Chapter 101

This is a girl who looks very quiet, just like the good girl Lin Mo had met in school before.

Such a girl gives people a desire to protect.

The girl looked at Lin Mo and smiled: “Hello, my name is Su Xiaoxiao, and my ability is mind power.”

Lin Mo was slightly stunned. Anyone knows how to think, ~ what kind of ability is this.

But he still smiled and said: “You don’t need to tell me your abilities.-”

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head and said: “I already know your ability, you don’t know my ability, this is unfair-flat.”

Lin Mo was slightly stunned, this is still a fair girl.

The battle began, Lin Mo quickly released the realm of everything.

He was very curious about what Su Xiaoxiao’s so-called mind power was.

As soon as Lin Mo was released, he felt a terrifying power of thought rushing from Su Xiaoxiao.

This power of thought is so powerful that it is at least the peak of Wu Huang.

“How could the junior martial emperor possess such a powerful thought power?” Lin Mo was shocked.

His thought power is also close to the Intermediate Martial Emperor, but compared with this woman, it is still much worse.

At this time, Lin Mo also saw Su Xiaoxiao’s situation clearly. Su Xiaoxiao’s domain was an ordinary Sanhua domain.

The Sanhua Domain is a reduced version of the Five Elements Domain. It uses three of the five elements combined together. Compared with the Five Elements Domain, it is much worse than the Five Elements Domain, and it is the lowest level of the Profound Realm.

Generally, the people with this field are the lowest rank among the emperors.

Su Xiaoxiao turned out to be such a field.

It stands to reason that her thought power should not be too strong, but now it is abnormal.

Sure enough, those who can choose to fight against themselves will not be the weak.

The powerful thought power condensed into a long knife and slashed towards Lin Mo.

“Restore!” Lin Mo said softly.

The surface of the long knife quickly decomposed, and the long knife quickly became smaller. The original long knife, which was more than ten meters long, quickly became smaller. When Lin Mo was in front of him, it was only more than one meter long, which was the same as an ordinary long knife.

Lin Mo’s gluttonous shadow appeared and swallowed a long knife.

Su Xiaoxiao’s face turned pale.

In the next moment, more than two dozen huge long knives appeared, and at the same time they chopped down at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo cried out in his heart: “Abnormal!”

This power of thought is horrible.

Lin Mo, while restoring these long knives, waved his fists and attacked Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao’s thoughts condensed into a shield to withstand Lin Mo’s attack.

When the power of mind is strong to a certain level, it actually has the same effect as the spiritual realm.


The explosion sounded, and the shield was fine.

Watching this scene, many people exclaimed.

Lin Mo himself was a little surprised, the 200 million jin of power has not been broken.

If this is the case, let it be more than 300 million catties.

Lin Mo punched again, and the powerful force fell on the shield.


The shield exploded directly, and Su Xiaoxiao flew out.

All the long knives disappeared, and her face was pale.

Su Xiaoxiao stood up and said, “You have won!”

Wuhuang Pinnacle thought power is very strong, but after all, it is not the real Wuhuang Pinnacle, and the fighting power is probably at the level of the intermediate Wuhuang.

After taking into account both offense and defense, the defense force alone can’t reach the level of the intermediate martial emperor.

If Lin Mo is just a general junior martial emperor, naturally it cannot be broken.

But Lin Mo is not, he is Wu Huang who can leapfrog and challenge.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao leaving, the scene was silent.

They lost!

The three strongest selected, all lost.

And Lin Mo didn’t even need to stop, winning three battles in a row and it was super easy.

“This guy has become stronger again.” Lan Qiaoqing sighed.

During the assessment, Lin Mo was super tough.

Originally thought that Lin Mo was cultivating by himself, and that they had the guidance of a master, which would bring them closer.

But now it seems that instead of getting closer, it’s getting bigger.

Bei Feng Miaomiao and others also nodded.

Lin Mo used his intrepid strength today to show that he is a super genius without the slightest water.

I respect the junior martial emperor.

Feeling everyone’s attention, Lin Mo suddenly seemed to be able to hear everyone’s words.

“It’s too fierce, no junior martial emperor can fight him.”

“His strength has definitely reached the level of an intermediate martial emperor.”

“The two top-level Profound Realms are really terrifying.”

“I heard that he is only nineteen years old, and I don’t know how to cultivate. Doesn’t it take a month to comprehend a profound meaning?”

“This is a genius, I don’t know how he cultivated.”

“I don’t know if he has a girlfriend?”

“It’s really amazing, no wonder you dare to mention the conditions, dare not to worship the four holy masters as masters, and not choose genres.”

“He really is a body-refining stream, and his body looks a little thin, not like a body-refining stream.”

“Handsome, so handsome!”

“I really want to know him. I don’t know if he likes a woman like me.”

“Damn it, those three wastes, they were defeated like this, I said earlier, let me go, if I go, I will be able to defeat Lin Mo!”


Lin Mo felt that he could hear everyone’s voice. The next moment, his thought power broke through.

A long time ago, his thought power had reached the level of a junior martial emperor.

Of course, the so-called long ago was actually just a few months ago.

But for Lin Mo, a few months is already very long.

According to his own estimation, it should have been a breakthrough long ago.

The result has been delayed until now, and finally a breakthrough.

