Chapter 106

Flying on the road, Lin Mo frowned suddenly.

A wonderful feeling arises.

Lin Mo knows that this is because his causal field has become stronger.

After some things have a cause and effect, they will be sensed by themselves.

You can prepare in advance.

If Lin Mo’s previous causal realm was so powerful, then he might be able to circumvent this matter in the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm.

Of course, the greater possibility is unavoidable. After all, in terms of cause and effect, he is still far behind Han Tianyi for a long time.

Lin Mo actually understood a little at this time, why Han Tianyi was no longer in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm, but in the position of the junior martial sage.

Because through cause and effect, he already knew what he was about to come.

From the moment Lin Mo stepped into the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Origins, in fact, everything was doomed -.

And the reason why he didn’t wait for him at the junior Wuzong was because he didn’t want Wan Guang Ming to interfere.

Of course, there is another possibility, probably because Wu Zong’s side will make him feel at a loss.

Lin Mo felt it carefully, and suddenly two figures appeared in his mind.

Sister Lan Qiaoqing!

“How could it be them and what it is that will cause cause and effect with themselves. Is it because they are going to have something, and I planned to let them help me in practice before, if they have a problem, the result will naturally change.” Lin Mo thought.

After thinking about it, he planned to take a look, and at the same time understand that although cause and effect can make him feel something in advance, it will also interfere with him.

The degree of this can only be grasped by yourself.

Lin Mo moved quickly in the direction he sensed.

Soon, he reached the edge of the Holy Land.

“They are outside the Holy Land, are they going out to complete the task?”

Lin Mo did not hesitate and rushed out of the Holy Land quickly.

At this time, a thousand kilometers away from the Holy Land, in a jungle, a great battle is taking place.

A large number of trees collapsed, and waves of energy continued to be emitted.

Vaguely, several areas can be seen overlapping.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see a huge beetle that is several hundred meters long.

There are five humans around this beetle.

In the air, black air currents continued to appear, attacking the five people.

All five were extremely embarrassed and kept rushing outside, but the huge beetle was faster, flapping its wings, and quickly appeared in front of the fleeing person, spraying black gas, forcing the other party to retreat.

The faces of the five people were a little desperate, they were just the junior martial emperor, and this strange beast had already reached the intermediate beast emperor.

“No, I can’t deliver the message.” Lan Qiaoqing said with a haggard face.

The field of the black beetle has the effect of shielding information.

They tried to rush out of the beetle’s field several times, but they were all blocked by the opponent.

If it weren’t for the good cooperation of the five of them, especially the double five elements magnetic field of the Lan sisters played a major role, I am afraid that they would have been killed by this black beetle long ago.

But if this goes on, you will eventually die!

Suddenly, the beetle raised its head, and its huge antennae launched a large amount of black air into the sky.

The next moment, it was like rain, and the black air flow quickly fell, making them unable to avoid it.

The five opened the energy shield and resisted these black air currents, but they found that they were getting weaker and weaker.

“It’s the profound meaning of poison. In its domain, there is the profound meaning of poison.” Lan Qiaoqing exclaimed in some horror.

He couldn’t escape, he couldn’t ask for help, and he was still weakening.

This is dying!

The giant beetle made a buzzing sound, as if it were laughing.

The next moment, the giant beetle attacked again.

The five kept attacking, but the powerful attack fell on the reflective shell of the beetle and was directly bounced away.

The body of this beetle is too strong to be used as an armor.

Finally, one of them couldn’t support it and was pierced directly by the beetle’s tentacles.

In the next moment, this person’s body completely turned black, obviously poisoned.

In less than a second, he died completely.

“Thunder Crane!” several people shouted.

The tentacles of the giant beetle rolled down the corpse of the crane, put it into its mouth and chewed it.

This venom is secreted by itself, so obviously there is no need to worry about poisoning if eaten.

Soon, Lei He was eaten into its stomach, and then its two eyes looked at Lan Qiaoqing and the four of them, which became brighter.

The battle soon resumed.

In the sky, Lin Mo was flying fast.

Elizabeth had been put away by him, and he was flying faster.

Through the field of causality, Lin Mo can feel the change of cause and effect more drastically.

Lin Mo can probably guess their situation.

Finally, he sensed the fierce battle ahead.

Lin Mo rushed over quickly.

From high above, he saw the huge black beetle below, besides that, there were three other women.

On the way Lin Mo came, it was obvious that another person was eaten by this giant beetle.

At this time, the skin of Sister Lan Qiaoqing and another woman was a little dark, which is the poisoning gradually deepened.

Although not dead yet, all three of them were desperate.

In the sky, Lin Mo quickly fell towards the ground like a cannonball.

The powerful air fluctuation suddenly attracted the attention of the three people and the black beetle.

“That’s… Lin Mo!”

Lan Qiaoqing was taken aback for a moment, and shouted happily.

