mingshan smiled and said, “Kun Heng, come out and see the Holy Lord.”

A young man walked out and said with a smile: “Kun Heng pays homage to the Holy Lord.”

Gu Tianni glanced at it and said, “It’s not a good thing to have wicked eyebrows.”

The Emperor Wu of the Eternal Dao Sect was furious, but the Dao Ancestor Mingshan said with a smile: “It’s really not good, and it’s better than the ones you brought.”

Gu Tianni laughed, and soon he stopped and said with a smile: “Then wait for the result.”

Half a day passed quickly, and finally, it was time for the secret realm to open.

In front of them, the space began to collapse, and a spatial passage quickly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a god platform suddenly appeared in front of the passage.

“All the people of the Longshan Empire listen, now they are on the stage of the gods.” Prince Du shouted.

Gu Tianni also shouted: “All the people from the Xuanguang Holy Land, go to the stage of the gods.”

Dao Ancestor Mingshan shouted: “All the disciples of the Eternal Dao Sect, go up to the stage of the gods.”

People from three parties were dispatched at the same time, and they all flew to the stage of the gods.

The platform is huge, not to mention accommodating a hundred and fifty people, even if it is a thousand people on it, it is very spacious.

Standing on the sacred platform, Lin Mo suddenly looked towards the Longshan Empire.

He had just sensed that someone was watching him, and a very strong sense of danger had arisen.

But when he turned his head to look, the feeling disappeared again.

At this time, Bai Shengxue lowered his head and didn’t look at Lin Mo anymore.

“It’s really keen, you deserve to be someone who has mastered the realm of cause and effect, or it would have been a few years before the real body will kill you, but now I will kill you directly this time.”

Bai Shengxue is much better than Lin Mo in cause and effect.

Although it was only a clone, Lin Mo was easily found, but Lin Mo did not find her.

At this time, the dazzling light was emitted from the platform, Lin Mo and others quickly disappeared and were teleported into the dawn secret realm.

The three of Gu Tianni glanced at each other, found a place to sit down, and waited a month for the people inside to come out.

Shentai Yeye was shining, but he didn’t disappear because people teleported in.

In the secret territory of Chenguang, Lin Mo only felt that the surrounding scenery was changing rapidly. When he came back to his senses, he was already in the secret territory.

He was in a forest at this time.

Just as Lin Mo was about to investigate the surrounding situation, he found that there were people from the Eternal Dao Sect in front of and behind him.

There are five people on the other side.

At this time, these people also discovered Lin Mo and quickly surrounded Lin Mo.

Lin Mo, who looked at this situation, thought whether he was tampered with when he was teleporting.

At this time, these eternal Taoist disciples were also very surprised, but immediately rejoiced.

One of them sneered and said: “Your luck is really bad. The Morning Light Holy Realm is so big, you actually teleported with us.”

“Unexpectedly, this time I just came in, I would be able to kill a person from the Profound Light Holy Land. It seems lucky 717.” One of the women said.

These people kept sneering. In their eyes, Lin Mo was almost like a dead person.

Lin Mo laughed softly: “I didn’t bother to look for you, but unfortunately, your luck is really bad.”

When Lin Mo entered the secret realm this time, the main thing was naturally to find the treasure.

As for the people who killed the Eternal Dao Sect, it was just incidental.

It’s just that these people are really unlucky. They just teleported in and they were with themselves. It’s hard to not die.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, the expressions of these people changed slightly, and one of them shouted: “Kill!”

These people are good at getting started quickly.

The level of the Profound Realm is probably at the level of the King Realm.

A wave of energy shot at Lin Mo frantically.

In addition, Lin Mo also feels strong pressure.

Even in these areas, there are attacks on his soul.

Lin Mo also quickly expanded his field.

He expanded both areas and said softly: “Restore!”

Suddenly all the attacks quickly decomposed.

The expressions of these disciples of the Eternal Dao Sect changed drastically.

“It’s time for me to attack!” Lin Mo said with a smile.

He suddenly fell in front of him with a punch, as if hitting an empty space.

But the head of a man behind him exploded directly and fell to death.

“Causal realm!” The woman who had spoken before shouted in horror.

The causal realm is the most powerful realm, and these people also know it.

“Run away!” one of them shouted.

The remaining four people fled in four directions respectively.

The prestige of the causal realm is too strong, as long as it is in the realm, it can attack anyone at will.

One person had died before, and they dare not stay in Lin Mo’s domain anymore.

“It’s too late to escape at this time.” Lin Mo said softly.

He fell with another punch, and the head of the woman who had made the noise before also exploded.

The remaining three rushed out of the area and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, their faces became extremely ugly. .

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