Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 535 - Baiyang lifts off (37)

Chapter 535 – : Baiyang lifts off (3/7)

Suddenly saw Jiang Yuan standing not far away, facing his side.

Almost the moment he saw him.

Lan Liangliang’s mouth suddenly widened,-his eyes almost rushed out of his eye sockets-

The feeling of horror on the thighs swept through the whole body in an instant.

It was even more frightening than seeing the devil in a horror movie suddenly appearing in front of me.

And he thinks more.

They are the Xingzhou from the great domain of Qianyuan, and they are going to the great domain of Qiankun.

And the previous video was shot from Qianyuan Dayu and passed on little by little. If

For accurate calculations, the time difference is just the same.

More coincidentally, this star boat is the star boat going to the universe.

Especially, the people in the video, although they only see the side.

But they can be 99.9% sure that it is definitely Jiang Yuan.

Now, Jiang Yuan actually stood there.

Is all this a coincidence?

Even Zu Lan Liangliang couldn’t convince himself.

The only problem is.

If Jiang Yuan is really the person in the video, he is a terrifying myth, a martial god

So how can this kind of existence take a starship, I am afraid that one leap will be able to reach

Reach the universe.

“long time no see.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan slowly walked towards the two of them, with Ruo Ruo Wu on his face.


But with these faint smiles, the two people watching were terrified, and their hearts were chilling.

It’s so alike.

Too much like the person in the video, just exactly the same.

“Brother Jiang Yuan

Lan Wanliang looked at Jiang Yuan stupidly, his brain short-circuited for a while, and his previous name opened his mouth.

Come, I reacted in the next second, and quickly said: “No, no, no Jiang

But once he changed his mind, he himself didn’t know how to call Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan faintly smiled and said: “Don’t be so restrained, I didn’t expect such a coincidence, here

I can see you all.

Lan Liang nodded wildly, without knowing how to answer.

The Lan Yueer by his side looked at Jiang Yuan stupidly, and it took a long time to react, a little shocked.

Ran said: “You, you, you, you are from the Qianyuan domain, back to the Qiankun domain?”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

Lan Liangliang suddenly trembled, his eyes even more horrified.

At this moment, there was a clear female voice in the ear.

“Are you their friend? It really looks a bit similar.” The woman beat up and down

Measure Jiangyuan a few times, the voice is very indifferent.

The eyes of many people all around looked over.

Some people even couldn’t help but continue to open the wristband, glanced at the video, watched again

Eye Jiangyuan.

Many people couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

The two are so similar, the entire profile is exactly the same.(Read more @

“What’s your opinion?” Jiang Yuan Riguang turned directly, his expression became

Indifferent and indifferent, his face expressionless.

At this moment.

With a jump in the woman’s heart, she felt-pressure suddenly came, and she couldn’t help but retreat-


Looking at Jiang Yuan, he dared not say anything for a while.


At this moment, a roar suddenly resounded, extremely dull, from far away

Passed from far away.

The sound was mighty, and it caught everyone’s attention at once.

Jiang Yuan glanced over.

I saw the chaotic sea with waves surging far away, on the sea horizon,-Dao Cui

The dazzling golden light, like a big sun, is constantly rising, extremely dazzling and brilliant


At the beginning, there was only one radiance rising.

But breathing time, on the horizon,-Tuan Tuan Da Ri is following closely, fast

Ascending, the number is considerable, densely packed, and terrifying.

The roaring sound is even more resounding.

“what is that?”

“It seems to be the sun, such a big sun? But isn’t this three thousand big regions? Why?

Will there be so many more days from rising sea levels?”

“How does the sea rise?

People are talking about it, and time does not know what happened, after all, it is far apart.

But at this moment, an exclamation sound suddenly resounded from the direction of the stern.

With endless horror and shock.

“That’s not the big sun, it’s the existence of the nine suns, crossing the Chaos Sea

The voice was extremely shocking, and the voice hurriedly said: “I used to have the privilege to meet

Once, I will never forget,-there are so many existences of the Nine Suns Realm, this is.

“What a shocking change is happening!

0 Seeking flowers

As his voice fell, countless people suddenly woke up.

The corners of his eyes stared at the sea level in the distance.

You can see the big suns, as if they have escaped from the vast sea of ​​chaos, one by one rises into the sky

The speed is unparalleled.

I just showed my head when I saw it, and in the next moment, it was completely lifted off-

Sweeping the eyes, there were hundreds of them, densely packed, making the scalp numb.

Lined up in a row, neatly arranged, like a great Japanese army, majestic and terrifying to the extreme.

The temperature of the entire Chaos Sea is rising suddenly in these Lina, which has risen into the sky. Chaos

The sea seemed to boil, and the waves swept continuously one after another.

Roaring and flapping the huge star boat

The entire Xingzhou swayed constantly, and everyone was swayed constantly.

But at this time, no one is paying attention to the surrounding situation, a pair of eyes are terrifying

Looking into the distance-

Low-pitched exclamations, ups and downs with each other.

Everyone was almost dull.

Even the two Lan Liangliang beside him stood there blankly, their mouths open, as if they were silly


Lan Yue’er just counted the numbers in a daze.

One_big day, two big days, three ten and thirty big


Her voice is not loud, but above the star boat at this moment, it seems unusually loud.

Keep passing her voice.

“Ninety stars._Ninety-nine stars”

At the end of the count, her voice was almost hoarse, full of endless fear.



As soon as the sound fell, there was a deep cry of air, which resounded in an instant


There are a hundred big days, each one is like a sun, very huge: No

Broken into the sky, vast and mighty, the world shining down is a golden light.

The entire starship was completely shrouded in golden light, as if it were made of gold, with golden light.

Countless people also came out in the inner lounge of Xingzhou.

But Rina, who came to the deck, seemed to be under a holding spell, with his mouth open.

He opened his eyes wide, completely dull.

Really dumbfounded.

Boom boom boom

At this moment, a terrifying voice suddenly resounded. Big.

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