Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 483 - The fourth level of the secret method of constant star (48)

Chapter 483 – : The fourth level of the secret method of constant star (4/8)

Jiang Yuan’s voice is mighty and mighty, in the space between his brows, he is the sky of heaven

It is the will of heaven and earth, beyond doubt.

Scourge salutes slightly, hands folded up and down, waist is straight, and looks like

Wisdom channel.

The baby-like phantom clone is also cute and gentle, with a restrained posture, facing

Jindan salutes.

All recognized the name.

Jiang Yuan is them and himself, almost another himself.

At the same time, he knew.

Scourge is now a constant-star secret method, but it is only a first-order secret method.

There are many levels, and above the constant star secret method, there is a more terrifying universe

Level secret method.

Did not hesitate.

The golden core of the eyebrows spun in an instant, the golden light shining in my mind,

A huge golden phantom rose up from the golden core.

That is Jiang Yuan’s martial arts spirit.

It is the core of all warriors, almost soul-like things.

He rushed into the condemned body, merged together, a million times talent is crazy


The formula of origin, transformed into a halo of golden words, floats all over the body.

Now, spinning fast deduction.

At the same time in the outside world.

Only ten minutes passed.

Lan Xu’s body once again erupted with a strong roar, like billowing thunder, extremely resounding.

From the top of his head, a golden beam of light rose from the ground, rushing into the clouds in an instant

End, smash the clouds to form a huge hole, and then pour it down from above


Rushed into the second Tianbei.

So far, less than 20 minutes before and after, the two sky steles were completely completed by Lan Xu.


But from this moment on, his sharp, sword-like brows wrinkled slightly


The enlightenment that followed was difficult and increasingly difficult.

His follow-up potential is beginning to be lacking.

Time keeps passing quietly, and in a blink of an eye it’s the first night

Only then did the third sound erupt in his body, and the golden light rushed

Over the top.

“Three celestial monuments.” “Gu Long hovered not far away, looking at Lan Xu, he

The expression became more solemn.

Among the four-person team, Lan Xu’s talent gave him a strong sense of oppression.

It’s not just him, but Wanyi beside her can’t help clenching her fists.

There is a trace of unwillingness.

In the void, Xiao Zun smiled, his eyes looked at him intentionally or unintentionally


The other two void elves around could not help but marvel.

“Emperor Dragon-level talent! Last time I assisted such a talented powerhouse, almost(Read more @

It happened a million years ago, that person was really amazing at first, ten

Comprehend eight monuments in the day.

“In just three months, a brand-new secret method of constant star ratings was created.”

Another Void Elf looked enviously and said: “The last time I assisted the Emperor Dragon

Level talents existed for almost a million years, or even longer, at that time

He made it to the sixth level abruptly, which was extremely scary, and the feedback I got was the most

A fierce one. ”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Jin turned his head away tastefully.

He hummed: “What’s so great, isn’t it an Emperor Dragon? This time

No, I will definitely be able to assist the Ancestral Dragon-level talent in the future, hum

The two void elves looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes, and they resisted

Didn’t laugh.

Xiao Zun didn’t give Xiao Jin any face and said, “You can get it! How many times have it been?

It’s been a million years, it’s still tens of thousands of years, the strongest talent you match,

Only the emperor dragon level is only, most of them are angry dragon level. ”

“To shut up

Xiao Jin stared at Xiao Zun fiercely.

The little Zun who was watching smiled brilliantly, but didn’t say anything.

Time continues to pass.

When it was late at night, the sky was dotted with stars, and Lan Xu broke out again in his body

The roaring sound, the bright golden light, is brighter than before.

Straight into the heavenly secret, circulating down, hitting the new heavenly monument.

at the same time.

The secret method of making Heaven in Jiang Yuan’s body is also changing rapidly.

Driven by the million-fold talent and the origin formula, the volume of Scourge

They all slowly expanded in a circle, and all the azure blue text on their body was ups and downs.

It seems that the words are the blood cells in his body.

Click, click.

The continuous voices shattered on the surface of the Secret Method of Scourge, and every voice

Spread out, that is-every word is broken.

The broken characters are recombined to form even more ancient characters.

As if a snake shed its skin.

When all the words are broken at once, a long breath comes from the body

Spread out on.

This also means that the Secret Technique of Scourge is formally advanced, and the Secret Technique of Constant Stars is the second stage.

There are some peculiar changes in the second-order stellar secret method.

Behind the scourge, a pair of wings made up of words appeared unexpectedly

Incomparably white, with a golden halo on his head, like an angel in ancient legends.

The whole person becomes sacred.

However, this is only the beginning.

over time.

The new writing on his body surface began to fall apart again, the older and more ancient writing

Began to twist and shape, and quickly spread throughout the body.

Even behind, there are new wings, from small to large, changing little by little

化 emerges.

When the outside world becomes daylight.

The third wing was born slowly.

The whole body of Tianzun exudes a brighter brilliance, even the face

They are all shrouded in brilliance, extremely sacred.

There is even a peculiar language singing and complimenting.


Outside, a loud voice broke out in Lan Xu’s body again.

The golden beam of light broke through the air and descended from the clouds in an instant,

Falling straight on a new monument.

And this is already the fifth beam of light. Also at the same time.

The scourge in Jiang Yuan’s body also shattered all the words in his body, condensing it behind his back.

Gather two pairs of Jie (Zhao’s) white wings and formally climb the fourth level of the secret method of constant star

segment. “Long. Is the fourth stage?”

Heavenly Scourge, who was possessed by Jiang Yuan, slowly opened his eyes, a smile on his face just flashed


Even if it is the fourth-order secret method of the constant star, it has little effect on him now, outside

The world can also be bought, not in-time.

In the next second, close your eyes again, settle your mind, and continue to break through.

He felt that he could still break through, and there was no feeling of subsequent fatigue.

Time just passed day by day.

Three days from the outside world passed in an instant.

With time, Lan Xu directly withdrew from the state of sentiment and gave up his position.

“Lan Xu is amazing.

Gu Long was heartless and showed his thumb at Lan Xu, feeling sincerely


In three days, Lan Xu fully comprehended the seven monuments, the talent is strong, the world

Rare, it must be a talented water product of the Emperor Dragon level.

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