Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 407 - The importance of blood stones

Chapter 407 – :The importance of blood stones

Jinghai had already prepared everything.

In the center of Jingxiang City, a huge hotel covering a hundred li was held.

The decoration of the entire hotel and its luxury, countless powerful people of all levels in Beijing Xiangcheng, and leaders of small forces, all participated.

A large number of expensive aircraft are parked on the street side of the store.

There is also a soldier wearing armor and patrolling. Three to three teams are patrolling closely to prevent anyone from approaching-

When he approached, he immediately questioned, couldn’t tell, just grabbed it.

The countless people in Jingxiang City didn’t know what happened.

Many people talked and gave pointers.

But they know one thing, Jing Xiang Xing Ting’s chief affairs officer, the only Supreme Lord, is receiving the most expensive status.

The guests.

That’s why there will be total martial law.

On the dining table, there are all kinds of precious treasures, each of the “two-seven zeros” exudes a strong energy and blood, and they are all priced.


Any one who gets it in the universe, the cheapest one can buy more than a dozen life planets, and even one kind of food.

It is extremely expensive. The nine golden pill-like fruits exude a faint golden light, and they are actually in human form.

There are countless golden runes flashing on it.

This kind of fruit is enough to buy a galaxy, or even a small half of the territory of the Honglian Empire.

The whole set is more than enough to buy the entire Honglian Empire.

It can be seen that Jinghai has made a real effort to welcome them.

The six Jiang Yuan were not welcome, and simply ate a little.

During the period, Jiang Yuan didn’t say a word, he didn’t leak his breath, just like ordinary people, nothing surprising.


The Bloody Great Lord replaced Jiang Yuan’s various entertainments.

After all, in the future, you will settle in Jingxiang City. These small, mixed leaders, getting acquainted with them, will have some benefits.

Both parties wanted to get acquainted, and under the push of a cup, they had a good time, and they had a preliminary understanding of each other.

This meal-eat till the evening.

After everyone was gone, the bloody great statue beamed with joy, and directly said with blood and blood: “The chief secretary, I bought one.


Jiang Yuan looked at him differently and said, “When did you buy it?”

“Just now my friend took the initiative to contact me. He has a relatively large sun in his own private domain and wants to sell

Ask me if I want to buy it!”

As he spoke, the bloody Great Master opened his palm, and the bracelet on his wrist projected a phantom, and a star appeared.

Department of image.

In the galaxy, a huge sun slowly rotates.(Read more @

“The size of this sun is much smaller than the ten suns controlled by his race, but in the universe, it is also relatively large.

Kind of. ”

Jiang Yuan glanced at it, and you can see that the sun on the projection has countless data, including the radius and diameter.

very clear.

The size of this sun is more than one hundred times that of the Aqua Star Sun.

This size is already quite terrifying.

“Buy it.” Jiang Yuan nodded directly: “Send me the star map, and I will go personally.”

“Okay.” The Bloody Great Master muttered some words to his wrist, and soon a star map was sent over.

Jiang Yuan’s wrist flicked slightly, and he also received the star map.

“I have already bought it.” The bloody Grand Master said.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, “How much blood stone did it cost?

“Not much, ten million blood stones.” The bloody Great Venerable said directly.

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, a sun actually sold for ten million blood stones.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand anything now,-tens of millions of blood stones, converted into the purchasing power of Aqua Star, are almost the same

Hundreds of billions.

Such a huge number makes him feel a little distressed.

You must know that Tenghong Star Court now belongs to his own power, and the money he consumes is all his own.

“How many blood stones are there in Xing Ting’s total assets now?” Jiang Yuan frowned and asked.

A red light flashed in the bloody majesty’s eye sockets, and it was quickly calculated.

“There are still more than one billion points, and our assets in Yunhui Dayu are still being sold one after another. It is expected to be available in one month.

To reach two billion. ”

“How much blood stone does Star Court consume every day?” Jiang Yuan asked again.

The Bloody Great Master calculated again and said: “Because we have just arrived here now, we have lost all the attached

industry. “”According to the previous expenditures for students and the army,-the cost of one day is almost 10 million blood stones.”

Jiang Yuan’s brow furrowed deeper: “In this way, our current qi and blood stone is not enough to last for too long. Twenty

God declares

Report dried up. ”

The bloody grandmaster said: “It’s okay. When the blood stones are not enough, you can reduce the supply. When you are on the ark, you can reduce the supply every day.

The consumption can be maintained at 500,000 blood stones.

“Now it can be raised to one million, so that it can last longer.”

However, as soon as his voice fell, Jiang Yuan was severely interrupted: “The supply of Qi and Blood Stone is constant. It used to be 10 million now.

Keep it at ten million. ”

“If it’s not enough, I’m thinking of a way!

Jiang Yuan knew in his heart that any Star Court wanted to become stronger, not relying on one person alone, it needed collective strength.

The daily supply of 10 million blood stones is only the most basic, if it can reach the daily supply of 100 million blood stones.

In the entire star court, the eternal overlord will attack the emperor of calamity every day.

If you are upgrading a grade.

It provides a supply of one billion blood stones every day, and it can even sprint the broken star realm every day.

So if tens of billions of blood stones are supplied, or even hundreds of billions, one trillion, ten trillion, or one hundred trillion?

“”The bloody Great Master couldn’t help but said.

Jiang Yuan said directly and solemnly: “No, but according to my meaning, the supply of Qi and Blood Stones can be reduced if not 0.2, or even

Need to increase.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuan’s tone eased and said, “I already have a plan in my heart, so don’t worry about the Qi and Blood Stones for the time being.

“I want to go to that galaxy. In the next few days, you will discuss and implement the affairs of the Star Court. What’s the matter?

Difficulties in handling the law.

“Press it down first, and when I come back, I’m thinking of a way.”

While speaking, Jiang Yuan took out the blood stone, his body twisted in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to Aquastar.

Still in the huge factory building before.

At this time, the inside was heavily guarded,-the famous Zhenjiang was like a native soldier, standing all around, the moment he saw Jiangyuan,

Kneeled on one knee excitedly.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand to make everyone stand up.

Without saying a word, his body shook, and he rushed out of the earth’s atmosphere.

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