Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 469 - The clones are all nine suns

Chapter 469 – : The clones are all nine suns

The giant bird with a large array of energy and blood, at this moment, both eyes are anthropomorphic with panic, and the body is unexpectedly uncontrollable.

A step backwards.

This is an instinctive fear.

The bloody Dazun and the others around Jiang Yuan were excited-almost unable to breathe, their expressions excited muscles

All trembling.



Jiang Yuan finally broke out.

In front of all the Tenghong Star Court army, the strength of the Nine Suns Realm erupted.

Waiting for Bai You Luo Ming and others, seeing Jiang Yuan’s strength, their expressions will be wonderful.

The bloody Great Lord’s eyes penetrated in an instant.

In an instant, he saw Luo Ming and other thirty-six great masters, and his expression was extremely excited at this moment.

But the next second.

Seeing the sea of ​​stars behind Jiang Yuan continued to agitate.

Their excited expressions condensed directly, and a look of horror appeared involuntarily in their eyes.

If the power of the eight suns, half a step in the realm of the nine suns, can make them excited and proud.

Then the Nine Suns Realm was just agitated.

That is panic.


In an instant, a dull sound of earth-shattering burst out from Jiang Yuan, as if his body

A star exploded.

The terrifying power of blood, like a golden torrent, came out of all his pores.

On the ground behind him, they quickly gathered together.

In a blink of an eye it turned into an illusory figure.

This figure has three heads and six arms, constantly consolidating.

At the same time, the sea of ​​stars was completely boiling, like boiling water.

At this moment, countless people’s gazes all looked towards Jiang Yuan above the sky.

Even the fighting army stopped by coincidence, and temporarily separated a certain distance.

At this time, the radiant brilliance, as if incomparably sacred, rose slowly from the boiling sea of ​​stars.

A brighter day than before has appeared

Nine big days, Dongsheng Xinghai, my sky sounds.

“This is the great realm of Nine Suns, and the legendary realm is the realm that countless great deities have pursued throughout their lives.”

“Fujihiro Star Court’s chief affairs officer is actually the existence of the Nine Suns Realm?”

In Jingxiang City, countless racial powerhouses watching the battle, all looked at Jiang Yuan in horror at this moment.

Jiang Yuan at this moment, that is not a huge body, but full of supreme majesty.

Like gods and demons, with every move, the carrier is invincible and domineering.

Jing Hai shivered with fright, his whole body suddenly stiffened, his brain was in chaos for an instant, and his eyes

The eyes were like a ghost, and they opened round, shocked.

Everyone around him was also too scared to breathe.

Jinghai knew that Jiangyuan was strong.(Read more @

But when he hollowed out his forehead, he couldn’t think of it, this is always powerful! This is simply a dream!

The other party was actually not the fourth stage of the Supreme Being, but the supreme existence of the Nine Suns.

“This, this.” Jing Hong opened his mouth, unable to say a word for a long time, as if his neck was beckoned.

But soon, he thought of something, and suddenly looked at Jing Hai beside him.

Jing Hai is also looking at him.

Both of them saw a message in each other’s eyes.


Jing Hong swallowed hardly, his blood vibrated, and his voice quietly passed on.

Jing Hai also nodded hard.

The two remained silent, everyone in the surroundings was in shock, and they quietly withdrew from the clouds.

The moment they were about to leave.

The golden body of vitality and blood behind Jiang Yuan has been condensed into shape, but the sea of ​​stars behind it is still rolling endlessly.

Small and exquisite big days keep pouring out.

One by one, as many as twenty-six, forming a continuous big sun ball, wrapped around the waist.

“Nine. Asking Yang Jing

Zhen Rui was shocked, her eyes filled with despair, looking up at the condensed golden body, her heart was almost

Stop beating.


Among the army, I don’t know which great master suddenly yelled in panic.

This voice seemed to have magical powers.

Motivate everyone’s heart instantly, release people’s inner panic.

Even Zhen Rui was terrified and wanted to run away for the first time.

In the next second, the great formation collapsed without attacking, the giant beasts and birds in the sky scattered directly, and a famous great figure turned around and ran away.

I was able to avenge my deceased before, because there is still hope.

But once the enemy becomes irresistible, it is like a god.

Then there is no hope, some only endless despair.

How to fight this?

What to fight?

No matter how many great lords, in front of the great domain-level overlord of the Nine Suns Realm, they are more than ordinary people

Otherwise, it’s almost an ant-

Like existence.

The horror of the Nine Suns Realm has been recorded clearly and plainly in countless ancient books.

Why is it called Nine Suns as the overlord of the big domain.

Because once such an existence is furious, it will really break the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon will be blank, and the whole world will be beaten and collapsed.

Broken, it takes endless time to slowly heal.

“Escape. Escape”

At this moment, more than 800 great lords scattered in a rush, turning into streams of light scattered everywhere, even hating not.

I have to grow a pair of legs by myself.

But in the same place, only Zhen Rui was standing there.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s vitality, blood, and golden body had completely condensed into shape.

Huge body, like an ancient god and devil, standing on top of the earth, three heads, different expressions, everything is full

The hideous color.

Three pairs of eyes, looking at each other in unison-

In an instant, Zhen Rui no longer had the spirited, general demeanor he had when he came.

But the legs are weak.

I really don’t have any strength at all.

I almost wailed in my heart.

Under Jiang Yuan’s gaze, all the cells all over his body seemed to have died.

(Get Zhao)

A little bit of energy and blood can’t be stimulated.


In an instant, Jiang Yuan grabbed it with one arm, and in an instant he reached his face.

In the horrified gaze of the other party, he was completely enveloped.

Accompanied by a slight crackling sound, the berries shattered-like, and the blood slid down the huge hand hall of Jiangyuan.

Go down.

Killing Zhen Rui is trivial to Jiang Yuan.

In the next second, his six eyes and six golden beams swept through everything, penetrating directly into the void,

Sweeping across the space at the speed of light.

I saw a famous man fleeing in a panic.

“Can you escape?” Jiang Yuan had a sneer on his face. The next second, his huge body shook quickly.

When I got up, I couldn’t see it clearly with the naked eye, and it was blurred.

Immediately afterwards, the lotus roots were broken, and the golden body of vitality, blood, and blood, which also reached the Nine Suns Realm, came from his body in this way.

Out of it. ,

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