Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 574 - Use all beings to create celestial bodies (47)

Chapter 574 – : Use all beings to create celestial bodies (4/7)

With fierce eyes, the big hand immediately caught the past, penetrated the space, and arrived in an instant.

Grab it in your hand.

With an unbridled smile in his eyes, he said cruelly: “Die to me.

With a bang, the flames burned directly, refining on the spot, extremely cruel.

The other party was screaming, the body was melting, the whole face was not human, and the flesh and blood was turned over.

Rolling, roaring, struggling, roaring again and again, in the end only the bones were left.

The inner gold core is dissolved.

In the end, the bones dissipated directly into a burst of fly ash.

“Ha” The weathered and arrogant laughter passed through the stars, and the next second it turned towards a

The great master killed the past.

“Stop playing, kill them all quickly and join hands with me.” Changkong Yueming’s complexion was a little hairy.

Bai, a large number of stars are constantly fusing under his control, which consumes a lot of him.

it is good

Weathering replied, the speed of countless sharp swords suddenly soared, there were fights everywhere, countless big swords

The statue was cut in half, and the flame at the incision was rising and burning continuously.

A lot of golden elixir, floating everywhere.

“Join hands together to build the furnace.” Long Kong Yueming’s voice was anxious,

The laws urged to the extreme, and the laws all over the body were rising rapidly.

Ten roots

Two roots.


One hundred.

Two hundred heels

A full two hundred threads of the law, all around him, like two hundred giant dragons, roaring constantly

The sound is loud.

Jiang Yuan’s brows suddenly rose in the void in the distance.

He knew Changkong Yuemingying had hidden strength, but he did not expect that Yingying had hidden so much, a full two hundred

The power of Tao law, and it seems that this is not all of him.

Jiang Yuan now has the power of ten laws, and the golden body of the laws has three forms, exploding with all strength.

Hair can be increased by thirty times, and the power of three hundred laws can be exploded.


At this moment, the three of them had grim expressions,-starting hands, they made countless handprints.

, Combined with each other to form a strange formation, in the starry sky, extremely huge.

It continues to spread out, and wherever it passes, the stars begin to accelerate and collide, and continue to melt


With just a dozen breaths and questions, thousands of stars have all merged together.

It turned into a fiery red planet, huge in size.

Almost the same as a big day.

There are still many creatures that did not die, and luckily survived, but these creatures

They were all hypnotized, standing motionless on the ground, with their eyes dull.(Read more @

“Open r”

At this moment, Changkong Yueming suddenly widened her eyes, with red blood awns under her eyes-

Flashed past, folded his hands, and made a complex set of gestures.

A white light cluster appeared in the center of the palm.

The light group shook suddenly, broke apart, turned into twelve beams of light, and moved downwards in an instant.

Fang Xingchen shocked down.

Suddenly hit the earth.

The whole planet is slightly in need again.

The moment he touched the earth, he abruptly smashed the earth into twelve huge, circular holes.

As if pierced through the earth’s rock formations, the magma was smashed out, scattered and agitated, setting off huge

The big wave of magma, extremely hot, scattered on the ground, and the stones were all dissolved.


Changkong Yueming had a cruel smile on her face, her voice indifferent.

Almost at the moment his voice fell, the countless surviving creatures on the earth were in order

Started to line up and turned into a queue of twelve long dragons, walking towards the cave with blood

Celestial warships, powerful, specializing in taboo places, formation in front of Celestial warships,

It’s broken at the touch of a touch, and with this celestial battleship, it’s much easier to explore some monuments in the future.

The faces of the two weathered people also had a dark color with excitement.

Between slightly nodding, the two of them turned into two streams of light and disappeared instantly.

Almost the moment the two left, Jiang Yuan’s body also disappeared in place, directly following

After Feng transformed himself, he constantly shuttled among the stars.

Just a few breaths.

The weathering stopped.

Under his feet is a huge planet with a population of less than tens of billions. Technology

The degree is similar to that of the Aqua Blue Star today, and there are hardly any strong ones.

There are only some broken star realms.

Lina appeared almost in weathering.

His huge size has been clearly seen by countless creatures on the entire planet.

“.~What is that? What a giant?”

“Are they some powerful beings in the universe? Suddenly visiting our planet, it’s difficult

Is there anything wrong with Tao?”

Countless creatures have curiosity on their faces, and there is a trace of aspiration watching the huge wind above the sky


The patriarch of this race, the first time he took the high-ranking group of race, appeared in the wind

Before turning.

“You are so great, what can Hezuo help you?”

The ancestor of the race was trembling in his voice, approaching Fenghua’s side, looking at his huge volume

, The breath that radiated from his body made him tremble, and there was a kind of ventricular breath that made him unable to breathe.

a feeling of.

Looking at each other with a weathered look, he said with a cruel smile on his face: “Can be chosen by me

In, it is (Wang Nuozhao) your luck. ”

The other party was taken aback for a moment, and didn’t understand what it meant to welcome.

Weathering suddenly started, and big hands caught them all at once, just like catching a group of ants.

In this way, there is no resistance at all, and it is directly received in the heart, trapped in the microcosmic space in the body.


“There are tens of billions of people on this planet. All of them have been arrested. Several planets are being arrested. It should be

enough. “Weather Hua looked at the planet under her feet, and his thoughts moved slightly.

Ready to be arrested.

But at this moment, there was a slight shock in the not-distant space, and there was a slight shock.

Waves like water waves.

One of the breath of the gods quickly diffused out.

In an instant, the weathered brows frowned, and his gaze looked over.

He saw Jiang Yuan tore through the space, without the surface, stepped out of it in one step.

Seeing that the person coming was Jiang Yuan, the expression on Fenghua’s face suddenly relaxed.

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