Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 511 - Fulfillment Martial Arts Tenjin (77)

Chapter 511 – : Fulfillment Martial Arts Tenjin (7/7)

“I think it won’t be long before the news should be delivered.

The Bloody Great Master thought for a while, didn’t care too much, nodded slightly and said: “That

Just fine

But as soon as the voice fell, the space shook suddenly, followed by an anxious cry

The sound was passed over in an extremely anxious and weak voice: “. Old, help

In an instant, the eyes of the Bloody Great Lord and others suddenly changed wildly.

Even people who are cultivating around opened their eyes and looked at them together.

But also at this moment.

Jiang Yuan on the top floor of the building suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole hair was rooted.

Float up


A roar that resembled the collapse of the sky, burst out from his mouth in an instant


In my mind, the first line of law was formally condensed just now.

Almost instantly, the peculiar power contained in the law exploded directly, Hong

The flow generally sweeps all corners of the body.

Countless golden cells all crumbled and disintegrated.

Not only cells, but even bone meridians, internal organs, all organs

Official, all forms are completely shattered at this moment.

Turned into pure golden energy, flowing continuously in the body like a torrent.

His body kept creaking.

The clothes whose surface qi and blood were transformed into pieces directly shattered, and the whole person roared

The muscles are bulging and the height is getting higher a little bit.

The weight is also soaring wildly.

The floor that can almost withstand the peak of the broken star realm-hits the floor, thorns

Amid the squeak of the ears, it shattered continuously, and the broken stones were flying everywhere.

With just breathing effort, the height soared to ten meters, reaching the roof


Then he smashed directly through the roof, and his head got out of the roof.

The moment his head drilled out of the roof of the building.

The man who was always watching the building saw Jiang Yuan instantly.

In an instant, he was stunned.

*Uh, isn’t he Jiang Yuan? “The man was shocked instantly, no

Knowing what was going on, Jiang Yuan slammed his head through the roof and exposed.

But he quickly saw Jiang Yuan’s expression in 5.7, extremely painful, his face

Completely hideous, his height is still getting bigger.

Almost breathing.

Jiang Yuan’s shoulders pierced the roof, and while his body became taller, he was also

Keep getting bigger.


Jiang Yuan roared frantically, and at that moment, his body suddenly rose up, straight

Then rush to a height of one hundred meters.

At the same time, everything moved by itself, and a vast ocean suddenly appeared behind it.

But it’s not the sea of ​​blue stars, it turns color into a shining gold,

Among them is a golden golden sun rising up. “what

In an instant, the man in the distance could see the number of big days behind Jiang Yuan, enough

Full of one hundred. This is a half-step god!

Moreover, the sea of ​​stars behind the Nine Suns Realm is azure blue, only

Only the legendary martial god, behind the sea of ​​stars, is golden

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