Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 568 - Race ancestors are extremely proud (57)

Chapter 568 – : Race ancestors are extremely proud (5/7)

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s words, the teacher’s ugly face only improved a little bit: “The answer is correct.

Now, sit down! Next time in class, don’t give me a hippie smile. ”

“Yes, yes, yes” Jiang Cheng nodded and sat down quickly, this time he didn’t dare to take a desertion.

I heard the teacher saying from the podium: “The theory class I want to give you today is just

It’s a martial god, what is a martial god, it’s actually a literal meaning, it’s already here

The limit of martial arts is almost a god, and it is a god of martial arts.

“Among the known gods, the seventy-two purple mansions, all the head teachers of the purple mansion are martial gods

In addition, Zifu also has high, middle and low points. Among the lower Zifu, there will be

There are a small number of martial arts gods.

“And above the martial gods, there are kings gods, but in the three thousand domains, and even

In the galaxy group we live in, the existence of the kingly gods will never be seen. ”

“There are not many records in the book. Today’s homework is for everyone to remember.

All Zifu learned martial arts gods. ”

The teacher changed and said, sliding his finger on the huge panel behind him, every time he swiped

A picture of a horrible figure appeared, on which the letter of the other party was densely recorded


“Everyone must remember the name of every great existence above, and have done it with them

You must recite the great deeds, and I will check tomorrow. If anyone can’t remember,

Get ready to fly around the big star-circle!

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the entire teacher, with hundreds of people, immediately mourned.


You know, there are so many data on a god, it is simply an epic story.

If you use books to record, you can record a thick book, even if you remember it, it will take a long time


It turns out that above the Nine Suns, there is the ultimate martial arts, for the martial gods! “Jiang Chengwei

For a moment, there was a shock in my heart.

On the stage, the teacher is still reading the pictures constantly, mainly focusing on the introduction.

At this moment, a picture was flipped over while the other party was flipping through it.

And this scene happened to be seen by Jiang Hong, the whole person’s eyes widened suddenly, and his breathing was short of breath,-

Stand up from the seat.

“Jiang Cheng, what are you doing?” The teacher saw Jiang Cheng standing up suddenly and couldn’t help but wrinkle.

Raised an eyebrow: somewhat unhappy.

Jiang Cheng has a good talent, but he is not very obedient, which makes him very distressed.

Be a problem student

Master.” Jiang Cheng opened his mouth, and his voice was trembling: “You, you, you, you

Can you flip through the screen to the previous one? “(Read more @

The teacher frowned, but the request was not excessive, and he didn’t say anything, straight

When you swipe your finger, you flip to the previous one.

The moment I saw the characters in the picture.

Jiang Cheng’s body trembled. He sat on the seat and had difficulty breathing.

Eyes opened wide, as if everything in the body could not be seen, only in the picture


Yu’er around took a look at the characters in the picture, and then at Jiang Cheng beside him

I couldn’t help but stab the opponent, lowered his voice and said, “Jiangcheng, what’s the matter with you? Are you okay?”

However, Jiang Cheng seemed to have no feeling at all, and he stared at the picture blankly.


The teacher on the podium watched Jiang Cheng staring at the characters in the screen and couldn’t help but introduce

Said: “The god we see now is the current head teacher of Tenghong Zifu, Jiang

The source of the gods had just broken through the realm of the gods, but the record was terrifying. ”

“Become the first battle of the gods, directly kill a martial god, and there are a hundred

Respect the existence of Jiuyang Great Realm

The teacher talked eloquently, the students listened very seriously, and many people’s eyes burst out

The color of worship.

The female voice is full of admiration, and she can’t help but start to fantasize about various scenes, and her mind is open.

At this time, Jiang Cheng reacted, his fists were clenched instantly, breathing hard, slowly

Turned his head and looked at Yu’er beside him, and Yu’er was also looking at him, the two of them looked at each other.


Yu’er’s complexion suddenly turned red, and quickly lowered her head, her heartbeat speeding up.

In the next second, Jiang Cheng was even more excited, holding her hand and suppressing the voice.

“Yu’er, I’m so excited, I’m so excited, my goodness! My goodness!”

He started to talk incoherently when he was excited.

Yu’er looked up at him suspiciously, and saw that his excited eyes were blood red and his whole body

Qi and blood are boiling and trembling.

“What’s the matter with you?” Yuer asked, looking at him in a relationship. “I’m fine, I’m better than I have ever been before, I’m so excited, and I’m so proud, and

You Rongyan

Ah! “Jiangcheng Road: “Do you know why my surname is Jiang?”

Yu’er said suspiciously, “Isn’t it your parents’ surname Jiang?”

“No” Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, “My real name is Wangcheng, but I later changed my name to Jiangcheng. This is because

Because, I want to have a surname with our race ancestors!”

“Your ancestor of the race?” Yu’er didn’t know, so she simply said: “You admire him very much?”

“To” Jiang Cheng nodded and said, “I admire very much.

Like the god of worship, in my heart he is an eternal and invincible existence, no one can fight

Beat him. ”

“And his name is Jiang Yuan

Almost at the moment when Jiangcheng’s voice fell to 343, Yu’er suddenly widened her eyes,

Covering his mouth with his hand, his neck was stiff at this moment, and he slowly turned his head to look at the podium.

In the huge picture, a man looked indifferent.

In the name column next to it, the two characters Jiang Yuan are written in golden ancient Chinese, full of

Divine brilliance,

“He, he, he is the ancestor of your race” Yu’er’s voice was trembling, no

It was incredible, it was incredible, he looked at Jiang Cheng in horror.

Jiang Yuan also nodded in shock, his eyes looked at the podium, with an extremely proud god in his eyes.


The entire three thousand domains, hundreds of millions of races, infinite forces, and gods are like stars, but

There are several gods: and the ancestors of their race are among the ranks.

He is a real powerhouse standing at the top, and one word can tell the world.

Even if he left a word, the entire Guangming clan would be destroyed and erased from the ten thousand clan.

This feeling is really shocking.

Especially since he was still in a foreign country, he couldn’t be excited by the news.


At this time, a resounding voice suddenly spread over the sky,

Swept the whole world, reverberating constantly, louder than thunder, and deafening.

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