Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 467 - Jiangyuan boundless wrath

Chapter 467 – : Jiangyuan boundless wrath

Thirty-six people, all went crazy at this moment, their voices were hysterical, and everyone’s weapons were smashed into the air neatly.

Suddenly, the fighting spirit was boiling.

“Life is Tenghong Star Court person, death is Tenghong Star Court martial soul immortal, will not disappear”

“Kill with me.

Bai You pointed at the distance with the weapon in his hand, completely insane, without a snarling roar, almost distorted.

In an instant, the whole turned into a stream of light, vibrating with sound, and rushing out in an instant.

Thirty-one golden rays of light behind him followed them firmly. :

Treat death as home without fear.

Inside Beijing Xiangcheng.

Jing Hai sprayed his mouth and shook his head lightly. It is a pity: “Tenghong Star Court is full of blood and courage is commendable.

It’s a pity that in the face of absolute strength, everything is rootless, and there is no doubt that death is doomed. ”

Jinghong couldn’t help but nodded, his voice “Nine Zero Zero” was full of endless sighs: “The universe is intricate and intricate.

Miscellaneous, if you are a little careless, you will die!

Jing Hai sighed: “To witness the defeat and death of a star court in a battle, and to be slaughtered. This is bloody.


Almost the moment his voice fell, the war broke out.

The two armies finally collided.

The general torrent, the army that swept through, instantly collided with the army of Tenghong.

The boundless sound of fighting, instantly resounded throughout the world and echoed throughout the world.

“Kill kill kill

Countless soldiers screamed frantically, the blood in their bodies was frantically excited, and the enemy in front of them was hacked to death.

Someone around him rushed forward and chopped off his head with a knife-

Pieces of golden pills flew into the sky from above each body.

Every moment, thousands, densely packed, like raindrops.

Many of them have not yet been lifted into the air, and are directly shrouded by the light that impacts from the lowering, and they are directly shattered, and a light is emitted from the inside.

Howling miserably.

The soldiers of Tenghong Star Court died in a battle, and Gu Rong’s Forbidden Army also died in battle.

But compared with Gu Rongxing’s huge army, their casualties were too few, too few.

The army is still advancing.

Tenghong’s army stretched out, holding a shield, violently excited by blood, and roaring desperately to resist.

But the soldier still fell in his name.

Even if he fell down, his eyes still widened wildly, full of unwillingness, and the blood in his body remained enthusiastic.

Gu Rong’s army was firm and pushed a little bit horizontally.

Every metre of distance is made up of corpses.

Bai You and others, standing in the army one by one, resisting in front, blood bathed all over, fighting frantically, full-body helmets

The armor shattered like a lunatic.

His hair was flying messy, and his face was wild and crazy.

“Kill kill kill.

Bai You’s eyes were completely blood red, almost intoxicated, and his mind was filled with endless killing intent, whizzing and boiling.

Above the sky, the Gu Rong Forbidden Army, more than eight hundred great statues, did not move.(Read more @

The expression is majestic.

They were waiting, waiting for Bai You and others to consume too much blood, and they shot directly, and it was a thunderous blow immediately.

Kill them directly. “Go

Zhen Rui’s voice suddenly resounded, and it spread into the ears of thirty-six great lords.

“Kill them and end this war.”

Almost the moment his voice fell, the eyes of thirty-six people were suddenly full of murderous,-the sound of roaring and roaring

Turned into golden light.

Instantly swooped down, the carrier’s murderous aura. :

To exterminate everything, there were bursts of ghost crying and wolf howling in the whole body space.

at the same time.

Jiang Yuan, who was in the space shuttle, suddenly raised his brows, and he smelled blood in the space.


The heartbeat speeds up instantly.

Not only did he smell it.

The Bloody Great Lord and others also smelled it.

“This smell of blood?” The voice of the bloody great master trembled suddenly. The next second, his eyes burst out, filling

Full of shock.

“Gu Rong must have arrived

Almost as soon as his voice fell, Jiang Yuan took a breath, and in his eyes, the air of killing flashed away.


The space shook suddenly, and the speed of the four of them soared.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at his destination in an instant and got out of the space directly.

At a glance, I saw the army fighting together in the distance, shouting and killing.

In the sky, a total of eight hundred and eighty figures are suspended, wearing black armor, exuding Da Japanese-level township

The breath is actually a great master.

There is also an ancient text on the chest of the armor.

The character for banyan in the ancient banyan court.

It’s really Gu Rongxing Court’s forbidden army, who arrived at Jingxiang City at this time.

The most chilling thing is


The opening of the Beijing Xiangcheng Grand Formation actually blocked all the 30 million Tenghong Star Court’s army, and cut them off.

The escape route.

This is equivalent to cutting off their way of life.


The bloody great master gritted his teeth, his voice roared frantically, full of endless hatred.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan was furious.

The boundless anger burned in my heart.

He doesn’t hate Gu Rong Xingting, he is a villain like Jinghai, isolated his army outside the city and cut everyone off.

His escape route, watching them being slaughtered.

This kind of hatred made him unable to calm down, and could no longer maintain it.

The raging anger is normal, turbulent, and burning endlessly. “court death

A roar burst out from Jiang Yuan’s mouth, unprecedented anger, almost burning his will,

Make him lose his mind.

The sound resounded like chaos and thunder, and it was rumbling and spreading far away.

This voice is too loud.

It roared in countless people’s ears, making people horrified, and the hair roots stood up.

Jing Hai’s complexion suddenly changed wildly, his eyes followed the voice.

At a glance, he saw the figures of Jiang Yuan and others, and his eyes opened wide, with an incredible look.

His voice trembled, and he gasped, and he was extremely shocked: “How could they be okay at 3.2?

But I came back, what’s the matter?

“Did Sima Zhongxiang let it go? No, it’s impossible that Sima Zhongxiang is famous

Javier must be reported. ”

“Why didn’t you ask him to come back?

Jing Hai shivered with fright and almost fell from the clouds.

But soon he calmed down.

“No, no, don’t let him Jiang Yuan is terrible, he offended Gu Rong’s forbidden army, a billion troops gathered for battle,-

He couldn’t bear it when he encircled and suppressed. ”

“What’s more, there are eight hundred great lords, which are not comparable to the left-behind army of Gu Rong Xingting!

One is a ruthless person from the battlefield. ”

“exactly. .

In the next second, the fear in Jing Hai’s eyes was swept away and she became excited.

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