Chapter 376 – : Dazun is here

His gaze was projected down, his face was hideous, his eyes were filled with excitement that could not be hidden, and he slowly lifted-palm-

Above the fingertips of a finger, the space immediately vibrated slightly, and huge changes appeared between the heavens and the earth, terrifying

The dark matter energy began to converge.

At his fingertips, it quickly condensed into a white ball of light.

After breathing, the volume of the light sphere expanded crazily, getting bigger and bigger, and finally it skyrocketed crazily, and it changed in a blink of an eye.

It must be the size of a house.


The Great Venerable Beast’s eyes were excited and ferocious, the energy ball in his hand was smashed down.

Being able to kill a genius personally made him extremely excited.

The ball of light fell instantly, still absorbing the energy between heaven and earth.

Yi Su looked at the huge ball of light, but the expression on his face was-silk wine off, and his body relaxed ~ down.

He did not have the desire to defeat the opponent, was able to fight a blow, was not killed, he already felt very self-conscious


“Unexpectedly, I still want to die-ah!”

Yi Su thought lightly in his heart, the energy of the whole body was shaking, he slowly stood up, no longer dodge, closed his eyes and waited.

Waiting to die.


At this moment, a terrifying air current violently swept all over him, enveloping him, leaving him with no resistance,-

I rushed out of the original place thousands of meters away.

The sound of wind whistling around his ears made him suddenly open his eyes.

I saw a figure standing where he was before, standing there like the Optimus Prime, standing still.

In the center of that person’s eyebrows, a golden ancient script, exuding brilliance.

Yes no

Nothing of the supreme majesty.

Da Yisu’s heart trembled suddenly, the expression on his face suddenly surprised, and there was a cry of joy in his heart.

a feeling of.

“The Great Lord Comes, The Great Lord Comes”

He screamed frantically, and the voice spread out, which immediately shocked everyone.

The eyes of countless people came over in an instant.

What they saw for the first time was the golden rune at the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.

This rune turned the desperate expression of each of them into endless surprises.

“The Great Lord is Great”” Our Great Lord is here.

“Haha now we don’t have to die

People shouted with excitement. Every day, there was ecstasy on their personal faces.

Encouraged by the anger.

Actually let them send out strong attacks once again.

The almost collapsed line of defense was instantly as stable as Mount Tai, forming a copper wall and iron wall, which is a kind of back light.

But then, a shout came suddenly, with endless horror.(Read more @

“He, he, he is Jiang Yuan

That was Bai Hong’s voice. She was also in Yi Su’s team, struggling to support her, and her eyes recognized Jiang Yuan.

Hearing her words, everyone looked at Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows to his entire face.

At this moment, the touch is even greater.

Countless air-conditioned voices almost followed one after another, and expressions of astonishment appeared on countless people’s faces.

Especially the people in Wang Teng’s Star Court, who had a relationship with Jiang Yuan, were shocked all over their bodies trembling, imitating

Buddha lives like a ghost.

“It’s really Jiang Yuan, it’s him.

“How can he become a great master?”

Yi Su also stared at the figure of Jiang Yuan in the distance with his mouth open, his brain almost stopped thinking for a while.

And Jiang Yuan in the field, his expression is extremely calm at the moment-

Everything is between the sparks and the fire.

He suddenly raised his head, slowly raised an arm, watched the ball of light fall, and slashed.

Dao’s invisible power,-slashed and cut, the ball of light was directly divided into two, let the back fall on both sides, and exploded.

There was a strong roar.

As if two nuclear bombs exploded, a huge white light enveloped people’s sight, and a terrifying air current swept everything.

Two huge mushroom clouds rose into the sky.

Rolling sand and dust completely enveloped the earth below.

The great alien beast in the sky suddenly changed his complexion, he could clearly feel his explosive power, and was actually

People cutting.

But he hasn’t waited for a response.

Above the earth, among the dust swept across the sky, a terrifying figure rose from the ground, breaking through the dust,-next

Zi rushed up.

As if it were a missile, it came directly towards him.

“What?” The Great Venerable Beast’s complexion suddenly changed, and he clearly felt Jiang Yuan’s whole body, exuding extremely terrible

the power of.

It was like a sharp sword, extremely sharp, just looking at it made his heart rise

To be

The illusion of being cut in half.

He realized it instantly.

This opponent’s combat power is too much higher than him, it will produce a kind of mental illusion.

It is equivalent to the shock of the soul.

“Bad information is wrong! !”

The Great Venerable Beast trembled in his heart, and his whole body shook suddenly, his body regressed crazily, and he cherished his life very much.

At the same time, with a big wave of his hand, the pulling force was transmitted, and a strange beast in the distance was directly pulled by him.

Come, stand in front of yourself.

“So timid as a mouse.”

Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly passed through his ears, his body accelerated instantly, and the strange beast in front of him had not touched it.

To him.

It was shrouded in horrible blood, and the hot aura, like smelting, toasted them to death.

“What is timid? That is the definition of your natural race.”

The Great Venerable Beast, without any shame, turned around and ran, not wanting to fight Jiang Yuan at all.

He is not stupid,-as soon as he saw it, Jiang Yuan’s combat power was much stronger than him, at least more than 800 million stars.

He only had 500 million, so he rushed to find death.

He likes to torture and kill people who are weaker than himself, but he doesn’t want to be tortured and killed by others.

In an instant, he flew out hundreds of miles,-stepping forward, he was about to rush into the huge crack to escape, or even escape.

All the excuses have been thought out.

The intelligence is wrong, and it has nothing to do with him. “Do you think you ran away?” Jiang Yuan’s expression was indifferent, and his voice passed again, in an instant, at the center of his eyebrows-

Dao Jinguang lased out, aiming straight behind the opponent.


A huge picture rushed out from the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, and the speed was almost the speed of light in an instant, expanding in mid-air.


It’s a martial arts sky map.

Budo Tiantu itself is a fast-flying town faction, as long as it is given enough energy and blood, its flying speed

It can even exceed ten thousand times the speed of light.

Even in the wilderness, its speed is countless times faster than the speed of the strong flying.

A forehead was in the heart of the Great Venerable Beast, and he felt the terrifying power swept from behind, making his feet faster.

But no matter how fast his speed is, it is not as fast as the martial arts Tiantu.

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