Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 492 - Six Nine Suns Great Realm (27)

Chapter 492 – : Six Nine Suns Great Realm (2/7)

How long is this!-less than a day.

Not only did he comprehend the ten monuments, but also created the secret method of the constant star.

Such feats are simply incredible.

I didn’t even dare to think about it before.

“Then how many levels of the constant star secret technique you created?”

Asked a question.

He has-silk curiosity in his heart, he is curious about the talent of the Great Demon God.

I don’t know if this kind of talent can create

What level of constant star secrets.

But he knew one thing.

Legendary Shenlong-level talent can quickly comprehend ten monuments in one day

Even created a secret method of constant star rating, and it is not a first-order, or even three or four


He is curious.

That great devil-level talent,-what degree of stars can be created in a day

Level secret method.

The seventh or eighth, or the legendary tenth-

Thought of this.

He couldn’t help but shook his head 31.

Constant-star tenth-level secret method, this level can directly ascend to the fifth day-level

Got it!

Even if the Great Demon God level talent is abnormal, it will not be abnormal to this level.


Jiang Yuan looked at the opponent and said lightly: “Super-Order Secret Technique.”

“Super-Order Secret Method?” Gu Long looked at Jiang Yuan with a confused expression, completely ignorant of what was going on.

What is the super secret method.

He only knows world-class secrets, constant-star secrets, universe-level secrets, macros

It is transcending, and every secret method is from one to tenth, but the super-order has never been heard.

Jiang Yuan didn’t answer his question, he suddenly pointed out his finger, and instantly appeared in

His eyebrows.

In an instant, the vast information surged crazily, changing Jiang Yuan’s fingers

Into a dark blue.

A lot of text keeps pouring in.

Gu Long trembled in his heart and quickly stabilized his mind, knowing that this was what Jiang Yuan had realized.

The secret method of the constant star level did not dare to be careless, and began to accept it earnestly.

In an instant, his eyes widened in horror, and he looked at Jiang Yuan incredulously.

The scalp is numb.

The horrified voice was shaking: “This, this, this is actually beyond the tenth order

It turns out that the tenth order is not the peak. ”

“in case


He was horrified and looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement.

Such a sentence emerged in my heart.

“If there is no super-order above the secret method, wouldn’t Jiang Yuan be able to spend a day

With ten sky steles, a universe-level secret was created?

Thinking of this, the cold sweat on his forehead was flowing down unconsciously.(Read more @

What is talent, this is talent!

Compared with the Great Demon God-level talents, what Ancestral Dragon-level talents and what Dragon Gods

Level talent, it’s not a shit!

“Receive with peace of mind.” Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly wrinkled.

Gu Long immediately became extremely well-behaved, even nodding his head without daring to breathe.

He felt that the existence he was facing at this moment was almost as majestic as a martial god.

at the same time.

In a huge island, six stalwart bodies stand high in the sky

Among them, looking up at the sky.

There, the horrible shadow of the demon god has disappeared, and the six talents slowly retracted


“The ghost of the devil!”

One of the women’s voice is gentle, very pleasant, like a lark,

There is endless envy and longing in the sound.

“Does the demon god want to return to the universe?” At the same time a strong voice resounded


“Not necessarily!” The woman shook her head and said: “About a million years ago, nine

There have also been ghosts of gods and demons above Yang Xinghai, not the real gods and demons.

Perhaps it was just a relic left by the gods and demons. ”

“Gods and demons are repeating! That’s also a good place, no one knows what’s inside

What, it’s a pity that we are in the killing fields now, even if we know what the gods and demons left behind

There is no way to go to the ruins. ”

“Well, you guys don’t have to worry about this, wait for us to be promoted to second place.

You can go back once when you are in the ranks, maybe you can find some consumption

interest. ”

A stronger voice came.

This person has a hard face, a black armor, and a little gold on the armor.

The color pattern is very peculiar, the lines are intertwined, but there is a kind of rigid beauty.

Everyone looked at him, with a hint of respectful dark color under their eyes.


uot; According to what I said before, contact 10,000 islands, all teams, and unite vertically and horizontally

Gather all the martial arts monuments, no need to fight and consume time, use talent to decide

all. “Qiancheng has a strong voice, looking around everyone, discussing major issues.

Everyone nodded slightly, and the woman’s voice resounded again before saying: “If

As a result, people who want to use opportunities to increase their numbers will naturally be censored.

Come down, I agree with this point.

“I also agree, whoever has the best talent and who is the advanced

Naturally there is nothing to say. ”

“It’s true, it can also avoid killing and save strength.”

Everyone applauded, and they all nodded.

The corners of Yucheng’s mouth were smiling, and his eyes flashed past, with a hint of cruelty

: “In this case, our respective teams pass on the news, who is different?

If it’s intended, it’s gone directly. ”

“Well, it should have been.

Everyone smiled slightly, and in an instant, the breath exploded.

Behind the sea of ​​stars appeared, surging and surging, nine big suns hanging one after another

Come up.

It’s actually a supreme being in the Nine Suns Realm, six in total, almost

It was this time that all the nine suns in the killing field gathered here.

In the next second, the six people 350 turned into a golden light, soaring into the sky.

The space pressure of the killing fields seemed to them non-existent,

It can be smashed easily and arrive at islands in no time.

Messages are delivered quickly.

Countless islands, a small team received information, everything changed color.

But there is no way, the existence of the Nine Suns Realm actually forms an alliance and sends

No one dares to resist the news of this kind, and resistance will inevitably be suppressed, directly


If they die, they die in vain, and the forces behind them dare not say anything.


Also at this time, a beam of light cut through the sky in an instant, passing through several consecutive towers.

Islands, appearing on the islands of Jiangyuan and others.

At this time, Jiang Yuan also handed over the constant star secret method to Gu Long.

Gu Long’s expression was very excited and looked at Jiang Yuan, even with a trace in his eyes.


The more you feel about the secret method, the more you can feel the magnitude of the information in it.

Great, even if it’s him, he won’t be able to finish it for a while, not to mention comprehension,

It’s like a fantasy.

And Jiang Yuan could actually create it.

It’s almost a miracle, it’s so talented that he doesn’t know how to use it.

What language to describe the horror of Jiang Yuan.

In the distance, Wan Yi and Lan Xu have been paying attention here,

Exhausted envy.

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