Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 423 - Qi, Blood and Golden Body First-Form

Chapter 423 – : Qi, Blood and Golden Body First-Form

The power of golden vitality and blood crazily condensed behind him, taking the lead in condensing a golden heart, extremely huge,

Constantly expanding.

Like a living thing, thumping and provoking non-stop.

Every time it was provoked, the sky was aroused, and a sound of thunder resounding throughout the world erupted, and there was even golden lightning from

There was a crackling in the clouds, and the impact fell.

Falling on the heart.

As if assisting the heart, making the heart stronger.

Immediately afterwards, starting from the heart, a large number of blood vessels, densely and densely spread out, you can see that there are countless golden

The cells, like the big sun, rotate one after another in an orderly manner, gather together, and actually flow.

What a shocking scene this is.

Thousands of suns flow in the huge meridians.

In this unbelievable scene, the scalp was numb and the muscles of the whole body couldn’t help being stiff.

It was only an instant, behind Jiang Yuan, an extremely stalwart and terrifying figure, gradually condensed and formed.

Only the last skin is still spreading a little bit.

When the last skin spreads and closes-the moment-

The breath that swept all things in the sky, and dominated the ups and downs of all things, suddenly rose up and swept the world.

The huge Jiang Yuan also raised his head a little bit.

The moment his head was fully raised, the world was quiet.

At the center of his eyebrows, there is a large character that is supremely bright and exudes golden light. It is dazzling and brilliant, and the glory is endless, as if

It is deeply imprinted on it.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan’s qi and blood appeared in the first form close to the body.

It was also the first time that he was presented to the world, exposing his supreme power.

At a height of 100 million, even the clouds of Tianjie were penetrated, and the clouds could only linger and float on his shoulders, the entire head

All go deep into the clouds.

Tiansuke, the ever-changing big day, is covered by him, and the sun can’t shine.

Only the brilliant golden light of Jiangyuan spilled over the world, covering the entire ancient banyan city, shining endlessly on all the buildings.

Bright, dyed with golden light.

Become a gold-like substance.

At this moment, the three great lords who came up on the impact, the Golden Core Heavenly Soul were all trembling, madly stopped the forward body, shocked.

He raised his head horribly.

The mouth couldn’t help opening wide, and he raised his head blankly, looking up at the extremely huge body.

“What is this?”

A great figure swallowed hardly, his eye muscles jittered, and his menstrual flowed. Both eyes were one big and one small, all over his body.

As if hit by an electric current.


Zhen Ru also opened her mouth wide in the distance, enough to lay an egg, and her brain became chaotic and completely sluggish.

In Ancient Rong City, the powerhouses of all races, the leaders of all kinds of forces, were equally horrified and shocked on the spot, their brains were over.

Can’t think at all.(Read more @

There is only one sentence in their minds at the moment.

That is

What the hell is this?

“. What creature can become so huge?”

“Is this a secret method? I have never heard of such a secret method that can make people so huge! !” “The words on the eyebrows of the giant are not the big characters of the third stage of the supreme majesty?”

People murmured in horror, asking other people and asking themselves.

Never seen such a huge creature.

Even if it is a strange animal, it is already known for its huge size, and I have never seen such a big one!

How big is this-legs, straddling the plain, the unmeasured weight, the ground creaking forcibly

Toward, the ground is sinking.

This is still the weight of his body!

As we all know, both space and matter are countless times harder than the universe.

A great master who can easily destroy a galaxy can not necessarily break a city in Tiansuke.

But anyone who has seen it can crush the ground with weight.


At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and his clothes were smashed, and he was arrogant and domineering when there was no wind.

Full of invincible will.

As stalwart as a god or devil.

His body stretched out a hand, and suddenly enveloped the void.

The golden body of billions of blood and blood behind him also moved.

It’s exactly the same action.

The terrifying big hand caught it all at once, the clouds were torn apart, the space was shattered, and the sky was collapsing, shrouded in the sky.

The breath locked the space around the three.

“not good

The second-stage figure of the Supreme Lord with 7 billion combat power,-the son roared, his body trembled suddenly,

Numerous red cells on the surface, impacted out of the pores-

All of them are exploding, and the explosion space is shaking

When he got up, there were waves-like distortions.

This is desperate, to enjoy one’s own potential, and one’s own qi and blood have to break out of the restraints.

They even have a feeling of desperation and suffocation in their hearts.

That is to contend against this terrifying giant, unless it can cross the other side’s big realm, otherwise it is to die, to live at all.

No more.

No doubt he will die.

But if you want to cross the third stage of the supreme majesty, a great realm, that requires much power.

That’s the fourth stage of the Supreme Being! The realm of the Supreme Being.

This state is also called the Half-Step Nine Suns.

If they had such an existence in the ancient banyan star court, this 067 might have been a fourth-grade star court for a million years, and would have already rushed into it.

The thorn 8th-grade star court can compete with the 9th-grade star court.


The sound was endless, and the clouds swept across the sky, surging between the fingers, like the hands of the heavens falling from the sky.

“Can’t run away

The great lord raised his head in despair, watching that terrifying palm gradually fall, his eyes burst and his eyes burst out.

Numerous pictures flashed inside.

“I don’t want to die”

He roared unwillingly, roared.

Hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, I have no choice but to be brave, and finally become a great deity, a master of humanity, a survivor above the race.

Now, invincible without me.

He is not reconciled!

But the palm of the hand fell suddenly,-grabbing the three of them.


It’s like smashing three glass beads,-squeezing it, the bones of the body, and even the gold core of the eyebrows, all follow together, big

The force of measuring the red blood surging out.

Tell the world.

The three supreme masters in the second stage were pinched to death like an ant.

At this moment, countless people, whether it is Zhen Ru or everyone in Gurong City, have a chill in their hearts, soaring to the sky.

Ling Gai, the Tian Ling Gai must be overturned.

Countless pairs of eyes are still, and their eyeballs are fixed. ,

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