Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 526 - Faerie Treasury (17)

Chapter 526 – : Faerie Treasury (1/7)

Blasted out with a punch.

The space is directly distorted and collapsed, roaring, locking the space, powerful and terrifying


Can’t avoid it.

Hongrui’s pupils are wide open, his hair is horrified, he turns around and wants to run, but the space has been locked

I’m so fixed, I can’t even take a step back.


In an instant, the fist arrived instantly and directly shattered his head.

Blood splattered, and the internal golden core was directly broken.

At the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, a golden light was projected straight down, vaguely you could see a-

The big black clock is looming.

Covering Hongrui’s body, he pulled it in at once.

At the center of his eyebrows, the bell of Yitian suddenly rumbling and shaking, his breath rose wildly.

Jiang Yuan does not need the power of qi and blood now, he has completely transformed into a higher realm,

Only by perceiving the law can we continue to improve.

He doesn’t need it, but “One-Seven” Zhentian Bell and Martial Arts Tiantu need a lot of energy and blood.

The power of a higher level of transformation.


In an instant, the Zhentian clock shook frantically, as if countless precision gears began to rotate

Function, directly crush Hongrui’s body and capture the power of all cells’ blood.

The breath of the entire Zhentian Bell began to violent.

In the process of sublimation, it suddenly skyrocketed, leaped wildly, and sent weapons directly from the constant star town.

The horrible star-level town sends weapons, and it continues to soar.

Weapons are also divided into ten small realms.

Star-level township weapons, from the lowest rank 1 to tenth-rank, tenth-rank star-level township,

It’s almost a priceless treasure, you can’t buy it at all, it’s all inherited.

Only the gods have savings to buy.

But the gods don’t need this kind of town faction, so naturally they won’t spend a lot of money to buy them.

It is a weapon above the Star Territory-level town faction, commonly known as the god of heaven.

That is the supreme fetish used by the real gods.

Zhentian Bell keeps devouring the fusion-the power of vitality and blood in the Nine Suns Realm is like a mountain like a sea

The quality is improving rapidly.

While breathing, he directly soared to a great level, reaching the terrifying Star Territory-level town faction first grade.

But this is not the limit.

How terrifying is the power of vitality and blood in the Nine Suns Realm. It can be compared with nine big suns.

General energy storage capacity.

It can be seen.

Under such terrifying power, Zhen Tianzhong was completely rioted.

The eyebrows are trembling wildly, and the color of the surface layer is constantly changing, appearing a little bit of gold

The lines, like spots, gather together to form a huge picture and text.

Almost instantly, he surpassed the Star Territory-level town sent weapon-rank, soaring to the second rank.

Not only that, it’s still soaring wildly.

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect the change to be so great.

He hasn’t paid much attention to these weapons for a long time,(Read more @

Is very concerned.

Because his fists can suppress everything.

“Then capture all the power of the Nine Suns, I want to see, you can finally transform

How far!.

Jiangyuan precipitates a new life, and in his heart, there are four corpses in the Nine Suns realm, all facing

He rushed in with Zhen Tianzhong, and disappeared into it as a booster fuel.

Boom boom boom.

Zhentian Zhong shook frantically in an instant, his grade continued to soar, and he was out of control.

The realm of the third rank of the Star Territory Town Sect.

Four Stage Realm

Five-Rank Realm

Six-Rank Realm

Seven-Rank Realm

During the breathing effort, he directly reached the eighth rank realm, and at this point, the speed began to slowly decrease.

Even so, in the blink of an eye, he still reached the Ninth Rank.

When Lina reached the tenth-rank realm, the bright golden light was completely

Bloom out, reach a kind of extreme, no longer absorb.

A corpse from the Nine Suns Realm was vomited out.

Jiang Yuan casually took the corpse to the martial arts world map.

Budo Tiantu, like a child, has been cleverly squatting in the distance, full of

Longing has been oscillating slightly, as if to remind Jiang Yuan,

He’s here.

At this moment, seeing a corpse flying towards me, I was immediately excited, and the shock was even greater.

It was strong, and even came from it-a touch of excitement and gratitude.

In the next second, Tiantu opened and wrapped the whole body at once.

In the sky map, countless creatures heard the roar of the mighty tide, above the sky, fierce

Then a terrifying corpse appeared, with nine sun phantoms behind it, spinning constantly.

Just a glance, there is a kind of creepy

a feeling of.

They knew that it was an extremely terrifying existence from the outside world, killed by the master

Death, as a reward, gave them this world.

The power that the world absorbs this corpse will be sublimated.

As native creatures, they will also get infinite benefits.

Countless people became excited all of a sudden, and even many smart people began to quiet down

Come, meditate cross-legged, observe the corpse in the Nine Suns Realm, and feel the essence of martial arts.

Boom boom boom

In an instant, the sky of the whole world was shaking, with dark clouds covering, lightning and thunder,

The colorful light, like an iron chain, extends from the void.

The sound of crashing resounded constantly.

Directly lock the limbs of the corpse, shrinking continuously, breaking down his power and enhancing the world’s


The martial art map itself has reached the Star Territory-level town faction, and it is the third-rank level. At this time, you get

With such a shocking good fortune, the speed is even more terrifying when you breathe.

Upgrade one grade.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s complexion was extremely cold, and he looked directly down.

In the center below, in a huge palace, Hongtong opened his mouth in horror,

Fear permeated my heart, like a catastrophe, the body of fear was trembling.

This is the home of the enemy, and when he said nothing, he beat Hongrui to death with one punch.

Hongrui’s strength is about the same as him, both at about 30 yang power, and the opponent can beat him to death with one punch.

Hongrui, naturally, could beat himself to death with one punch.

Without any hesitation, Hongtong directly took out a bronze token and muttered anxiously.

Muttering to himself, as if it were a spell, the whole person was twisted in place.

Turned into a twisted golden light, wrapped around the token.

The token shook suddenly, tearing the space apart, and sprinting towards the space below.

Jiang Yuan’s complexion was indifferent, and the power of the law in his body was like a golden giant straddling the inner universe.

Dragon 3.0,-move the body, burst out a strong force of law, inject into the eyes


The eyes flashed with extremely strong golden light immediately, turning into two golden beams of light, running across

Next, see through falsehood and penetrate all matter.

Follow the token to sink quickly.

I saw the token carrying Hongtong’s body and suddenly came to a huge palace.

The palace is extremely old, with a huge gold medallion the size of a hundred meters above it.

Dragons and phoenix dance on it, writing ancient languages.

Faerie treasure house.

It is full of celestial spirit, with golden air flowing continuously.

The treasure house is huge as a whole, like a city, placed in an underground space, more than

The palaces and pavilions on the ground add up to be huge.

The gate is made of a kind of golden material, the whole is like one, just like a whole.

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