Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 410 - I am the source of the human race

Chapter 410 – : I am the source of the human race

When her voice fell, everyone gasped, their scalp numb, and they were very shocked.

Does it look similar to the ancestors of the human race?”

Not to mention that I haven’t paid attention yet. Say it like this, oh my! It’s really exactly the same. How is this possible!”

“It’s exactly the same, even the look is exactly the same!”

The exclamation resounded instantly.

The ancestor of the He Yong race also changed wildly, and finally confirmed the extremely fearful conjecture in his heart, and his voice suddenly shook

Swing up.

“Hurry up and inform the whole clan that no one can deal with the human race, no matter what happens, don’t provoke the human race.”

“Even if the human race wants our territory, let it go to them, don’t provoke the human race.”

His voice was extremely tense and fearful to the extreme.

His daughter was also shocked and said: “Father, the Supreme Master you just mentioned, is it possible that the ancestor of the human race has reached the Supreme


Her father trembled: “What you don’t understand, what you don’t know! That is your father, who will never reach the state in his life, no

It’s not that I can reach this state, but that I can’t even think about it!”

“Do you know that the words on the heads of the giant 143 are big characters, and it is the third stage of the Supreme Being, ten billion

The power of the stars!”

“The power of tens of billions of stars! I am away from this realm by a full seven realms, which is a gap of seven rainbows.


“It’s like the difference between an ant and a big day!”

When his voice fell, everyone was shocked.

What is the concept of the gap between the seven realms? It’s too terrifying, it makes people almost unable to breathe.

It’s equivalent to the gap between ordinary people and Manifestations!

“Hurry up and inform the whole clan immediately, don’t offend the human race, no one can offend the human race, quickly

The man was extremely anxious and directly conveyed the order.

How could he not know that Jiang Yuan’s sudden display of such power was warning all the forces in the northern frontiers and even the empire, the human race

Can’t provoke.

Is warning them.

The first time it was a warning, the second time it was probably annihilation.

At this time, Jiangyuan had already spanned the entire northern border, and soon came to the capital galaxy of the Honglian Empire.

Almost one step into the moment, the violent and invincible breath swept countless planets, like a natural disaster, terrifying

The coercion echoed in the hearts of countless creatures.

Almost a light-year away, on an extremely huge planet comparable to the size of Venus, there are countless sirens and sudden

Then resounded.

The sound of hula even penetrates the clouds.

Countless people who are strong in the town have changed their colors, rushing to the clouds in a flash, and looking far away, they can see the endless brilliance.

Golden light.(Read more @

Shine over from light years away.

Here is the main star of the Honglian Empire, commonly known as the Imperial Star.

Among them, there are more than 20 Broken Star Realm ancestors.

There is also a Broken Star Realm, with the title of Valkyrie sitting in it.

In an instant, in a huge city on the planet, there was a terrifying breath, with a fierce aura,-Fei


Instantly leave the atmosphere and come into the starry sky.

Behind him, more than twenty golden lights flashed one after another, and they condensed into a broken star ancestor.

Everyone looked into the distance, not knowing what was happening.

But everyone’s faces carried extremely solemn expressions.

A distance of light years away, the supreme breath has arrived here shockingly.

“Could it be that the Supreme Lord came to our Honglian Empire, what happened on earth?”

“Our Honglian Empire is already cautious enough, it is impossible to offend any horrible existence!”

“what is the problem?”

Everyone seemed to be pressing a tens of thousands of kilograms of dashi in their hearts, breathing hard, frowning, and heartbeat speeding up.

As the golden light in the distance keeps approaching, the far away, the roaring sound, finally (bbdj) is passed over, extremely terrifying suppression

The supreme breath.

Almost condensed into substance, almost frightened everyone’s martial arts heavenly soul to shatter.

I saw far away, Dao’s incomparably majestic golden body, trampling on the galaxy, walking on the galaxy, one step

Just beyond infinite distance.

Arrived in a blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at that giant, with three heads and six arms, the golden light on his body was more dazzling than the sun.

But this is not the most terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that the center of the giant’s eyebrows, an old big character, seems to be the originator of the words that suppress all things-

Sheep are very eye-catching.

“Oh my God

An ancestor of Broken Star Realm saw the text clearly, and suddenly gasped, his scalp was numb, and his whole body was trembling.

Can’t keep calm.

“The third stage of the supreme majesty, no enemies in the great realm, oh my god

The existence of more than twenty Broken Star Realms is going crazy at this moment, everyone has their eyes wide open, it is more terrifying than seeing a ghost.

I really can’t breathe anymore.

“The third stage of the Supreme Master, how did he come to our Honglian Empire, what happened? What happened?

What a thing!”

The most powerful Broken Star Realm in the Honglian Empire, the title of Martial God, was aggrieved and almost crying.

Do evil! Really do evil!

Despair filled everyone’s hearts for an instant, and even the body did not dare to move at all.

At this time, Jiang Yuan took a step forward, straddling an infinite distance, and some planets around him shuttled past him.

It’s only the size of a fist.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan came not far from Imperial Star.

As if about to hit head-on.

The expressions on everyone’s faces were extremely terrifying, and the bodies that were getting closer and closer made them unable to resist the mind at all.

There was despair in the gods.

Is this dying?

However, the next moment, the huge giant directly lifted his foot, and suddenly passed over their heads. At the same time, that

The giant made a magnificent voice.

The sound is transmitted, extremely resounding.

“I am the source of the human race.

This voice is extremely majestic, full of supreme will, the voice still surrounds everyone’s ears, but the huge body,

It has passed by, and disappeared without a trace.

Wait for Jiang Yuan to leave for a long time.

The expressions of the people came back to their senses from their despair.

In the face of this kind of existence, resistance and non-resistance are the same, both are death. The gap is too big, and the big one cannot

Measured by numbers.

“. Family

“What kind of race is this? Why have you never heard of it?”

“Why does that great being say such a thing?”

Doubts surfaced in everyone’s minds, they were unclear, so they didn’t know at all, what Jiang Yuan meant by this sentence

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