Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 418 - Haughty Law Enforcement Team

Chapter 418 – : Haughty Law Enforcement Team

“What the hell did Tenghong Star Court do to make the law enforcement team do this?” “There is no time to explain it!!! I am afraid this matter has already been concluded.

“It seems that Tenghong Star Court is unlucky. It is not good to offend anyone, and it actually offends the law enforcement team. This time I am afraid it will be inevitable.

At this time, the other four great lords of Tenghong Star Court suddenly became furious, their hearts trembled, and they flew away instantly, surrounded by blood.

Da Zun was beside him, supporting him.

The five people looked very angry, and stared at the figure above the sky.

Jing Hai’s body trembled even more in horror, and cautiously stepped back towards the back, lowered his head, not even daring to look at the other party.

At a glance.

One is the enforcement team of Grade 9 Star Court, and the other is the powerful First Grade Star Court, no matter which one can easily grind.

Die him.


On this matter, the person’s voice suddenly resounded, and he said with a hint of displeasure: “Do you have any opinions on me?”

13 The bloody Great Lord looked pale, staring at the other side firmly, without saying a word.


The other party snorted coldly: “If you have any comments, you can raise it. I will enforce the law impartially, and I will naturally be impartial and take good care of you.

He bit the four words taking care of you very hard, and his eyes were full of threats and domineering.

The bloody overlord took a deep breath and forced the anger in his heart to be suppressed. His voice was a little hoarse and said: “I don’t know if you are far away.

Come on, can you give me any advice?”

“Let your current major affairs get out.” The other party said indifferently.

The bloody great master clenched his fists instantly, and whispered: “The chief secretary is out of business.” Then tell him that he must arrive at Xingying Xingting’s East Palace within three days to confront Gu Rong Xingting. ”

After speaking, his voice was cold and threatening: “If you don’t come, what will be the consequences, you decide for yourself.

While speaking, the body exudes a strong golden light, and the whole person begins to twist, and in a blink of an eye it turns into a stream of light.

Into the space instantly.

Behind him, a uniform team of one hundred people.

A pair of high above, indifferent and ruthless eyes, swept across the five Tenghong Star Court, and then turned into streamers.

Die into the space and disappear.

Seeing them leave, Grand Master Luo Ming directly said angrily: “It’s a deception.”

“This Xing Yingdong Palace is really too arrogant and unscrupulous.” Great Lord Hong Lei also became angry.

Among the five great lords, he has the mildest temper, and he is also very angry at the moment, his eyes are blood red.

When the other party arrives and pulls sideways, there is no need for them to confront each other, just to give a notice and ask them questions.

Want to punish them.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The Great Master Jinghai flew over and said anxiously, “Everyone, silent, silent.”(Read more @

While speaking, with a wave of a big hand, a white barrier shrouded everyone, isolating all voices, and not letting them

People hear.

Anxiously said: “This entire universe, so in the big city, there are the eyes and ears of the Donggong law enforcement team, it can’t be said.

Ah! “You say on the front foot, they can hear it on the back foot!”

Everyone looked at him, and then fell silent.

The anger in my heart is more intense.

Unexpectedly, this law enforcement team was so arrogant and overbearing, it seemed difficult to even say a few words behind it, and it had to be on guard at all times. “You all endure the wind and the waves for a while, take a step back and the sky is wide!” Jing Hai came to the bloody Great Lord and comforted him in a low voice.

Everyone ignored the other party, looking at the bloody great master, waiting for his reply.

The bloody Great Master took a deep breath, looked down, and you could see under the earth, countless eyes, from all the obscure

Looked at the place.

They are all people who watch the excitement and come from all races.

The bloody Great Venerable’s complexion turned dark, and his voice was low and said: “Go back first! I will report the matter to the chief executive.

That’s it. ”

Grand Lord Luo Ming suddenly said in annoyance: “No, I can’t just leave it alone! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a problem.

Gu Rongxing Court planned behind the scenes. ”

“Yes! Even if we don’t trouble the law enforcement team, we will also trouble Gu Rong Xingting. I know they are a trade port.

“We went straight to the door and ruined the other side’s trade port and taught them a lesson.” Great Senior Wu Long also said angrily.

Now the five great deities are in the same tree, and the fate is the same. The bloody great deity is humiliated, which is equivalent to everyone being humiliated.

In the realm of great dignity, sometimes face is more important than fate.


The Bloody Great Master directly scolded: “You don’t need to worry about this. We just came here for the first time, and the other party can’t let us live.

Comfortable, it’s normal to get off the horse.

“This is how to get rid of the horse!” Luo Ming said uncomfortably: “This is simply to cause us and death, and it is not given to us at all.

Stay alive.

They know

, Gu Rong Xingting’s people were indeed killed by them. They didn’t hide it at all, as long as they had some tricks.

All of the forces can be investigated clearly.

What kind of opposition is basically a conviction.

If you really go this time, can you come back alive?

It’s impossible, dreaming.

Jing Hai also had a headache standing by, and he quickly dissuaded him from various parties: “Everyone, calm down, calm down, let’s go back and sit down.

Next, have a good chat, have a good chat. ”

At the same time, what happened to the bloody Great Master was passed on to Jiang Yuan’s wrist.

However, at this time, Jiang Yuan has also reached the 663 gate of cultivation, and he has no time to care for him. All his mind is placed in front of him.

On the sun.

Every cell in the body is fully energized and swallowed frantically.

The roar and howling sound is endless.

The cytoplasmic wall is strengthening all the time, and even the muscles and bones are infected and become golden, as if

The same as gold.

And the number of elements inhaled has exceeded twenty.

The huge sun in front of him has shrunk and cannot be small. The solar matter entangled in him is more than a piece of water.

Blue Star is still big.

At the same time, the cells contain the power of qi and blood that has not been stimulated before.

All are activated at the moment.

The combat power is also-Lu Gao soaring. It reaches a terrifying 100 million.

However, reaching here is considered the limit, and all potentials have been tapped out.

About an hour passed.

The sun in front of him finally roared, making the last unwillingness, and was completely swallowed by Jiang Yuan.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s eyes opened suddenly, and the golden torrent under his eyes was shaking like liquid.

He took a deep breath and stood up slowly, with a smile on his mouth.

“Sure enough, it seems that the guess is not wrong. The secret of the Nine Suns Realm lies in the enhancement of the cytoplasmic wall, which turns into

Matter like the sun. ”

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