Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 514 - Terrorist Explosion and Elimination of the Sun (37)

Chapter 514 – : Terrorist Explosion and Elimination of the Sun (3/7)

“My goodness!”

“The big army has attacked the city

The soldiers were horrified, and roared loudly with a very loud voice.

Sad and stern, almost all sound broken.

In an instant, the entire city wall became quiet.

Countless soldiers stopped chatting, turned their heads slowly, and saw the sky above the sky

Thousands of battleships, coming in mighty-

The smell of blood rushed to the face.

At the same time, everyone was shaken, and their complexion changed drastically.

Over the entire city wall, countless soldiers were in chaos.

Shouts of panic were repeated one after another.

In an instant, the dull ringing of bells burst and passed.


At the gates, alarm bells rang almost at the same time.

The Great Ancient Star Court is also a first-class Star Court.

The chief executive rushed to the sky for the first time and came to the city wall, far away

Seeing densely packed and huge warships.

The dragon totem of Tenghong Star Court is depicted on it.

“Yes, it is Tenghong Star Court.

“It’s Teng Hongxing who owns Nine Suns.””

“What are they going to do?”

Gu Zun’s complexion was pale without a trace of blood for an instant, and his body was directly stiff.

His face shrank, and he could barely breathe in fear. “Big 490 Chief

At this moment, a voice suddenly passed over, and the gate guard was responsible for it.

People are also a great deity.

He came to Gu Zun in an instant, trembling with fright, and his face pale.

Very anxiously said: “What should I do? It’s Tenghong Star Court, it’s Tenghong

Star Court! That Tenghong Star Court with Nine Suns Realm! We are going to expand

Great formation?”

“No” Gu Zun said anxiously: “Don’t, don’t let them feel

We are hostile, and we must never act. ”

“Yes ”

The defense general nodded frantically, the fear in his eyes almost overflowing.

“I’ll ask about the situation.” Gu Zun took a deep breath, not daring to neglect.

Immediately soaring into the sky.

The army of Tenghong Star Court left the country, ten thousand battleships, hundreds of great lords, mighty

Dang, all come from oppression.

In particular, there is a mountain-like nine-sun realm behind it, suppressing one

Cut, who dares to be presumptuous, who dares to move.

The power penetrates, the entire ancient city will be destroyed in an instant, and everyone will

Will be extinct.

In an instant, Gu Zun came into the air, opened his mouth, and his voice vibrated

Pass it, (dbei) asked politely: “This is the ancient city, I am

Da Gu Xing Ting’s chief affairs officer, is there any misunderstanding?

However, his voice has not yet settled-

Dao’s extremely anxious voice suddenly passed, even with fear.

“Run fast. Run fast.”

Luo Ming’s voice came directly, the voice was huge, with endless panic(Read more @

Thriller to horror. They already felt the breath behind them, and they were quickly covering them.

Flying faster than a battleship.

Gu Zun suddenly froze in place, not knowing what happened.

In an instant, densely packed warships came directly over his head, without the slightest

Stay and enter the sky above the city.

In the next breathing room, stay away from the city and go away quickly.

But Gu Zun’s ears still resounded with the horrified cry of Great Zun Luo Ming.

Is warning them, is letting them escape.

“What’s the matter?”

Gu Zun’s heart was shrouded in unprecedented fear for an instant, and the black cloud pressed

It’s like a city, making him horrified, cold sweat bursting out of his horrible forehead.

In the end what happened.

Even the Star Court who possessed the Nine Suns Realm flees in horror.

The nervous and flustered voice is vivid and reverberates like a ghost in my ears



At this time,-Dao roared, accompanied by a wave of air, in an instant

Between, passed from afar.

For a moment, it seemed as if endless darkness enveloped his heart.

Gu Zun’s eyes suddenly widened-

An indescribable horror, a horror sweeping the whole body, the heart

It jumped suddenly, and the speed was unprecedented.


In an instant, the sound of fear erupted from his mouth.

He came to the sky over the city in an instant, and his voice went crazy, only one word.

“Run run run run run

He yelled frantically, and the blood-colored beam of light came directly from his body while the blood was shaking.

Up and down

Into the clouds,-turn around and rush into the earth again.

In an instant, the whole earth shook.

There is a hill in countless places on the whole earth, and countless buildings directly

The road collapsed, and the road was split long and torn apart.

A huge battleship, accompanied by a strong air discharge sound,

Suspended with a rumbling.

Countless people don’t know what’s going on.

Ship climb-

The battleships quickly lifted off, fleeing in the direction of Tenghong Star Court


Gu Zun stood on a battleship and looked behind him.

The fear in my heart is getting bigger and bigger.

Also at this moment.


A creepy roar and explosion suddenly came from the far back


The sound is huge, it is deafening, and it makes countless creatures ears in an instant


Immediately afterwards,-Dao’s huge golden mushroom cloud, far away,

It rose directly, and in an instant, the clouds were torn apart.

The whole world is shaking, and the temperature of the space is soaring crazily.

Even the whole earth was shaking.

The big ancient city at the foot, countless buildings, directly collapsed and collapsed.

Then there was an extremely dazzling golden light, covering the whole world, dazzling

People can’t open their eyes at all.

Soon, the golden light gradually dimmed.

People can finally open their eyes.

But at this moment, the faces of countless creatures are nothing but creepy.

Horror and pale.

The distant sky,-the waves of horror, like shock waves, shaped

It becomes a huge wall, with the sky above and the earth below, sweeping everything.

Swept swiftly.

Wherever you go, whether it’s a mountain or a forest, or even a building, straight

Then it is vaporized and turned into the most primitive powder.

Then he was encumbered by the air wave and moved on.


In an instant, Gu Zun screamed frantically, his voice was crazy in songsty.

A piece of blood in his eyes.

There is only fear in the heart.

this moment.

The entire universe, anywhere, every inch of the earth, at the same time

In the violent concussion.

Even Xingying Star Court felt the earth’s shaking.

The origin of all explosions.

All from Tenghong City.

There, the endless golden light shrouded within light years.

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