Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 560 - Conspiracy (57)

Chapter 560 – : Conspiracy (5/7)

Soon, only the Bloody Great Lord and Luo Ming’s Great Lord remained in place, standing on the left and the other right in Jiang Yuan’s body.


“Go, let’s go over.” Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, and instantly turned into a stream of light,-

Soaring into the sky, arrived in an instant, and fell on the Giant Mountain.

“Jiang Yuan. Chief Affairs Officer of Tenghong Star Court. Now it should be called Tenghong Zifu, Xuejiao

The man from Ren looked at Jiang Yuan, his voice was calm, and he spoke first, slowly speaking

Jiang Yuan’s information.

Actually know Jiang Yuan very well.

“Do you have any advice?” Jiang Yuan looked at each other faintly, there was no trace of his face from beginning to end.

Change, no one can feel his inner thoughts.

“I didn’t dare to teach, just come to get to know, we are all neighbors in the future, we can bring

Work together to complete some tasks, speed up the promotion of the university, and also speed up the promotion

To increase your strength, why not do it!”

The man smiled faintly,-step by step volleyed in the air, with golden mountains and rivers under his feet.

He quickly passed by, and in an instant, he arrived in front of Jiang Yuan and stretched out his hand.

Very kind and friendly.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Changkong Yueming, you can call me Changkong.”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, instead of shaking hands with the other party, instead he said lightly: “If

Nothing, you can go now. ”

Changkong Yueming smiled faintly, and said without annoyance: “Jiang Yuan, I am here this time, except

In addition to wanting to know you, there is one more thing that I want you to help us.

Mutual benefit and win-win situation.

As we spoke, a white light appeared on Changkong Yueming’s hand, condensed into a stone of retention.

Said: “There are some faithful ones you can take a look at. After you finish reading it, you are in a hurry.


Changkong Yueming placed the remaining stone in front of Jiang Yuan, very confident, his body was instantly

Interchangeable-Dao streamer disappears instantly.

Jiang Yuan looked at the remaining foot in front of him, frowned slightly, waved it, and accepted it.

Remaining stone, looking towards the central palace on the island.

Each mountain has its own palace, and the Giant Mountain also has its own palace.

It occupies an extremely large area, just like a palace courtyard, the buildings are built in layers, golden and green

Glory, full of the vicissitudes of history, and a sense of grandeur.

The three Jiang Yuan directly flew towards the main hall.

at the same time.

Changkong Yueming also returned to the main hall of the island where he was, standing at the door of the main hall, carrying his hands on his back

Looking at the Giant Mountain where Jiang Yuan is located, with a sullen smile on his face, the corners of his mouth slightly

Slightly up.

Almost instantaneously.

There was a slight fluctuation in the space around him, two powerful beings, tearing the sky apart.

In between, stepped out of it, silently, without arousing the slightest disturbance.(Read more @

One of them waved a big hand, a little golden light, and a flower-like appearance, directly formed-

Layers of invisible barriers block the space.

“How is it, did he agree?” One of them had the expectant dark color on his face.

He looked at the sky and moonlight brightly, and asked directly.

“No agreement.” Changkong Yueming said lightly.

The two were taken aback for a moment, and the one among them couldn’t help but said, “Didn’t agree? How could this happen?

To know the real existence of that ancient site, is it enough for you to show your feet? Make him doubt?”

“Are you questioning me?” Changkong Yueming suddenly turned his head, his eyes became very fierce.

Sha, full of murderous aura, the space suddenly condenses, as if the air has become heavy.

The man’s complexion froze.

Another person hurriedly acted as a good humane: “Chang Kong, the quotient is not deliberate, only

Why would Jiang Yuan disagree? Isn’t he coming to the university to take up the task and earn

Take advantage?

“If you don’t agree now, it doesn’t mean you won’t agree later.”

Changkong Yueming turned his head to look into the distance, and said with a cruel smile at the end: “Fang

Heart! Everything is under academic control, he will agree, left by the ancient demon gods

It is impossible for him to remain unmoved in the ancient sites, and it is likely that there will be a lot of power of no master’s law left behind.

“He would even want to get the rules than we do, but only I have the map

He will come to me sooner or later. ”

As soon as the voice fell, the two people around him showed a smile, and they looked at each other and smiled:

Source, according to my investigation, it has been less than a year since I came to Tianjie. When I first came, it was actually

Suspected that the broken star realm is complete.

“How long did it take to rush to the Great Lord, and then rush to the Nine Suns Realm not long ago, in

In a flash, I actually sit on an equal footing with me and become a martial arts god, which must hide today.


Ask for flowers

“in case

Can get his secret. ”

At this point, the eyes of the three of them all lit up, and even Changkong Yueming couldn’t help clenching tightly.

Fist, making a crackling sound, there is a slight electric arc, winding between the fingers


“But this matter must be fast-

The voice of the god of martial arts slowly resounded and said: “Now here are the three of us.

People, if there is a delay and other gods will come back one after another, it is very likely that

Will notice Jiang Yuan.

“Don’t worry!” Changkong Yueming showed a confident expression without panic.

At this time, above the Giant God Peak, the three Jiang Yuan also landed in front of the main hall.

And Jiang Yuan’s mouth raised a faint smile, a faint white breath that was not easy to Cai Jue.

Liu, with the aura of heavenly condemnation, slowly drilled out of the void and rushed into his eyebrows.



And the power of scourge is a kind of grand and transcendent level secret method he created by killing himself.

It is not too aggressive, but when used, the breath is hidden and difficult to detect.

Immediately appeared the chat scene of Changkong Yueming and others.

“Is it still being watched?” Jiang Yuan’s voice faintly resounded, muttering to himself.

: “I want to get me out, so as to kill me! Divide the benefits of me! It’s a pity


“I also want to kill you, divide the power of the law in you, and create me

A stronger foundation.

The thought in Jiang Yuan’s heart flashed by, and then he left it behind and faced the bloody surrounding

The two big masters said: “The next period of time, we will stay here, you are free

Choose a place to live, practice hard, and I will contact you if I have anything to do. ‘


The two bloody grandmasters saluted and exited the main hall, leaving only Jiang Yuan alone.

The retention stone was taken out, placed on the center of the eyebrows, and began to read the information in it.

Between Lina, a vast starry sky appeared in front of Jiang Yuan’s eyes.

Countless stars are like particles of ants, extremely small, and then, their eyes are facing one another.

A point, began to stretch continuously, and began to expand towards one place.

With the expansion, Jiang Yuan’s heart beat suddenly.

There was a starry sky that he was familiar with unexpectedly. Yes.

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