Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 566 - Celestial Warship (37)

Chapter 566 – : Celestial Warship (3/7)

The little guy said a word, no less than a clear sky, and suddenly broke his brain and will.

There was a rumbling and shaking in his mind, making him unable to react for a while.

After a long time, he swallowed hard,

Stupidly, he said every word: “Martial. The peak of martial arts is almost for gods and for martial arts.

Taoist God”

“Have he reached this level?” Hong Zhen said to himself,-

The horror of the thighs swept through his body, and his complexion became extremely pale.

When I first met, Jiang Yuan was just a mere master, and he had become a master at the time of meeting.

Grand Master, then rushed to the Sifang Town General.

Every time I see him, I can plant an unprecedented shock to my soul.

Now he has embarked on a realm like a myth that he couldn’t even imagine.

The peak of martial arts is almost a god.

“Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan!” Hong Zhen screamed and shook his head.

The more the mentality is, it will disappear.

As a warrior, he naturally gathers an invincible heart, just calmly and always wants

Surpassing Jiang Yuan, but failing again and again, finally extinguished all his hopes.

Jiang Yuan is like the big sun hanging on the sky, he is like an ant, nothing

Law shakes.

Just before he exclaimed.

Above the earth, golden lights arrived with a billowing roar.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of people appeared beside him.

Everyone carries a violent aura, extremely hot can change the environment of the week

It was actually a powerful person in the broken star realm.

One of the women stepped forward and led the crowd. She was the one who once served in the Wuji Martial Arts Center.


She looked at the sky above the sky, like a sea of ​​stars, spreading thousands of miles of blood, her eyes

The horns were trembling, and the heartbeat accelerated.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the power of surging Qi and blood in the long river of Qi and blood.

Holding the mountain and the sea, it makes her breathing hard.

“Jiang Yuan is back, but he has already left.” Hong Zhen took a sigh of relief, his voice indifferent.

With a touch of majesty, it is the temperament that has been cultivated for a long time at the top.

In an instant, the power of qi and blood in his body vibrated suddenly, and there was a golden beam of light between his eyebrows.

Suddenly it shone out, swept out, and wherever it passed, all the blood stones were collected.

Ren Haiyan looked majestic and looked back at the people around him and said: “Block news, this

When all the aliens on the planet, all the memories are washed away

The crowd responded with a stern face and turned into a stream of light in an instant, moving towards the big

Falling to every corner of the ground.

At this time Jiang Yuan shuttled quickly in the universe.

The power of the ten laws is comparable to the power of one hundred thousand yang, running at full strength, like ten roots in the body

The huge Optimus Prime constantly oscillates, exuding terrifying power.(Read more @

Almost every breath made him travel through galaxy clusters.

Only three days later, he came to the place agreed with Changkong.

It’s over a deserted planet.

The whole planet is barren, like Mars, the land is dark red, as if covered by blood

Infected, but over time, it turns dark red.

At this time, above the planet, three terrifying figures-standing in a row, the sunlight penetrates through

A distance of a galaxy, instantly locked Jiangyuan.

Changkong Yueming said with a smile at the corner of her mouth: “Here.”

The expressions of the three were shocked, and they saw a golden light from far away, in an instant.

Wearing everything, arrived directly, and fell in front of the three.

“Jiang Yuan makes us wait!” Changkong Yueming looked at Jiang Yuan, Lang Shuang smiled, very

It looks happy.

The two gods around him also smiled, very enthusiastic, as if to Jiang Yuan

I am sincerely happy to come.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Soon, we are just here.” Changkong Yueming was full of grace in his words.

Smiled and said: “I will introduce you to everyone.”

“This is Jiangyuan Tianshen, but the head teacher of Tenghong Zifu. He is very strong and possesses

The power of Taoism. ”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a thin man next to him and said, “This is the head teacher of the ancient eagle and the purple mansion.

Jintian God, possessing the power of 15 laws, is also the strongest existence among us

Kuching Chong Jiangyuan nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Yuan nodded to the other party.

Immediately afterwards, Changkong Yueming pointed to another strong man and said, “This is the weathering

The god, the master of the Yijian Zifu, possesses the power of thirteen laws. ”

Finally, I introduced myself: “As everyone knows, the power of the law is better than

Brother Jiang Yuan only has one more item, but I am good at ancient forbidden laws, and then I will crack some ancient

Forbidden law, but it depends on me. ”

After jokingly said, after briefly enlivening the atmosphere, he continued:

“The historic site before, about a thousand years ago, I have already visited it once.

Seeking flowers

“For the past thousand years, I have been thinking about how to open the gates of monuments, just a while ago.

At that time, I accidentally broke into a historic site and found a creation that can open the historic site


As he spoke, his big hand Ikki, three pieces of golden paper, fell straight in front of the three of them.

Jiang Yuan took a closer look and saw that a huge man-made object appeared on the paper, like

A huge starry sky fortress is as big as a big day, full of sense of science and technology.

“This is the celestial rules of war. As long as you build twelve ships of this class, you can

Bit, at the same time, continuous dimensionality reduction strikes can tear apart the monuments a little bit

child. ”

“At that time we will be able to rush in between Rina

Everyone nodded pretendingly, showing a very calm performance, in fact they have seen it a long time ago

All of this is just for Jiang Yuan to listen to.

“Now that there is a way, are these celestial warships built?” Kuching Tian

God asked slowly.

“Not yet, but to build a celestial battleship, the most difficult part is to have the manufacturing drawings.

As for production, it’s not difficult. Just find some technologically advanced races and you can quickly

Build. ”

“But I already have the drawings. It is not difficult to create them in a short time.” Chang Kongyue

Ming smiled confidently.

At this time, Fenghua Tianshen couldn’t help saying: “If this is the case, then find a few races and let him

We help us build it, so we can open the monuments and get good luck.

Everyone nodded slightly, and listened to Chang Kong Yueming: “Don’t worry, I have already calculated

Now, about a million light-years away, there is an empire, the power of science and technology

Intrepid, there is a family ancestor in the Nine Suns realm, we go straight to the door, slaves

The whole race, let them build warships for us. ”

“Okay.” Fenghua Tianshen’s eyes lit up, and he praised very satisfiedly: “It’s worthy of the sky

God, meticulous, everything is under control, in that case, let’s go! I

I can’t wait any longer. “.

“it is good”

Everyone smiled, and their eyes swept over Jiang Yuan, intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Yuan had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the coldness flashed past the limit. Didn’t you know that they

I can’t wait to deal with myself, I want to seize my good fortune.

Divide your own rules. Seven

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