Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 519 - Deity descends (17)

Chapter 519 – : Deity descends (1/7)

Jiang Yuan turned his head instantly and furiously.

Golden light burst in the eyes, two golden light beams, straight out, majestic and sacred

Just like a god, look directly at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming was all over.

The god was angry, how terrifying.

The heart is completely grasped, the breathing is stopped, the back is sweaty, and the forehead is cold

Khan kept falling.

“What’s going on?” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded suddenly, like thunder.

Luo Ming was deaf with tinnitus.

He didn’t dare to neglect, panicked, and explained the matter in detail.

come out.

“Looking for death.”

Almost as soon as Luo Ming’s voice fell, Jiang Yuan was instantly furious.

A breath of horror, centered on him, swept out all of a sudden.

Boom. Long

Accompanied by a terrible roar, rising from the ground,-flying to the sky, the whole battle

The ships were constantly swayed by shocks, making continuous creaking noises.

The position where he stood before was abruptly torn into a huge hole.

His speed reached the unparalleled limit, almost crossing the sea of ​​clouds, reaching

Da Xinghai.

The universe under the feet is shrinking rapidly.

With just one breathing effort, he traveled directly across the universe and reached the Chaos Sea.

The infinite chaotic sea, boundless, more magnificent than the real ocean,

The huge waves are overwhelming, roaring, and the strength is not strong enough.

All will sink and lose their way. 030

Just a few breaths.

The big cloud of Yunhui is in sight, and it is directly on the horizon.

Boom boom boom

At the moment of arrival, the entire domain was shaking, roaring, and terrifying

The aura swept through everything, as if a natural disaster had come, shaking the entire domain.

Chaos Sea-

The battleship has just arrived on the coast.

A strong man is landing.

Suddenly, the beam of light was so terrifying that it was indescribable, and it was huge,

Carrying the power to destroy the sky and the earth, the mighty and mighty, piercing through from far away


Furiously tearing through the sky of stars.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

As if a meteorite pierced the sky, the entire space was trembling crazily,

The huge battleship is pitiful in comparison with it.


Above the battleship, a woman in full costume was suspended in the air, her eyes shocked

Looking up at the starry sky and clouds in fear, he almost died.

The eyes of the guard around him shrank.

The two looked at each other and exclaimed, “It’s really here.

Pro, it’s so

God has really come! !”

For an instant, the cold swept through the two of them, and their hair was terrified.

The gods are furious, how terrifying it will be, the sky is broken and the earth is broken, it is indescribable

In case, it is simply a catastrophe of walking, a huge disaster,

The disaster of the world.

The power of horror sweeps everything, the mighty power, the terrifying horror, the day-to-day flow(Read more @

OK, cut through the sky, tear apart the sea of ​​stars.

The epic myth is average.

The breath burst out, covering the entire area, roaring.

Jiang Yuan followed the traces of blood, calculating and searching, and his heart was immediately moved.

The gaze is projected past, penetrating the layers of space, deep into the earth, and nothing can escape


I saw Jiang Hao in a huge formation, surrounded by a group of big

Zun, struggling to support, has reached the limit, and his complexion is bitter.

“Be bold and bold.”

“You all deserve to die

Jiang Yuan was instantly furious, and the sound of terror spread, stepping out, the heavens sinking

Corrupt, carrying a billowing torrent, hot like magma, across infinite distance,

Coming down.

The entire canyon is shaking like crazy.

The rock wall collapsed.

Countless creatures inside are all shaken, looking up at the sky, the shocking nothingness in my heart


“what is that”

“Has the big day come?”

“No, it’s not the big day? That’s a person!-

The man who exudes the breath of supremacy and majesty all over his body, suspended in it, without

All the brilliance shrouded the whole body.

Just like a big day, falling from the sky.

Ghost dragon’s eyes contracted, and he saw a huge formation behind the person, spinning

Constantly, like a snowflake shape, exuding a fiery torrent, like the arrival of a big day

Air molecules are burning and evaporating.

“Yes, yes, pictures and texts of the gods.”

The ghost dragon wakes up in an instant (abfa), terrified

I screamed, my voice trembled



The complexion of Hongli around him changed suddenly, unimaginable, his breathing was stagnant, and he was frightened.


“How could the gods come, how could the gods come here.”

He couldn’t believe it to the extreme, and he didn’t know what was going on.


In an instant, it descends, boundless and majestic, majestic, superb

He, dominates the universe, thousands of years, as if the only true god in infinite time and space.

A pair of pupils are god eyes.

Sweeping everything, majesty permeated.

The whole world, everything works, he is the center.

Noble and sacred, for the vast gods, the ultimate martial arts.

Looking at him is like watching thousands of martial arts secrets.

Every action is full of infinite mysteries, unpredictable.

“You deserve tens of thousands of sins” Jiang Yuan said in a rage, his voice trembling, endless power

Yan, but if it resounds in the hearts of all beings, it is the divine sound of heaven and earth, from the ancient

The times are average.

Speaking of the law is a trial.

Plop plop plop

In an instant, everyone was in a trance, kneeling down unconsciously, facing

Frightened, fearful.

It’s almost an instinct.

Lower life, meet the higher life, worship from the soul.

Is seeing the gods.

The ghost dragon trembled all over, his brain buzzed, and his fear could not be added.

He didn’t even know what was going on, his scared heart would shatter, heaven

The angry expression of God was completely distorted.

What does this mean, it means that the gods are angry!

What a mighty existence of the gods, they are living gods, and they are angry

Three feet of blood splattered, the emperor was angry, the floating corpses were millions, the gods were angry, the universe was overwhelming

Down, the sun and the moon sink.

Destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and all beings are catastrophic.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were full of endless violence, he looked directly at the ghost dragon, his voice was crazy

Move, the doomsday judgment is generally:

“No, no.”

The ghost dragon was horrified, cold sweat kept falling, almost to be frightened to death


The god named Dao surname and wanted him to die. This horror is nothing to add, no

Hidden everywhere, there is no doubt about death.

There is no way in the sky, no way into the earth.


Jiang Yuan’s big hand was under pressure, the whole world was mobilized, and the space became more than King Kong

The stone is also hard.

Squeeze up and down to directly affect the ghost dragon.

Accompanied by the sound of crushing, all the bones of his body were crushed,

The body was kneaded into a ball.

But this is not dead yet, yelling frantically.

“Why why

He shouted frantically, with endless questions in his heart.

(Sorry to hug Kawen, it is particularly uncomfortable.).

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