Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 537 - Who is the ant (57)

Chapter 537 – : Who is the ant (5/7)

“What’s your name?” The man’s voice was cold, he couldn’t hear the slightest emotional fluctuation, with a trace of

The taste of superiority directly questioned Jiang Yuan.

However, Jiang Yuan didn’t answer his words, instead he looked around.

The man frowned suddenly.

He has always been aloof, arrogant to heaven and earth, great domain-level overlord, going to any great domain,

The whole domain is going to be a sensation. When did you ever see an ant-like thing?

See yourself.

If you are angry in an instant, you have to do it.

But at this moment, Lan Liangliang beside him gritted his teeth and quickly raised his head and said: “My lord,

This is my friend, Jiang Yuan, the strength of Broken Star Realm, he and he must be scared by you

I dare not answer your words.

However, those who greeted Lan Liangliang were full of fierce eyes.

“Ant, did I let you talk?” When the man spoke, his voice was creepy

Lan Liangliang was so scared that his complexion was pale and cold sweat kept falling.

The body couldn’t help but shivered.

“The talkative ant should go to death.” The man’s voice was cold, and a hand suddenly moved towards

Lan Liangliang grabbed it.

The speed seems to be very slow, but Lan Liangliang has no way to escape, the whole body space 05

Are all solidified.

Everyone can clearly see his palm, a little bit closer to Lan Liangliang, they can’t bear it.

Staying lowered your head, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

It is foreseeable that once caught, Lan Liangliang will undoubtedly die

Lan Yue’er opened her eyes wide and her voice trembled.

People are holding on tightly.

“do not come”

Lan Liangliang yelled in horror, horrified.

However, there was a cold smile on the man’s face, as if an ant was pinched to death.

Can make him very happy.

“Don’t don’t

Lan Yue’er’s eyes were red in an instant, she screamed like crazy, her brain was blank.

Never before had she been so helpless and helpless at this moment.

“Please, please

Lan Yueer shouted helplessly, tears rolling down her eyes, her heart was cold, even

The cold almost freezes her.

However, the expression on the man’s face was more comfortable, full of murderous intent.

But just when Shouxue was about to grab the top of Lan Liangliang’s head, a hand suddenly appeared.

Easily grabbed his arm, as if grabbing a straw.

The man was shocked suddenly, his eyes widened in vain, and he looked at Jiang Yuan in horror.(Read more @

“”How clever he is, otherwise he won’t be able to reach the Nine Suns Realm, he can be called a great

Domain Overlord-

The cold sweat on his forehead kept falling.

He just watched Jiang Yuan look exactly like the murderous god in the video, but he really didn’t think about it.

The person in front of him is really a god.

Like everyone else, he has also entered a misunderstanding of thinking.

I don’t think the gods exist, they haven’t left yet, and they’re still mixed in the star boat,

This is simply unthinkable.

It’s like a raptor mixed in among a bunch of ants.

This shock was not trivial, and the man’s face changed frantically.

Almost without even thinking about it, the blood shook frantically, revealing a fierce color, and it broke into pieces

Arm, the whole person rises from the ground, ready to flee quickly.

He knew it clearly.

The strength of the gods is completely different from the nine suns, and is not on the same level at all.

Unless there are hundreds of Nine Suns in the Great Realm,-start a large array, trap it in it, and carry out a long time

It is possible to kill by attacking between them.

Of course it is only possible.

It is impossible to imagine the power of the gods without breaking out.

But at the moment he was about to flee, he found that one of his feet was tightly grasped and let him

I can’t get rid of it at all.

When he lowered his head, Sunlight met Jiang Yuan’s indifferent eyes.

“Who is the ant?”

Jiang Yuan’s voice is extremely cold, with a murderous intent, and in an instant, it is almost-

Kind of the smell of corpse mountain blood sea.

“You, you, you, you, you are actually a god, you unexpectedly did not leave the sea?” The man was shocked

Yelled, his voice almost changed from being frightened.

“You so many people come all the way, aren’t they just to investigate me, then I always have to watch

Look, who wants to deal with me! I left so early, wouldn’t it be that I can’t see you anymore. ”

Jiang Yuan grinned, the violent breath in his eyes suddenly soared.


In an instant, he grabbed his leg directly and soared into the sky.

The power of horror, directly tore through the space, surpassed the cloud in an instant, and directly entered-

In the sea of ​​stars.

Almost at the moment when Jiang Yuan rushed to the clouds.

Lan Yueer threw herself down next to her brother with a cry of tears, her face full of tears.

Lan Liangliang was stunned in the same place, and he felt a little stupid, as if he was frightened and stupid.

But everyone on the deck around is not much better, especially the woman in between,

Even more shocked, his whole body shuddered, and his eyes looked at the two brothers and sisters Lan Liangliang in fright.

At this time, even if the reaction was slow, she knew it.

The man who looked like a god before was actually not exactly like a god.

A great domain overlord of the Nine Suns Realm was directly screwed by him, just like a chicken and duck,

There is no resistance, and it is directly dragged onto the sky.

With such strength, besides the gods, who else can do it?

“I, I, I… I was just 050-. I was questioning the gods just now?”

At the thought of this, the woman trembled all over, her hair was terrified, and her scared brain was dizzy.

Shen, the body is unstable, almost falling.

This is more terrifying than hell.

In the next second, she felt like crying without tears.

“How come I am so poisonous! The gods and gods can be touched by me, this is too

It’s a pit! Who would have thought that the gods would ride the star boat with us! !!

The woman was sad and wanted to cry, her facial expressions kept changing, she looked like she was crying and laughing.

Even Lan Liangliang only woke up for a long time.

Looking at his sister blankly, he stammered: “Yue’er, I, I, I, I

I didn’t have a dream just now! Then that is really the Nine Suns Realm? How could it be?


After stuttering for a long time, Lan Liangliang finally squeezed out a sentence: “Why is it so weak?


Lan Yue’er burst into tears and smiled, looking at her brother with a smile on her face and a

Si excitedly said: That is Nine Suns, it is really Nine Suns, Jiang Yuan, he

Lan Yueer hardly knew what words to find to describe Jiang Yuan.

There is no more horror.

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