“It’s him, why is he here?” Lan Keqing was also very surprised, but also full of smiles.

In her mind, although Lin Mo is also a junior martial emperor, this is not an ordinary martial emperor. He might be able to win against the intermediate beast emperor.

Although the other woman hadn’t seen Lin Mo, but she had also heard of Lin Mo’s name, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The location where Lin Mo fell has not changed because of the escape of the giant beetle.

He opened the realm of cause and effect, and instantly enveloped the giant beetle.

As soon as it was enveloped, the giant beetle appeared extremely manic, and quickly rushed towards the distance.

In just an instant, the beetle darted thousands of meters away.

“Out of the realm of cause and effect!” Lan Qiaoqing exclaimed.

The next moment, there was a bang!

A fierce attack fell on the giant beetle, his shell shattered directly, and green blood splashed.

“How can this be?”

All three were extremely surprised.

Lin Mo punched into the air again.


The giant beetle flew directly.

Although it is a middle-level beast king, the power of Lin Mo’s attack at this time has reached the strength of a high-level beast king, which is not what it can resist.

The three of Lan Qiaoqing saw that the giant beetle was constantly opened to this side like a basketball at this time.

From the moment Lin Mo appeared, he showed a state of crushing.


There was another loud noise, and the giant beetle fell in front of them. There was no breath of life, and Lin Mo was beaten to death.

Lin Mo’s strength is extremely terrifying.

The three of them also had a rapid heartbeat at this time and couldn’t calm it down.

Originally, the three wanted to join Lin Mo to fight this giant beetle.

· ···Seeking flowers············

As a result, the battle was over as soon as Lin Mo came out, and there was no chance for them to take action.

Lin Mo glanced at them, his life was revealed, and the poison on them was quickly resolved.

Although the profound meaning of life was condensed into the realm of profound meaning by Lin Mo, in addition to the abilities of the causal realm, Lin Mo can also use the four abilities of the profound meaning of the causal realm.

“Thank you, Lin Mo, if you didn’t pass here this time, we would be dead.” Lan Qiaoqing said with a smile. .

A ray of light flashed, and Lan Qiaoqing’s embarrassed appearance disappeared, and she returned to her previous beautiful appearance.

Woman, sure enough, pay attention to her beauty at all times.

The other two also thanked.

Lin Mo shook his head and said, “I didn’t pass by, I came here to save you.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, all three of them were shocked.

They failed to send out a distress signal, Lin Mo could know that they were in danger.

Lan Qiaoqing was reddened slightly in blue, and her heart was full of joy. She thought to herself: “Could it be that Lin Mo…”

Before her thoughts were fully expressed, she heard Lin Mo say: “I need the dual five-element magnetic field of the two of you to assist in the practice, so I hope you can live in my residence in the next few years and help me practice.”

…….. …….

Before, Lin Mo felt that the eight beast kings were enough for the time being.

But now that there is one more White Sacred Snow who doesn’t know how terrifying it is, Lin Mo naturally wants to speed up his cultivation and can’t let go of any time.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, the Lan Qingqiao sisters were slightly stunned and a little disappointed.

But at the same time, he was a little relieved.

Lin Mo glanced at the giant beetle and said with a smile: “This beetle, just treat it as my payment to you.”

“No, you saved our lives, and it only took a few years.” Lan Qiaoqing quickly refused.

A few years, for the Emperor Wu who has a life span of several hundred years, it is really nothing.

And they are only thirty years old this year, they are very young.

“It’s okay, this thing has no effect on me anyway.” Lin Mo said.

Seeing this, the Lan sisters put away the beetle, and the woman next to her looked very envious.

This is an intermediate Beast King, one level higher than them.

Lin Mo released Elizabeth and said with a smile: “Just take my mount and go back.”

Everyone was sitting on the Thunder Dragon. The body of the Thunder Dragon was extremely large. It was now a high-level beast king. It was hundreds of meters long. Not to mention a few people, even hundreds of people would be very rich.

Soon, everyone returned to the Holy Land.

The woman left alone, while Lin Mo led the Lan sisters towards the holy spiritual realm.

Soon, after passing the waterfall outside, Lin Mo entered the holy spiritual realm.

As soon as they entered here, the Lan sisters felt that this place was several times stronger than the outside world.

They have long known that practicing in the Holy Land is better than outside, but when they really feel it, they realize that it is very different from outside.

For a while, the two sisters were a little excited. They practiced in such a place, and their cultivation speed would be much faster.

For a while, both of them were a little embarrassed, knowing that they shouldn’t have received the giant beetle.

Following Lin Mo across the bridge, the two finally entered the mansion.

As they entered the mansion, the two stared again.

As soon as they entered, the two felt a big difference.

Here, the speed at which they perceive things has doubled.


The two sisters looked at each other and felt very lucky. It was their luck to be able to help Lin Mo practice here. Spoon.

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