Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 465 - Close Chengguang) Abandon Tenghong

Chapter 465 – :Close Chengguang] Abandon Tenghong

Jing Hong, who was beside Jing Hai, looked a little frustrated, and couldn’t help asking.

Jing Hai’s complexion was extremely tangled, and he took a deep breath and looked into the distance.

That direction is the location of Xingying Star Court, where he is fighting between heaven and man in his heart.

“This Jiang Yuan and others will probably not be able to come back when they go, and the 30 million army left behind, how can they not

It may be Gu Rong’s opponent. ”

“They are not opponents, I am afraid they will want to retreat to the city, relying on the city wall to carry out delaying operations.

Do you want to let it go or not let it go? ”

He kept thinking, the nervousness in his heart kept boiling.

“The chief executive? What should I do? Do you want to let it go?” Jinghong’s voice became more anxious, because the distance

The army suddenly stopped advancing.

Has entered the real range.

Jing Hai didn’t dare to hesitate any longer, took a deep breath, his face was firm, and he already had a choice.

The voice was cold and resolutely facing Jinghong Road beside him: “Close all the city gates, open the big array, and block the red vines.

The people of Star Court retreated in.

Jing Hong was shocked, and looked at the chief executive next to him in amazement.

Can’t help being horrified: “If you don’t let the people from Tenghong Star Court come in, they will not be each other at 380 in the wild.

Opponents,-I’m afraid the whole army will be wiped out if the second army charges!”

Jing Hai has already given up his mind and looked fiercely at Jing Hong and said, “Did you not understand what I said? I will let you

Close the gates and open the big array. ‘

Jinghong’s heart jumped and his breathing became even more rapid. Finally, he lowered his head and said, “I’ll give the order now.

go with.

at the same time.

The 30 million army outside the city also burst out with a roar of military orders.

The drums of war and the loud horns constantly fluctuate.

Among the countless military tents, a soldier rushed out, everywhere there was the sound of hula la’s armor and weapons colliding.

Tones, there is also the shout of a famous military officer.

The army is gathering quickly-

One by one, the squares of ten thousand people began to combine and line up to form a continuous army formation.

A famous great deity in the front shouted, his whole body vibrated wildly, and his whole body was condensed into huge chunks.

The big shield.

Placed on the ground with a bang.

In the air, there are thirty-two great chief generals with extremely solemn faces. They look thousands of miles away without breathing.

Than dignified.

“Enough (ccbh) billion army! Actually more than we guessed before, ten teams round one


Bai You has the most power and is the commander-in-chief of almost all generals.

Seeing the distance near the sky and the earth are connected together, the black army can’t help but breathe heavier.

His complexion was pale.(Read more @

These are not ordinary soldiers, let alone ordinary people.

Every soldier is the second stage of Manifestation, the level of the eternal overlord, and it is in each race.

High-level, extremely powerful.

Such an army has formed a billion.

Who is not afraid.

Who is not afraid.

The mighty military might, the overwhelming pressure, the extremely strong smell of blood, the fluttering and rolling flag

Zhi is telling everyone.

This is an iron-blooded army.

Just looking at it makes the scalp numb and sweaty hands and feet.

It can be seen that every soldier in the front of the Tenghong Star Court has a dry mouth and a trace of his eyes.

Fear, the heartbeat speeds up, tightly clenching the weapon in his hand.

Thirty million to one billion, the difference in quantity is like a galaxy, and it is impossible to measure.

The high-level combat power is even more disparity.

There are only thirty-two great lords in one’s own side, but the other side! There are eight hundred and nearly nine hundred.

Suspended high in the air, full of energy and blood, billowing, like a beam of light, straight into the sky, across the sky

Ground, smash the clouds.

Bai You’s face was sad, the corners of his mouth were turbulent, and his voice was rushed out.

Among the army, Bai Hong’s heart moved, and such a voice came from his ears.

“Bai Hong, you go to the city, contact Jinghai, let him help us, let the army spread into the city,

He doesn’t need his help, just borrow the city wall and the big battle. ”

Bai Hong nodded slightly, did not dare to delay, his body instantly turned into a stream of light and rose from the ground towards the city.

Fly away-

I can see the sea above the city and the sea above the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Hong fell in front of the opponent, opened his mouth, just about to say something.

I heard the other party’s decisive refusal: “I already know your intentions, and I can’t promise you.

We don’t want to anger the Gu Rong forbidden army. ”

Bai Hong said anxiously: “We also know that you are embarrassed.

Just use the city wall and the big array to delay the delay

In time, waiting for the return of our chief executive.

Jing Hai said impatiently: “Your chief of affairs is going to the East Palace, what do you think it is?”

“This is to inquire about crimes. Since ancient times, a few people who have been called there have ended up well, and a few can survive.

Coming back. ”

“”Bai Hong is still going to say something.

But he was directly interrupted by the other party, and his face was cold and stern: “Give you three seconds to leave here, otherwise you

No need to go!”


Bai Hong didn’t expect that the other party would turn his face when he said that he turned his face, turning his face faster than turning a book.

“Why. I don’t want to leave, do you?” Jinghai’s face has become extremely ugly. Since he has turned his face, he is not ready to be

What a good guy.

The whole body’s breath suddenly shook, and when he shot it in an instant, the body disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it came

To Bai Hong’s side.

The Great Venerable’s breath broke out directly, and the sky was overwhelmed. The white rainbow that was directly reconnected turned pale, his brain blasted.

Make a sound.

In an instant, he lost his will and was caught in the hands of the opponent.

Jinghai threw Baihong to Jinghong casually, and said in a sharp voice: “This woman is Baiyou’s daughter, Hongtengxing.

The woman of General Ting’s army, once the Tenghong Star Ting’s army is defeated, she will give this person to Zhen Rui. ”

Jing Hong was taken aback for a moment, took the unconscious Bai Hong, and nodded slightly.


At this moment, the entire Jingxiang City seemed to open in a big burst.

The sound was deafening, buzzing, and resounding continuously, and suddenly erupted over the entire huge continuous wall.

Brilliant blue brilliance.

It can be seen that on the wall, there are countless blue lights suddenly appearing, the lines are general, extremely complex, and intertwined.

Combination, continuous extension.

In an instant, beams of light rose from the city wall and above the wall stacks and rushed directly into the clouds.

Then the beam of light exploded, forming a huge light curtain, tearing the clouds and shrouding it directly.

Countless people who became Tenghong Star Court heard the movement behind them, and turned their heads one after another.

I saw that the entire Beijing Xiangcheng defense formation was actually opening, and in a blink of an eye, it was gradually covering the entire city.

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