The powerful thought power rushed towards the surroundings. At the moment of breakthrough, the thought power would greatly increase, even rushing to the level of a senior martial emperor, and then slowly fall to maintain the normal intermediate martial emperor level.

The faces of some Wu Huang who were closer were a little pale, and they hurriedly resisted.

Fortunately, Lin Mo’s thoughts are scattered, otherwise, they are probably all injured.

In the audience, Su Xiaoxiao just came back and looked at Lin Mo in amazement, and muttered: “Breakthrough? What a formidable talent.”

Su Xiaoxiao’s ability to possess such a powerful mind is actually inherited from another strong person.

Precisely because of this, the domain of the strong man is the domain of Sanhua, and what she presents is also the domain of Sanhua.

But then, she can comprehend another domain by herself and form a dual domain powerhouse without affecting her aptitude.

Lin Mo’s thought power slowly returned, and a smile appeared on his face.

The power of mind finally broke through.

He glanced at the people present, turned and left.

This time, I tried the Domain of All Things and stopped other people. These people in the province are always thinking about challenging themselves when they have nothing to do. They are as annoying as a fly.

The medicine pill has also been purchased, and the next step is to continue to retreat.

Lin Mo’s current strength is still very weak and still needs to be strengthened.

Lin Mo flew out of the battlefield and flew towards his mansion.

However, after flying only a few tens of kilometers, he felt a powerful force holding him and pulling himself towards the ground.

Lin Mo looked gloomy, and a token appeared in his hand.

It was given to him by Wan Guangming. With this token, once Lin Mo was activated, Wan Guangming would be able to sense it.

But soon, he collected the token.

“Participate in every holy lord.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

“Lin Mo, I think your last proposal was good, how about worshipping me as a teacher?” Zhuge Liufeng said first.

· ···Seeking flowers············

“Holy Lord, I already have a master.” Lin Mo said.

“It’s okay, you can break the relationship with him and just worship me as a teacher.” Zhuge Liufeng continued smiling.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while, silently.

Wan Guangming looked ugly and shouted: “Zhuge Liufeng, I have already said, Lin Mo is my disciple, so don’t grab it.”

Lin Mo looked at Wan Guangming in astonishment. Didn’t he say he hadn’t talked about it?

Why did you take the initiative to admit it now?

Lin Mo understood after a little thought, it must be because he understood the realm of everything.

Wan Guangming came over and said with a smile: “Lin Mo, very good. If you have any questions in the future, please come to me.”

“Thank you, Master.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

After this proved himself, the treatment was much better.

“Lin Mo, you really don’t think about Zhuge Liufeng’s suggestion. Actually, it’s not bad to come to me for artistic conception,” Mu Tianqin said.

“Thank you for the kindness of the Lord, I have already been apprentice.” Lin Mo refused.

He doesn’t want others to know his situation.

Mu Tianqin was very disappointed and could only give up.

After bidding farewell to these holy masters, Lin Mo flew towards his mansion again.

…….. …

These holy masters have a very high status. Others may not be able to meet them for several years. Lin Mo has met several times in two months.

Back in the mansion, Lin Mo first drew a speed artistic conception picture for Elizabeth to comprehend, and then returned to the training room again.

Next, Lin Mo began to practice.

The king and eight beast kings continue to work hard to release gravity.

Today, Lin Mo’s daily strength increase is 500,000 catties, which can increase 15 million catties in one month.

In an instant, two months passed.

Lin Mo stood up in front of the machine and punched it down.

312 million catties of force.

Intermediate Wuhuang!

“Finally reached the Intermediate Martial Emperor. At the Martial Emperor level, the promotion speed is much slower.”

Lin Mo sighed.

If this is known to others, it may be vomiting blood.

At the Wuhuang level, the life span is generally more than four to five hundred years, and it is normal to spend several decades to break through a level.

It only took Lin Mo a few months to break through from the junior martial emperor to the intermediate martial emperor. This speed is simply terrifying.

But Lin Mo doesn’t compare with others, he only compares with himself. Compared with the previous promotion speed, it is indeed a lot slower.

Lin Mo continues to practice, and now he has increased his strength by 600,000 jin every day, and 18 million jin in a month.

With the improvement of strength, Lin Mo now increases the limit of strength every day, and is also constantly expanding.

After another month of retreat, Lin Mo’s shock skills finally broke through.

The card time can be said to be very long.

Before it was 99 shocks.

After this breakthrough, directly reached the 333 Concussion Skill.

The increased strength reached 60 million catties.

This terrifying development shocked even Lin Mo himself.

“Before I felt that the card time was too long, but now it seems that it is all worthwhile.”

Lin Mo smiled.

He punched the machine again, this time bursting out with all his strength.

The numbers on the machine jumped quickly, and finally stopped slowly.

Four hundred and fifty-three hundred and twenty catties.

Looking at this data, it is estimated that no one would have thought that Lin Mo was a junior martial emperor before, and the power that broke out at this time was surprisingly close to the senior martial emperor.

In addition to his Profound Realm and so on, it would be okay to fight against a high-level martial emperor.

Lin Mo glanced at the numbers, nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to practice.

There is still a pill, don’t rush to do anything else, cultivation is the kingly way. Spoon.

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