Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 393 - Devour the sun

Chapter 393 – : Devour the sun

Jiang Yuan’s spirit was shocked, and there was a trace of sentiment.

The mind settles down, feels the elements contained in the sun, and naturally rushes into the body, continuously and countless fine particles

Cells are fused.

The speed of fusion is very slow, and at the same time it is rapidly consuming the power of blood contained in the cells.

It seems that two completely different properties collide with each other to produce a new substance, just like cement and water.

The same as the mix.

With mixing, a very hard substance is produced.

These substances cannot be excreted from the cells, and they are all attached to the cell membrane, making the thin layer of the cell become

Getting thicker.

And it will produce a kind of hot high temperature, just like the temperature of the sun, gradually emitting a faint golden brilliance.

“It turns out that

Jiang Yuan’s heart was foreheaded, the origin formula was fast-moving, countless data, various causes and consequences, flashed in his mind.


He realized it at this moment.

It turns out that the main problem is why he couldn’t condense the cells and transform into another form before 10 himself. The main problem lies in his details.

Cyto thickness.

The cell is like a cell. If you want to trap the dragon, the ordinary brick wall structure is not good at all, it will be broken by the dragon.


You need to increase the thickness of the wall or replace it with a steel-casting house.

Only in this way can the dragon inside be trapped so that he can’t get out of it obediently.

Jiang Yuan smiled faintly, and when he had a direction, he knew how to follow the road.

In an instant, the cells of the whole body vibrated, and every cell was under his control, absorbing the sun madly.

The element that radiates from it.

Slowly Jiang Yuan’s body began to expand, as if it was about to explode.

On the surface of his skin, there even appeared a red magma-like color, rolling under the skin, and the whole person

Become fiery red-

The cells that were invisible to the naked eye slowly separated from his surface and slowly floated up.

His whole person is separating, turning into tiny cells.

In a blink of an eye, his hands, limbs, and even half of his head dissipated, turning into dense granules of cells.

Every cell is doing its best, swallowing the Yuansuo in the sun unscrupulously-

While devouring,-while approaching.

In the end, Jiang Yuan’s whole person dissipated, completely becoming a red cell cloud, and it was expanding rapidly.


Boom(Read more @

The sun suddenly roared in the distance.

A bubble as large as a water blue star exploded.

A long red hot torrent, pulled out by countless billions of cells by Jiangyuan, slowly drifting out


It’s like a long ribbon of lava in the universe.

Keep getting close to the cell.

In the end densely packed cells.

Countless cells, as if seeing desserts, directly attached to them, like parasites.

The torrent of the sun has erupted. As a long river, countless cells stand beside the long river and devour it.

The gurgling voice resounded in the universe.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the lava that was pulled out quickly dried up.

But then, new magma erupted from the sun and was pulled over.

Countless red cells, as a large amount of substances and elements are swallowed, the color begins to change.

The dark golden light is like buried brass.

This means that the strength of cells is increasing at an incredible rate.

At the same time, above the Aqua Blue Star, among countless observation stations, a resounding alarm suddenly erupted.

A group of figures surging frantically at every observation station.

Countless messages are delivered quickly.

The third ancestor of the human race who handled various things in the freshman ancient city suddenly received the message.

Tengdi-sheng stood up from his seat.

There was a surge of breath in the body, the power of qi and blood exploded, and the cells in the body buzzed.

Outside the atmosphere.

At the moment when the three of them appeared, behind them, a statue of the human beings manifested the saintly power, and appeared immediately afterwards.

There are close to a thousand people.

These people are the greatest heritage of Human Race today.

Everyone looked serious and looked in the direction of the sun.

Even if the distance is infinite, they can clearly see the huge changes in the sun.

Almost in the blink of an eye, on the surface of your eyes, there is a bubble that is comparable to aquamarine star-like huge, suddenly appearing

Now, then explode photos-

The long torrent of the sun burst out.

But it only hit a million miles

Distance, it’s like hitting some kind of wall, quickly being swallowed

Cannot save further.

Go over and take a look. ”

The ancestor of the stunned dragon made a decisive decision, and his body instantly turned into a light east, rushing into the light speed space and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the two Cangyuan Overlords also disappeared in place.

They keep approaching the sun in the speed of light space, and keep approaching as if.

The hot torrent forced them to feel uncomfortable, and suddenly rushed out of the space of the speed of light.

Although they have reached the Broken Star Realm, they are all at the ancestor level, and the fierce and invincible ancestors are far away.

For them, the sun is still an extremely deadly celestial body, and they cannot get too close.

Otherwise, the body will lose water, the cells will lose their vitality, and they will be baked to death.

While Jiang Yuan was constantly devouring, the golden core was slowly rotating in place.

If you look carefully, you can see that among the golden cores, there is a small Jiang Yuanduan sitting in it.

In the next second, the villain opened his eyes and felt the arrival of a few people.

After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly dawned on me.

Immediately he stopped devouring solar elements and matter, and countless cells began to oscillate and combine with each other.

In a blink of an eye, his head appeared, then his limbs, and finally the whole person appeared on the spot.

Also at this time, Jinglong Overlord and others came to Jiang Yuan’s side in sweat.

The moment they saw Jiang Yuan, the three of them were slightly taken aback, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yuan took the lead and said: “I just watched the sun and gained some insights, and I entered a state of cultivation without knowing it.

It ignores the importance of the sun. ”

The ancestor of the stunned dragon approached Jiangyuan with a wry smile: “Jiangyuan, for a while, the sun’s radiance has been lower than before.

A percentage. “”

“If you go down at your speed, it is estimated that within a day, the elements and matter in the sun will be almost absorbed by you.

The sun is about to become a red giant star.

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