Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 533 - Horror video (17)

Chapter 533 – : Horror video (1/7)

“Something big, something big!”

At this moment, someone on the deck looked down at his wrist and exclaimed in amazement.

The voice was extremely shocked.

His voice suddenly alarmed countless people’s eyes, and they looked over.

Even the Lan brothers and sisters became curious.

“What happened?”

Someone met the man and walked over directly, Nikko with doubts.

When looking at the other party’s wrist screen, his eyes suddenly widened in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Same, couldn’t help but gasp.

“Oh my God”

When his exclamation fell.

More people on the deck were attracted, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Live in abundance.

More and more people were trapped around that person.

Finally, he reacted, and hurriedly said to the people around him: “I will send the video to


While speaking, Shouxue lightly touched his wrist,-the white flood of information, from

Disperse in the middle and enter everyone’s wrists.

Everyone was quiet now.

Turn on the wrist terminal and start watching.

Only Jiangyuan does not have a wrist terminal.

That kind of thing, in a city, the information flows very well, but it leaves the city

Later, the speed of information circulation was not as fast as his flying speed, and it was abandoned long ago.

However, its functions are quite similar to those of Aquastar’s mobile phones.

The brothers and sisters of the Lan family also opened their own wrist terminals, and immediately found a false one.

Proposed window.

The video will start playing soon.

It was shot on the top of a huge mountain, surrounded by clouds, below

It is an endless grassland, far away, there is a huge golden palace.

It occupies an extremely large area.

Such palaces are not built on the ground, but suspended in the air, far enough from the ground.

It is a hundred meters high.

Each independent palace building group is covered by a powerful golden formation, which is extremely defensive.

For tough.

“I’ve been to this place.”

Lan Liangliang pondered for a while, and couldn’t help saying: “It should be the strongest family in the Qianyuan domain.

Although the residence of the Hong Clan is not a star court, it is just a family, but there are nine

The existence of Yang Dajing. ”

“This kind of family is almost comparable to-some weak purple mansions, extremely powerful!”

Lan Yue’er nodded, with some doubts on her face, she continued to watch without saying a word.

At this moment,-Dao’s strong roar burst out directly from the top of his head, roaring

The humming, resounding throughout the world, you can clearly see that the video is shaking.(Read more @

There was also a muffled sound, as if being strongly oppressed.

Even from the front of the camera, the surrounding space is slightly distorted and blurred.

“Look at the top

There was a woman’s exclamation in the video, and then the video suddenly aimed at the sky


Passing through the layers of clouds, all of a sudden arrived at the farther sea of ​​stars.

Above the sea of ​​stars, a horrible golden beam of light can be seen, like a meteorite hitting the starry sky

Generally, it is self-burning, mighty, and extremely large.

Falling directly from the sky, tearing the sea and clouds in an instant, fell in the sky.

Majesty and sacred, invincible in the world.

At this moment, all people watching the video can’t help but feel tight, naturally.


When the golden light slowly darkened, a huge, full-billion-meter-class giant, a god

Generally, hanging over the Hong Clan palace, the eyes are majestic and indifferent to the bottom.

The video is only half of the side shot, and it is also distorted due to strong interference


But the moment I saw this half of the side.

Lan Liangliang and Lan Yue’er trembled, their muscles trembling.

His face instantly became extremely pale and shocked.

The two of them stared at each other, and couldn’t help but gasp, their pupils widened, lively

Damn it.

A chill filled the body from the backbone.

In the video, it’s just a side view, but the familiarity is really too clean

It’s too shocking.

They have reached the limit of the emperor’s calamity, half-footed into the broken star realm, not ordinary people

Strong memory, commonly known as never forgetting is not an exaggeration.

Anyone can remember it deeply in the depths of his mind by just looking at it for thousands of years

It is impossible to forget.

But the more so, the more horrified and terrified the two of them.

Real scalp tingling.

Lan Yueer’s voice was trembling: He, he, he won’t be Jiang Yuan, right?

Lan Liangliang looked at his sister in amazement.

He wanted to say that this could not be Jiang Yuan, but reason told him that there are people in the video

The possibility of nine thousand nine thousand per thousand is really Jiang Yuan, and you can’t do it.

“should be

right! ”

Lan Liangliang’s voice was unconfident.

However, just as Lina, whose voice fell, a piece of sunlight suddenly looked over not far away.

The strong breath instantly enveloped the two of them.

It is the existence of an invincible ancestor of Broken Star Realm.

Hearing the conversation between the two, he couldn’t help but laughed and said: “” You are afraid not

Get lost, do you know how the people in the video exist, let alone you

Even the mighty and invincible Great Lord, I’m afraid I’ll never see such a side in his life.

Rina almost fell in his voice.

Many people all around looked at the Lan family brothers and sisters.

A woman with strong black clothes and strong spirits, but without shadows, can’t help but laugh.

Said: “These two little guys, I’m afraid they don’t even know what the Great Master is, how could they know?

What is the strength of such great beings? ”

“It is natural to worship the strong, and it is normal to have illusions.”

When the woman speaks, her words are a little high, as if watching the two have not grown up

The same as the children.

And she also has the capital to say this.

Her strength has reached the extremely powerful state of the Great Lord, and it is not yet the first stage of the Great Lord.

It’s the second stage.

Each of these (good kings) exists at least several million years, or even tens of millions of years.

It is the strongest existence on the entire starship.

I don’t know what secret method was used to disguise my own strength as the Emperor of Calamity.


However, Lan Yueer’s face suddenly became ugly when she heard the other call that she was young.

He retorted: “Everyone is a disaster emperor, don’t think you are a few years older than us, you can

Pretending to be predecessors, you don’t necessarily mean you are much older than us.

“And I said that we know the person in the video, what does it have to do with you, how do you

Is that so sure we don’t know the folder?”

After listening to Lan Yue’er’s words, the eyes of countless people around her became weird.

Especially the woman before, looked at them with a foolish look.

At this moment, the man’s voice resounded.

With a hint of smile, he said, “Do you know that the person in the video exists and what realm?”.

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