Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 516 - The gods attack and destroy the domain (57)

Chapter 516 – : The gods attack and destroy the domain (5/7)

“Since today, Tenghong Star Court does not exist, it is for Tenghong Zifu “Tenghong Zifu.”

“Tenghong Purple Mansion”

“Tenghong Zi. Mansion”

A roar followed.

Luo Ming was so excited that he wanted to tell the bloody great master.

But he has taken most of the entire Tenghong Grand Master and left in a hurry

In the universe, go to Yunhui to support Jiang Hao.

“If the Bloody Lord knew about this, I don’t know how excited it would be! Hahaha


In the next second, his voice vibrated again, and he said very passionately: “Go

We return to Tenghong.”

“Hui Tenghong

The shouts came with unparalleled excitement.

The battleships, which are huge in size and resemble mirages, roared one after another, quickly changed directions, and turned into one in an instant.

Dao Guang rushed into the void and disappeared.

at the same time.

A blood-red jade, fast shuttles in the chaotic sea, the speed is extremely fast

Incomparable, cut everything.

Immediately afterwards, a huge area appeared in front of him, floating in the sea of ​​chaos.


The waves rolled and slapped the ground continuously, stirring up waves of tens of thousands of feet.

The roaring sound is deafening.

Occasionally, you can see a huge warcraft on the Chaos Sea.

Ride the wind and waves, shuttle quickly.

“what is that?”

On a battleship,-a young girl, twenty-eight Fanghua, extremely handsome,-

Pairs of smart big eyes, a silver headdress, between shaking, light

Ying’s pleasant voice.

Beside him, a man with a sturdy back and a black sword on his back.

His gaze instantly turned towards the Chaos Sea, and immediately saw a blood stone, which changed

The color suddenly changed, and he said in amazement: “It’s a blood stone made of essence and blood, nothing else

The role is mainly to deliver messages quickly in an emergency. ”

“This is a cross-domain coming, there is something big happening!”

The man’s face was serious, his voice just fell, and the woman beside him was curious.

Lulu, the whole body’s energy and blood suddenly shook, surging crazily, and the body was in an instant

A series of phantoms were left in place.

The big characters “Zun” appeared on the center of the eyebrows.

Like a dragonfly, stepping on the chaotic sea, fishing for the moon in the sea, grabbing blood

Shi, his figure shook, returned to the boat.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his voice anxiously and said, “Inspector, this is not a catch.

Yes, this must be a matter of importance to pass, a delay is to cause a major event

We can easily offend unknown forces.

The woman was not afraid at all, and said indifferently: “What are you afraid of, I am the first inspector

This bloodstone is heading towards Yunhui Domain, just to see what it is about(Read more @

Eventful. ”

“And that kid Jiang Hao, didn’t he go to Yunhui to investigate the matter?

?Maybe it has something to do with him.

The man looked speechless and helpless and said: “My lord inspector, inspector Jiang Hao,

Only the tenth inspector, the first stage of the Supreme Master, this bloodstone accumulation

Han’s energy and blood power, I am afraid the fourth stage of the supreme majesty’s strong. ”

“What do you think is something that can force such a strong person to consume itself? This

Why anxiously deliver the message?”

“And this kind of bloodstone must be encrypted layer by layer, not the recipient, I

We can’t open it either. ”

The woman said indifferently: “This is my intuition, you don’t understand, forget it

You don’t understand what you said, but it’s not up to you whether you can open it. ”

While speaking, the woman picked up the blood stone and directly attached it to her forehead.

The blood in the body vibrates suddenly, and the waves are generally turbulent and burst out strongly

With the pulling force, he wanted to forcibly extract the information from the bloodstone.

But soon, the woman’s face became a little pale, and a woman appeared on her forehead.

Silky cold sweat.

I couldn’t help but care about my teeth and said: “It’s not the fourth stage of the uncommon Supreme Lord, and

It is the power of the eight suns, a half-step bloodstone condensed by the nine suns. ”

Under his control.

Among the bloodstones, a little red thread was pulled out with difficulty.

In an instant, a terrifying picture formed in her mind.

In the picture,-the horrible figure rises to the sky and the sound is trembling, nothing

Than scary.

But she was forced to read, and the picture she saw was very blurry.

But he could see clearly that behind that horrible figure, he was full of perfection.

Number, condensed together

, Forming a terrible picture of the gods.

At the same time, there was a sound, intermittently crazily transmitted

“All evacuate the gods, the gods are attacking the big domain

Few words, intermittently.

But the voice of the person who speaks this is full of endless panic, and he can even feel it

His fear has been desperate to the extreme.

But at this time.

In that extremely terrifying picture, the huge figure of the world suddenly

Turning his head, a pair of eyes looked straight over.

Almost instantly.

The woman seemed to see the gaze of the gods, looking directly at herself, her mind booming-

The sound almost burst.

The brain became chaotic in an instant, and the whole person stood sluggishly on the spot,

The body trembled constantly, and he was almost frightened to death.

But at this moment, the man around him changed wildly,-grabbing the bloodstone

Just threw it out.

Almost instantly, the woman collapsed directly on the ground, her entire face pale.

The sweat is flowing like rain.

The bloodstone fell into the sea of ​​instant, a flash, and moved forward again, disappearing in an instant


“What happened to you because of the inspection?” The man looked anxious and the general

Zi lifted up.

The woman’s complexion was extremely pale, and she swallowed hard, before she came back a little—

Silk god comes.

I even couldn’t help muttering to myself in a low voice: “The gods are coming

Destroy the domain

“What?” The man didn’t know 1.6 clearly, and he didn’t know what the woman was talking about.

Can’t help but ask concerned.

The woman was in a trance for a long time before she gradually woke up and broke free from the other party.

In my mind, a pair of terrifying eyes are always in my heart.

Spirit flashed.

Every time she flashed, her hair was horrified and her scalp numb.

‘The gods are coming, the gods are coming

The woman recovered a little bit, her brain moved quickly and her heart became more and more shocked

Swing up.

Suddenly thinking of something, the eyes widened.

“Could it be that there is a god who is going to come to Yunhui

In an instant, her hair was terrified, and she exclaimed: “To destroy the entire

area .”

“What destroys the entire domain!!!

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