Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 477 - Ten Fangtian Monument

Chapter 477 – :Ten Fangtian Monument

“The one who kills the most enemies will stand out and get the token of entry for the second killing field. This point,

I guess my brother already knows it, so I won’t talk too much nonsense.

“The Second Killing Field, there are a total of 10,000 islands, twelve levels above the sky, each island has a small team, one

A team of four to ten people is not fixed. ”

“But the larger the number, the stronger the advantage.

“We are only four people now, with the lowest advantage.” Gu Long said with a sigh.

Continued: “Normally, the lower the team, the more the number, the stronger the team, the number

Less. ”

As he spoke, Gu Long glanced from everyone, with a wry smile on his face.

He saw it at a glance. In addition to Jiang Yuan, who was the third stage of the Supreme Master, Wanyi and him

The strength is equivalent, in the fourth stage of the Supreme Master, possesses the power of three yang.

In addition, the silent man is a little stronger, and standing there gives people a very strong pressure.

Sense of urgency.

But this feeling is not completely crushed.

Although it is stronger than the others, it is also limited, and probably only the power of the four yang.

For example, if we consider the strength of the three of them alone, they are indeed very strong. After all, not every island is a supreme master.

The fourth stage is a combination of the strong.

Many people only have the third stage of the Supreme Master.

But there is only a team of four, but there is a third-stage presence like Jiang Yuan, which is somewhat

It makes people speechless.

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, Wan Yi and the other man looked over.

The man frowned and said nothing, but there was a flash of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Gu Long quickly explained: “But this is only theoretically, and we think about it in another way, the four-person team

Since it is the strongest team, in this case, we all have the existence of the third stage of the Supreme Master.

“Then this killing field, the overall strength is probably not strong, even the other ten teams, will they

There is only one Supreme Being in the fourth stage, and nine Supreme Beings in the third stage. ”

Hearing what he said, the two of them both thought a little, did not say anything, and looked away from Jiang Yuan, but

The hostility of the limit is obvious.

Because of the strength of the third stage of the Supreme Supreme Being Jiang Yuan, the overall strength was lowered.

As soon as the overall strength is reduced, this will affect the next battle.

Since it was a killing field, how could it be as simple as simply letting them understand the secret method.

“Go to the ten square monument first.

The icy man’s voice resounded directly, turning into a golden light, and flew directly into the distance.

Wan Yi followed close behind, even too lazy to say hello to Jiang Yuan.(Read more @

Only Gu Long rushed to Jiang Yuan to apologize and smiled, and his blood vibrated and said: “Brothers are all in the same team.

It’s over. After all, we have to fight together and get along with each other.

As he spoke, his blood shook and his body disappeared instantly.

Jiang Yuan stood in the same place with a calm gaze, and disappeared in the same place the next moment.

Just breathing effort, came to the center of the island.

Although the island is very large, comparable to the Aquastar-Fang Continental Plate, for the four of them, they are

It can only be regarded as a small island.

Take one step,-accidentally will span the entire island.

Immediately afterwards, the four lights were condensed and formed, standing above a vast grassland.

Everyone looked down.

On the grassland, each tombstone is a hundred meters high, standing upright in the soil.

It is round and surrounds each other.

There are only three to four meters between each block.

The whole body is pitch black, with countless white characters painted on it, twisted and twisted like tadpoles, densely packed.

Every word is extremely small, comparable to dust.

There are thousands of words combined in a small area of ​​the finger cover.

Just looking at it will make the scalp numb and the brain swollen.

It is a mental shock.

The powerful secret method and the combination of words will naturally lead the world and deter the martial arts spirit.

“In the legend, every piece of martial arts stele contains a big secret, which is an extremely terrifying secret method.

The pieces that came down formed a new secret method alone.

Gu Long looked at the ten celestial tablets, his expression on his face gradually became turbulent, and his heart was ups and downs.

Even the man who has not said a word slowly said, “If you can comprehend the secret of the heavenly gods in the clouds,

The martial arts gods are just around the corner.

As he spoke, his fists were directly squeezed, his eyes blazing brightly.

Just as the two talked, Wanyi stepped out beside her, like a nine-day fairy, her clothes fluttering.

The fragrance is pervasive, beautiful

It’s beautiful.

Just like a goddess descending to the earth, immortal energy lingers.

“I’ll come first, Wanyi’s voice resounded lightly.

Jiang Yuan and the others also slowly fell on the ground. Looking at the huge monument, Gu Long nodded slightly without objecting.

The man next to him also slowly said: “Ten days, four people are equally divided, three of us, one person three days to comprehend

If you don’t realize it, you will withdraw and the next person will make up. “.

Hao Wanyi nodded directly, as it should be.

In the next second, without waiting for Jiang Yuan 770 to oppose, he immediately settled, sitting cross-legged, extremely decisive.

Four of them, three of them each for three days, leaving the last day, and this day is for Jiang Yuan to comprehend.

In their opinion, if Jiang Yuan weren’t a member of the team, they wouldn’t even give him one day.

Jiang Yuan stood there with no expression on his face, as if he hadn’t heard the man’s words.

Because at the moment he fell, the six senses had been completely closed, his eyes scanned on the ten square stele, countless words gathered in his mind.

The formula of origin, decomposing the profound meaning in a frenzy.

Each monument is full of 100 million characters, densely packed with many ancient characters, thinking

It is very difficult to interpret.

At this time, Wan Yi was also completely in the state.

The qi and blood shook suddenly, a surging force of qi and blood, like a beam of blood, rushed out from the top of her head.

It turned into a bloody light curtain in mid-air.

It directly covers the ten square monuments.

The moment when the sky stele feels the blood, it seems to be activated, and there are countless white particles on it.

The word unexpectedly floated out slowly.

In each monument, there is a white long rainbow, winding and twisting, towards the center of her eyebrows.

Got in.

The perception begins in an instant.

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