Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 371 - Leading ability

Chapter 371 – : Leading ability

On the city wall, you can see a large number of native soldiers standing like clocks, motionless, holding standard weapons, exuding stars

Force, look ahead, guard there.

Every native soldier has the word Ruo Teng painted on his chest, which is a forbidden army cultivated by Wang Teng Xing Ting.

This section of the city wall was guarded by Wang Teng Xingting.

Everyone directly crossed the empty wall of the city wall and came directly to the desolate wild.

The destination is the red and black earth, where there is no growth on the ground for a long time, the wind is whistling, the yellow sand is flying, and the wind is carrying a knife.

In this way,-distorting the space.

Almost the moment they entered the wilderness, everyone felt like they were hitting an invisible wall, and their body shape suddenly

Forced out from the speed of light space.

Regarding this, everyone is not surprised.

Immediately afterwards, everyone fell on the ground, densely packed.

Take a break here.

Jiang Yuan looked over and realized that there were more than 10,000 people in this retreat.

The formations are very distinct, the middle of the team seems to be torn apart-the road divides, each has more than 5,000 people, one side is the king

Elite staff of Tengxingting.

On one side is the staff of Dahong Star Court.

It can be seen that in the team of Dahong Star Court, there is a person who is full of energy and blood, who is not attracted, and has a calm complexion.

And harsh.

Like-a shining star.

Around him, gathered around, a statue of the same extremely powerful existence.

Jiang Yuan glanced over, and he could feel that their power surpassed the power of a million stars and was equivalent to Wu Sheng.

The chief of the Dahong Star Court.

Perhaps it was because he felt Jiang Yuan’s gaze, the other party suddenly raised his head, his gaze sharp as a blade, and he looked over.

The moment they made eye contact, one could feel the contempt in each other’s eyes.

Beside Jiang Yuan, the veteran Yarui came over, his blood trembling, and his voice quietly passed over and said: “That person is

A veteran of Dahong Star Court, Chuchuan Changhong.

“I have played against him before, and he is very strong and talented. I have lost to him before. It was still a thousand years.

What happened before, I am afraid that the combat power is stronger now. ”

“But this time, with his assistance, unless a great master does it himself, we can all rest assured.”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, the blood in his body vibrated suddenly, everything opened in an instant, and his eyes became sharp.

Invisible fluctuations spilled out from him.

It is invisible and invisible, so people can’t feel it at all.

In an instant, he came to Guchuan Changhong and enveloped the opponent very rudely, but did not arouse the slightest feeling.

All at once condensed and penetrated into his body, as if scanning, to see through the opponent’s strength and turn it into rows of data

Generally, it appears in front of Jiang Yuan.

The opponent’s strength is actually not weak, surpassing the intelligence’s combat power, reaching the power of more than 50 million stars.

This kind of power is several times stronger than the two veterans of Wang Teng Xingting.

At this time, the voice of the veteran Yarui rang in his ears, and continued: “Jiang Yuan, now has come to the wilderness, next(Read more @

It’s up to you to lead the team.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: “Start counting the number of people, there is no problem with the number of people, let’s go!”

Elder Yarui nodded and flew directly, patrolling the sky above the team, and soon flew back and said:”

The number of people has been checked, and there are a total of 11,300 people. ”

“Let’s go!”

Jiang Yuan took the lead in stimulating the power of qi and blood, and his body slowly lifted into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the entire huge team, everyone slowly flew up.

If you leave Yunhui City, you will not be able to shuttle in the space of the speed of light, because the space barriers in the wilderness are thicker and the space

There will be a twisting whirlwind in it.

This whirlwind brings cutting power.

The faster the speed, the stronger the cutting power, even if it is a great emperor, it is impossible to advance at the speed of light, because it reaches this speed

The great statue will be cut and shattered.

Perhaps only the terrifying Nine Suns Realm could travel at the speed of light in a space like the wilderness.

The crowd flew in the sky, not fast.

In order to take care of the weak Emperor Calamity, everyone’s speed is kept at supersonic speed.

This state can also preserve everyone’s strength and cope with crises that arise at any time.

After all, in the wilderness, where crises are everywhere, whatever situation will happen.

at the same time.

In the other direction, a team of tens of thousands of people also arrived outside the city wall.

But they didn’t linger at all, and went straight ahead.

At the forefront of the team, Yi Su took the lead, his whole body vibrated and burned like flames, and his body was thickly dressed.

Heavy armor.

Exudes the atmosphere of star-level town sent armor.

The whole person is like a god of war

, Holding a spear in his hand, his face is serious and mighty.

On both sides of him, there are a total of four deities with two elders each.

The momentum is magnificent, like four eternal sacred mountains.

They are high-spirited and vigorous

Ask for flowers

Behind him, tens of thousands of elite, two star court personnel, were appointed overnight, neatly, like an army.

At this moment, Dao Hongguang rushed from behind.

In the next second, he fell in front of Yi Su and turned into a human form.

With a smile on his face, his eyes gleamed, he laughed and said, “Yi Su, it’s pretty much the same as you guessed, Jiang Yuan really doesn’t

It is the leading material.

“I just observed from a distance outside the city, and I saw the team led by Jiang Yuan, the formation was scattered, the personnel were scattered, it looked like

There is no discipline, no rules and regulations.

“For such a team, once it encounters danger, the enemy will rush through it, it will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, and even the team will be in an instant


Russell snorted coldly: “I knew that.

A veteran beside him couldn’t help saying: “Yi Su, shall we? Let them know that they are in danger like this

I am afraid it will be difficult to resist!”

Yi Su slowly shook his head and said, “No, I expected this a long time ago. I have already explained it to the elder Yicheng.

If he is in danger, he will take the overall situation into consideration. ‘

“And it’s okay to give Wang Teng Xingting a little bitterness, and kill their spirit.”

at the same time.

In the top meeting space of Wang Teng Star Court.

The five great statues, at this time, closed their eyes and calmed down, and didn’t move at all.

But their minds have long been shrouded in the two teams by special means, always paying attention to the team’s every move.

A great master slowly opened his eyes, frowned, and his voice resounded: “This Jiang Yuan has the ability to lead the team.

To be improved.

“The formation is too scattered. This does not seem to be an evacuated team, but a fleeing team.”

Several other great lords also opened their eyes.

There was a flash of embarrassment on the faces of the three great lords of Wang Teng Xingting.

The bloody Great Master slowly said: “Don’t make too early conclusions, maybe this is just Jiang Yuan’s strategy of suspicious soldiers, to give the enemy a feeling

They are weak and careless!”

The other two great lords of Wang Teng Xing Ting knew the situation.

The embarrassment on his face became more embarrassing as he watched the bloody grandfather open his eyes and said nonsense.

But everyone is a person who wants face.

The two great lords of Dahong Star Court glanced at the bloody great elders with weird expressions, and didn’t say a word again.

Just at this matter, the eyes of the five people suddenly condensed, and they stood up in an instant, and all of their bodies rolled over.

Looking at each other with amazement.

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