Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 384 - Wang Teng Xingtings Surprise

Chapter 384 – :Wang Teng Xingting’s Surprise

But as long as Jiang Yuan is willing.

In an instant, the power of the phantom clone, the martial arts supernatural power fruit, can be re-injected into other fruits.

At the same time, from the magical power fruit of the phantom clone, there was actually an emotion, like a child’s elation.

Strong emotions.

Shaking his fat body happily.

At the same time, there is also a message.

When Jiang Yuan used the magical power of the phantom clone before, the limit of the clone could only reach 10,000 people, but now

Now, it skyrocketed five times directly.

Reach the even more terrifying number of fifty thousand.

Think about it, each of the 50,000 clones has half of its own power, even if it can only use one punch, it doesn’t.

Than the horror.

Beyond the first time, there are even bigger changes.

In the previous clone, no matter what move was used, after one move, the body would be shattered, but now it is not like this


The current clone is like a robot puppet.

The power of a punch that has injected half of his power, as long as the power of this punch is not consumed, the clone will not dissipate.

Even let the clone sit in one place, do not make the slightest movement, do the best to control the power of qi and blood without dissipating,

Even if you live forever in the world, you are not thinking about it.

It can be maintained for at least one month without dissipating.

Such a change was unexpected by Jiang Yuan.

Soon, he opened his eyes.

I saw the bloody Great Lord and the others all looking at him, with a look of shock in their eyes.


The Bloody Great Lord spoke first, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know what to say, and hesitated a little.

“You are welcome, Great Master.” Jiang Yuan smiled faintly, his aura suddenly changed, from murderous to gentle, to

People feel like a spring breeze.

The expressions of several people suddenly relaxed, and there was a smile on their faces.

Jiang Yuan looked around and couldn’t help saying: “This place has been broken so badly, what about the chief affairs officer and others?”

The bloody great shook his facial muscles and smiled slightly to make his smile look normal and said: “Zhan

As soon as the fight broke out, I immediately hid everyone in the meeting space.

“That space goes out independently, plus our guardianship, except for some shocks, it won’t hurt the people inside.

As he spoke, he spread out one hand, and a round sphere appeared in his hand, emitting a faint blue gleam.

If you look closely, you can see that there is actually a planet in the sphere, and the color and appearance of the planet are very familiar.

Perhaps after seeing Jiang Yuan’s doubts, the bloody Great Venerable quickly said: “This is our Star Court, and the first chief of affairs was born.

Planet. ”

Jiang Yuan’s breath simply sensed it, but found that there was a familiar smell in this planet, which was actually in harmony with

The breath of the three great lords in front of them was exactly the same.

I heard the bloody Grand Master explain: “We are all descendants of that person, we belong to the same race, so we will carry

With the breath of the home planet.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, he understood.(Read more @

I have seen some introductions on the preserved stones in Lan Yue’er’s shop before.

Each planet is independent in the universe, even if it is born on more than one planet, it is not the true mother after all.


There are even some powerful people who can lock the mother star of the other person based on the breath of a person’s body.

When the other party explained it like this, he understood it.

I felt it carefully, and found that I also carried a breath in my body. I thought about the relationship with my home star Aquarium.

The breath is exactly the same.

“All come out!”

The Bloody Grand Master smiled slightly, and shook his palm, a force of qi and blood aroused it. After a short time, he pulled out-

Taoist figure.

The figures are densely packed, condensing in front of Jiang Yuan.

In an instant it turned into more than 100,000 people.

All were Wang Teng Xingting’s personnel, from top to bottom, even those who were sweeping the floor and cleaning the sanitation, were among them.

Everyone’s expressions are still a little trance.

In the meeting space, they cannot see the outside and are protected.

However, during the battle, there will still be some penetration of the strong power that erupts, although it is not fatal, but

The shocked person is dizzy.

Bai You was the first person to react, and he was also the strongest.

Seeing that his own great elders are intact, although their breath is somewhat declining, as long as they are not killed in battle, it is enough to make him excited.


He opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, he saw Jiang Yuan standing next to -.

His gaze-time to see Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, an ancient text, the words on the top, suddenly choked up when he reached his mouth


With his mouth open, his eyes widened, he looked at Jiang Yuan inconceivably,-the time brain couldn’t think.

Not only him, but the people around who awakened, but also clearly saw the situation in the field. When they saw Jiang Yuan, they were all

Appropriately dumbfounded.

The sound of air-conditioning,-time, resounded in countless people.

Among the Wang Teng Star Court, not many students knew Jiang Yuan, but none of them knew Jiang Yuan from the instructor or above.

Even if I haven’t seen him, I have seen his portrait and video.

At this moment, seeing the words on Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows and the respectful expressions of a few great respecters, how can he not know what it is.

“Jiang Jiang, you, you, you. Bai You stammered and wanted to ask something.

But when the words came to his lips, he was directly reprimanded by the bloody Great Master: “Bai You, pay attention to your attitude, how can you be with the Great Master Jiang Yuan?


Bai You suddenly felt-a chill, emanating from the bloody Great Venerable, a violent spirit all over his body, he woke up, even

Busy bowed his head.

His complexion was a little sincere and fearful, and said: “Da Zun Jiang Yuan, I am quick to speak, you must not care.”

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and said: “The chief of affairs is polite. They are all from his own family, so there is no need to be so polite.”

As he said, he raised his opponent’s hands and made him stand up straight.

Jiang Yuan’s words, coupled with his actions, immediately made the bloody great master smile, and his eyes could not help Luo Ming.

There was also the Great Lord Hong Lei looking at each other.

He simply called out a look, and nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, there was a determined look in their eyes.

“Great Lord Jiang Yuan, this is not a place to talk, we have something we want to discuss with you.” Great Lord Bloody suddenly


Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said directly: “Okay.”

In the next second, the blood power of the bloody Great Lord burst out directly, covering Jiang Yuan and others, even Dahong Star Court.

Two great lords.

In a flash, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

Bai You’s eyes were still a little surprised, and looking at the direction where Jiang Yuan disappeared, his brain was dizzy, as if he was in a dream.

Unbelievable in the environment.

But behind him, there were countless whispering and exciting (Nuo Zhao’s) conversations.

“Oh my God! It’s terrible, terrible lungs”

“Our star court actually gave birth to another great deity, and it is the second stage of the supreme great deity, the great realm of the supreme, I

Oh my god!”

“Before we had three great lords, they were already the strongest star court in Yunhui Great Domain. Now we have added another one, and

Moreover, it is still the existence of the Great Realm, this is going to be against the sky!”

“What’s this! Why don’t you see where the previous enemies went, I’m afraid they were all killed by Great Senior Jiang Yuan.”

People talked a lot and were extremely excited.

Wen Su was the most excited in the crowd, and colleagues all around came up and talked about it.

“Wen Su, congratulations, congratulations!”

“Yes! Don’t forget us when the writing is developed!”

“Wen Su, I knew you were terrible before, but I didn’t expect it to be so!”

Wen Su resisted the joy on his face, pretended to be confused, looked around and said: “What are you talking about, Christine

What do you like about me? I didn’t do anything!”.

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