Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 472 - -Family Reunion

Chapter 472 – :-Family Reunion

At the next moment, the martial arts sky map began to shrink and turned into a small sky map-

When the child shrinks, it becomes an ancient picture book, tearing the space and disappearing.

When it appeared, it had turned into a golden light, rushing straight into Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows and disappeared.

This is the end of the matter.

Jiang Yuan’s qi, blood, and golden body began to dissipate, turning into the power of rolling qi and blood to return to his body. Between the heavens and the earth, only him

One person hangs high.

Step by step, as if stepping on the sky, there is an invisible ladder below your feet, step by step.

At this time, the army of more than 20 million, both frantic eyes, stared at Jiang Yuan.

Everyone was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

In the end Jiang Yuan fell beside Jiang Hao and others.

Looking directly at the blood-type master, his fingers suddenly stretched out,-pointing on the opponent’s eyebrows.

The turbulent Qi “Zero 43” bloodstone turned into a turbulent red air current, crazily drilled into the opponent’s eyebrows.

After just a few breaths, Jiang Yuan let go.

The bloody Great Lord’s complexion suddenly appeared endlessly shocked.

The body was trembling slightly, looking at Jiang Yuan in shock, the whole person trembled, and said in amazement:

“There are so many blood stones?.

“You use these qi and blood stones well. I hope that within a month, 100 people will be born in the entire star court.

Great Lord. ”

The original voice was indifferent, but with no doubt.

He was giving a death order, with piercing eyes.

The bloody grandmaster was taken aback for a moment, his face was ecstatic, his waist was straight, and he promised: “The chief affair, you can rest assured

This matter is on my body, and there is such a huge blood stone as the most basic.

“If I can’t even a hundred great lords early, then I don’t deserve to be a veteran.”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. In addition to his weaker blood type, his ability to do things was extremely strong.

Then his gaze turned to Jingxiang City Road: “Later the army will enter the city, all the people in Jingxiang Star Court,

Kill, the rest, are willing to stay, everything will be business as usual, if they are not willing to stay, they will all be dismissed. ”

The bloody grandmaster nodded deeply, very much in agreement.

At this time, Jiang Yuan summoned, and from the center of the opponent’s eyebrows, a ball of light floated slowly.


There is a planet inside this sphere of light, which was the place where Wang Teng Xingting’s star court was in the past.

Now the entire Star Court headquarters is in it.

Jiang Hao stood by, looked at the light ball, immediately saw the planet contained in it, and felt a familiar aura in it.(Read more @

Jiang Hao nodded in agreement and said: “Dad is indeed amazing, no, it can’t be described as amazing anymore.

While speaking, he quietly glanced upstairs, lowered his voice and said: “It’s just a monster.”

You are itchy. “Murong Xue looked at her old brother in surprise, and went up and said: “Brother, you see

What kind of strength is you in the end? I won’t be inferior to me! I have the title of invincible ancestor. ”

“What are you thinking about!” Jiang Hao cut-said: “You treat me as a pig like you! I’m just shattering the star realm, it’s okay

I mean, if I had looked for it earlier-a piece of tofu was killed.

Murongxue’s gaze shrank for a while, her eyes widened, and she was a little unbelievable: “Could it be that you have reached

At the height of dad, is the supreme great?”

Jiang Hao flicked his hair very narcissistically, narrowed his eyes, and said with a masterful demeanor: “Bingguo, you guessed it.

But I didn’t reach the height of the boss, I just stepped into the Great Master. ”

At this time, Murong Qingyue just walked out of the kitchen, just hearing the conversation between the siblings, and suddenly


“What! Great! Great?”

The mother and daughter screamed almost in unison.

Murong Xue looked at Jiang Hao like a monster, bounced from her seat, and looked at her brother in horror.

“Son, you, you, you. Are you all respected?”

“Brother, did you make a mistake! You made a mistake about the title of Broken Star Realm, Wu Zun?”

The two of them looked at Jiang Hao with their gazes.

Jiang Hao couldn’t help but feel a little excited, holding back his pride, and said indifferently: “Naturally there is no mistake, just nothing.

If you don’t believe me, you can watch it.

While speaking, the blood in the body suddenly aroused and surged.

The golden light on the surface of the skin began to radiate, and until the center of the eyebrows, a distorted ancient text slowly condensed into


Turned into the wordless of the supreme master.

When the words condensed and formed, a supreme breath burst out instantly, extremely strong.

He has become the center, and even formed an invisible wave of air.

Both of them couldn’t help the breath, and couldn’t help taking a step back.

The expression on his face was even more shocked.

Murongxue opened her mouth for a long time

Can’t say a word.

The most popular swallowed, and the hard way: “Brother, you, you, this is too enchanting, you, you, you

You really are the Supreme Lord! Oh my God!”

Murong Qingyue also woke up, her excited hands were trembling, and she said excitedly: “It’s a great master.

There are two great lords in the family, you and your father. ”

“But you are 100 plus outstanding than your father. When your father was your age, he was only a warrior.


Murong Qingyue said excitedly, looking at her son with pride in her eyes.

A pair of great masters, these things are said to be said, how glorious, glorious and ancestral.

However, Jiang Hao was complimented by the two, but he was a little embarrassed, and even said with doubts in his eyes:.

“Didn’t Dad tell you, isn’t he a great master?”

“Not Great?” Murong Qingyue suddenly became puzzled.

“I’ve seen old words appear on your dad’s eyebrows. Just like you, how could it not be a great master?

Dao Grand Master can still pretend?”

Not only Murong Qingyue was puzzled, Murong Xue was also puzzled.


Seeing how they were unidentified, Jiang Hao quickly explained: “No, Dad’s realm is not a great master.

It is a more powerful realm than the Great Master. ”

“A realm more powerful than the Great Lord?”

The two looked at each other, they didn’t know why, and they didn’t know what other realm was better than the Great Master.

Murongxue’s brain turned the fastest, and immediately remembered something, oh, she suddenly realized: “I know.

Last time I wanted to hear from my instructor, the Supreme Being also has a small realm. “.

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