Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 486 - Beyond the tenth-order secret method (78)

Chapter 486 – : Beyond the tenth-order secret method (7/8)

“Humph” Xiaojin said very dissatisfied: “Didn’t you let me guess? Why?

? Do you have an opinion again?”

“No, no, how dare I have any opinions!” Xiao Zun smiled and said, “Then


While speaking, the eyes of the four little elves looked towards Jiang Yuan below.

Time is also enveloping the Shifang Tianzhu in Jiangyuan Qi and blood, and the calculation is officially started-


Two seconds

Ten seconds

One minute

Two minutes

three minutes

Four minutes

five minutes

When time passed for five minutes, Jiang Yuan and sitting cross-legged, everything was fine

Quiet, there is no change in the slightest, and there is no sound of qi and blood trembling in the body.

Xiao Jin’s complexion suddenly became ugly.

It’s been five minutes, but Jiang Yuan doesn’t even have a “four four seven”

Comprehend that this talent, the difference, has set her newest low.

Soon, five minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Followed by six minutes, seven minutes, eight minutes

Time is stepping firmly, and will not stop.

At this point in time, Xiao Jin was completely desperate, the expression on his face

Can’t keep calm anymore, there is only endless bleak in the eyes.

This year it is about to bottom out again.

Not only Xiaojin, but Lan Xu and Wanyi couldn’t help but frowned.

The complexion is very ugly.

“It’s a waste of a precious day.” Wanyi hummed coldly, and the next second was completely

I closed my eyes and began to feel the information I got on the monument.

Lan Xu also lost interest afterwards, and closed his eyes as well.

Only Gu Long looked at Jiang Yuan’s background, frowning slightly, as if thinking

What has arrived, but I am not sure, I am thinking hard.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

At this point, even the most advanced true dragon talent has not been reached.

Only Gu Long frowned deeper and deeper, and some ancient messages in his mind were

Read it out from the new.

When the time passed by half an hour.

Gu Long’s eyes opened wider and wider, and even his breathing became quicker.

“Could it be?”

Gu Long kept whispering in his heart, and even his body muscles tightened instantly.

A terrible thought gradually rose.

He once broke into an ancient book by mistake.

There are a lot of introductions about the killing fields, among them

A detailed description of the great talent.

This is why he knows so much about the killing fields.

Within two minutes, he realized that the Tianbei was a fixed dragon-level talent on the iron plate.(Read more @

But within one minute, within sixty seconds, he would be a dragon-class.

And understand within a second, it is a dragon class.

But what the world doesn’t know is that there is another talent called the Great Demon God

Level talent.

This kind of talent does not need to use qi and blood to inspire the ten square monuments, only to see-

You can easily comprehend the words above your eyes.

Naturally, eating and drinking are as simple as water.

“Is he a talent of that level?”

“Without the help of qi and blood, just read the text directly

There is a monument to the sky, and now I am not feeling it, but

He became more and more horrified, more and more shocked, and even involuntarily surged in his heart.

Out of boundless fear.

“It’s creating a secret method of constant star rating???”-

Thinking of this, Gu Long’s breathing became more difficult, his eyes widened, and he twitched.

I was cold, my mouth opened, but I couldn’t say a word, my body was stiff

In situ.

His guess is not wrong.

Jiang Yuan really just took a look and understood all the secrets, just like watching

Children’s books are generally simple.

At the moment when qi and blood aroused and enveloped the Shifang Tianzhu.

A brand-new sentiment and enlightenment instantly permeated his heart.

Almost instantly, the whole body of the scourge at the beginning of the eyebrow shook.

The bright white light burst out violently, without dazzling sacredness.

A mighty and mighty breath that resembles divine power, bursting out madly


There was even a majestic, ancient voice in the light.


In an instant, all the words on the whole body were shattered once again.

The speed is faster than any time before, and the time is rushed to the full

In the new stage, the eighth wing behind it slowly grows out.

There are four pairs in full, between the openings, as if the gods are coming, with boundless majesty.

“Unexpectedly, there are such benefits.

Jiang Yuan’s heart moved, and his thoughts settled down again.

The origin formula is more frantically deduced, and the text of the whole body of the scourge is faster

Shattered fiercely, new ones continue to condense

Moving towards the ninth stage of the constant star secret method.

The pace is steady, everything is a matter of time.

Just an hour later, the Secret Technique of Heaven’s Scourge made a broken sound again.

In the more dazzling brilliance, the ninth wing was born.

Then, another four or five hours passed in a flash.

The tenth wing was also born.

From this moment on, the constant star secret method reached its apex, becoming the constant star top

Level secret method, normally speaking, is to deduct the next stage, the universe level secret method.

Jiang Yuan, who can deduct to this step, has a very strange feeling in his heart.

I feel that this tenth order is not perfect, there is a sense of lack, what is missing

Something, or rather, there is another stage above it.

“Is there still an eleventh order?”

Doubts flashed in Jiang Yuan’s heart and continued to deduct.

But this time, it felt extremely difficult to deduct it.

I felt like a mountain before, but this time the deduction seems to be separated by-

This galaxy allows a mortal to cross the galaxy, indefinitely.

“Increase deduction.

Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded in his heart, vigorously, and passed to the center of his eyebrows.

In an instant, the deduction speed soared, extremely fierce.

In the golden core, the essence of qi and blood erupts directly, circulates frantically, and does it buzzingly

With a sound, 4.1 traces of red blood rushed out, directly integrated into the scourge body


Heavenly Scourge’s entire calm face suddenly became painful and grimace.

The body began to shake, and even the body began to shatter, constantly emitting

A creaking sound.

Jiang Yuan is actually consuming cell potential to speed up the deduction of the origin formula


However, the more deduced, whether it’s the Scourge, or Jiang Yuan himself, it feels

To the extremely uncomfortable depression, as well as the pain of the heart, keep pouring into my heart.

It’s like there are hundreds of millions of ants, spreading all corners of the body instantly, crazy

Nibbling on the body madly, even digging into the cells, nibbling in the cells-


The painful Jiangyuan Golden Pill was trembling wildly, constantly shaking up and down, left and right.

The external body is shaking slightly in pain, his face is pale and his forehead is cold.

Khan kept slipping off.

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