Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 389 - The realm of scaring everyone

Chapter 389 – : The realm of scaring everyone

Then he couldn’t help saying: “There, is it where you have been in the past few years? What is it like?”

The three of them looked at Jiang Yuan curiously.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: “A place where the strong are extremely concentrated, gathering the genius of infinite races in the universe, or

Strong presence. ”

“The space barriers there are strong, but the concentration of qi and blood between heaven and earth is ten times higher than the concentration in the universe.

You can think that one day of cultivating there is worth ten days outside.

“Especially some of the big forces have abundant resources. Creating a special formation can gather more powerful energy and blood.


“In addition, there are two battlefields, Yin and Yang. One is a battlefield. Fighting in them will bring you many benefits.

The simple thing is that the martial arts field can directly improve your strength. ”

“Don’t worry about death, you can resurrect when you die.”

“There is also a battlefield, which is an eternal battlefield. You can only enter together in one month, and there are infinite beasts to fight and kill.

A dead alien beast can swallow some of the energy and blood in the alien beast’s body, continuously strengthening itself.

The few people heard the light in front of them, and they all started to move a little bit, their eyes were all looking at Tian Jieshi in front of them, forbearance.

I kept holding one in my hand.

Xingyue Human Ancestor couldn’t help saying: “Then Jiang Yuan, you have been inside for so long, how much battle power have you reached the Broken Star Realm?

Have you broken one hundred thousand to become a Valkyrie of Broken Star Realm?”

Hearing what he said, both Jinglong Renzu and Cangyuan Renzu widened their eyes, both of them had difficulty breathing, and looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement.

What is the concept of breaking through one hundred thousand combat power?

Their current strongest ancestor of the Dragon-shattering, only has the power of three hundred stars, and the distance is a thousand, but I don’t know how far there is.


For example, the empire where the Aqua Blue Star is located, the ancestor of the Honglian Empire, the most powerful being, only has the power of one hundred thousand stars.

That’s it.

Respected by the world as the god of war, he dominates all existence, just like a god.

In the empire, his words are the imperial decree, the supreme decree, and no one can violate it, like a broken star

The ancestor of the environment,-slap can be slapped.

The ancestors of all races regarded as the souls of the race, in front of the invincible ancestors of the Honglian Empire, they are just a scum.

Nodding and bowing, respectfully.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yuan excitedly. If Jiang Yuan becomes a god of war, with a 100,000-star combat power, then the news will be sent out.

I am afraid that the entire human race will oscillate again.

The current human race has been in constant contact with the universe and has broadened their horizons. No one does not know the greatness of the ancestors of the broken star realm, and they also know

What is the concept of the god of war.(Read more @

The breath of the three of them gradually became heavy, staring at Jiang Yuan firmly.

However, Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head.

At the moment Jiang Yuan shook his head, the dim expressions in the three people’s eyes flashed past, as if the bones from their bodies had been taken out.

They are all powerless.

Jinglong looked at the two of them, and suddenly said dissatisfied: “Look at what virtues you both have. It’s so easy to achieve a hundred thousand stars.

Is it? You two have no brains, right. “!”

Both of them smiled awkwardly.

The ancestor of Cangyuan couldn’t help muttering: “Jiangyuan has always been the hope of our human race, refreshing our understanding time and time again.

I thought he reached it!”

The ancestor of Jinglong glared at him viciously and said: “What about you? Until now, it is only a hundred and twenty stars, and

Said the face.

The ancestor of Xingyue looked at Jiang Yuan and couldn’t help saying: “Jiang Yuan, how many stars have you reached now, 80,000 or 90,000?

How far is it to reach the realm of the Valkyrie?”

Her voice fell, and everyone looked at Jiang Yuan again, all with a hopeful look, one thing they could confirm

The decision is.

Jiang Yuan’s strength is still countless times stronger than them. Otherwise, why would the other party obviously sit here, but his blood

Can’t sense it.

Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at the three of them and said: “Strictly speaking, I should belong to the Supreme Being. The second stage

On the great realm.

The three of them glanced at each other, their faces were confused, and they didn’t understand what Jiang Yuan was talking about.

I have never heard of the supreme majesty and the grand realm of the second stage.

The Xingyue Ancestor couldn’t help saying: “”Is the supreme realm a division of the universe, corresponding to a certain battle power level in the broken star realm?


Overlord Cangyuan also nodded and said: “Yes! But this name sounds very domineering, Supreme Great Lord, tusk.

It’s a bit level!”

Only the Dragon Overlord did not say a word, and his brows were deeply frowned. After a long time, he suddenly thought of something.

His eyes widened suddenly,-from the seat

Standing up, looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement.

Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at the other party. He knew that the ancestor of Jinglong was probably thinking of something.

The two of them looked at the ancestor of Jinglong, and saw the extremely shocked look on his face.

The ancestor of Cangyuan couldn’t help but wondered: “‘”Jinglong, do you know this realm?’

I don’t know!!!” Jinglong Renzu swallowed, his voice trembling slightly, “I don’t know this.

What does the realm mean, but I know

“This is definitely a realm that we can’t imagine

As his voice fell, the expressions of Cangyuan ancestor and Xingyue ancestor changed wildly.

They are not stupid. They can become Aquastars. Apart from Jiang Yuan, the three most powerful people, how could they be stupid?

Be smart!

It’s just that they don’t dare to think about it on a more terrifying level.

How long has Jiang Yuan left, how strong his talent is, and how he has soared in two years, it will be great if he can break through 100,000.

You know, the further the realm is, the more difficult it is to raise (Zhao’s).

The cohesion of the power of each star requires the power of one hundred million dragons!

And the power of a giant dragon requires 10 million vitality and combat power.

You know, how many ordinary people’s vitality and combat power are only a few hundred, in order to improve one or two points, I am complacent and extremely complacent.

Excited, can’t sleep at night-

In an instant, the three of them understood.

The division of the unified realm of Tianjie is not like this at all, but a brand-new realm beyond the broken star realm.

Beyond the realm of Broken Star Realm?”

Cangyuan Human Ancestor swallowed his saliva and stammered: “Then how much combat power is that? How many small realms are there between?”

Speaking of this sentence to the heart of everyone, they all stared at Jiang Yuan in amazement.

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, and even a little embarrassed to say it: “I’m afraid I said it, your mentality is unbearable.

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