Chapter 367 – :Battle Escape

Lan Liangliang’s heart beat, his complexion changed, and he quickly gestured to Jiang Yuan with a false voice, and said with a horror: “Don’t

Don’t be

“As soon as we mention the Great Master, they will feel it immediately, and if we look at it, our every move will be noticed.

And it’s a capital crime to talk about the Great Lord in private.

Lan Yue’er was also a little pale beside her.

Da Zun is standing at the apex of Yunhui’s great domain, a god and demon shrouded above his head. It is forbidden to record topics, although there is no explicit rule.

Determined, but discuss it in private.

The big statue’s gaze can be projected in an instant, and he is in a bad mood, and a slap in the face is nothing.

It’s like an ant talking about a dragon, and it’s buzzing in the ear of the other party, which is very annoying.

Immediately, Lan Liangliang explained in a low voice: “The Star Court is going to be dispatched, but the great alien beast is hidden too deeply, and

And we suspect that someone is secretly acting as a ghost, covering this strange beast and fierce beast.

“So bold!” Jiang Yuan’s eyes sharpened suddenly, with chills~.

The cruelty of alien beasts can be known from the Aqua Blue Star. It is not a natural race in the universe, but is completely different.

Two forms-extremely cruel.

The so-called natural races are just like humans, Swiss races, and the Lan family brothers and sisters, which are collectively called natural races.


Once he was in a surviving stone and read a record.

It is a great sin for natural races to shelter alien beasts. Once discovered, all the races involved will be cleaned up, even

All planets will be shattered.

To be judged by the eight universities, the martial arts spirits must be arrested and tortured day and night to prevent you from dying.

There have also been natural races that sheltered alien beasts, using alien beasts to achieve certain means to attack other large areas. This matter was finally

Discovered, stabbed to Eight Dao Academy.

Among the institutions of learning, the Nine Suns Realm was directly dispatched, across the big domains, the brilliance, and even the big domains

The night is shining into the day.

Arrived directly overnight, shot coldly, and carried out large-scale cleaning.

It’s a real cleansing. All races living on it, no matter good or bad, do not investigate, and clean up regardless of good or evil.

Come, without scruples.

With just one blow, the power penetrated the earth, and all creatures were imprisoned. There was no way to leave Tianjie, but

When he died, he was vaporized and disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a huge area of ​​one party was torn apart abruptly, and no grass was born, even if it has passed for a million years.

The interior is full of fiery atmosphere of endless terror.

Under the invincible ancestor, the moment he entered, he would be dissolved by the remaining breath.(Read more @

“Senior Jiang, we have already contacted Yuzhou, and we are leaving tonight. Yunhui Da Yu can no longer stay, and the crisis is serious.

Seriously, people like us can only escape.

Lan Liangliang’s complexion is a bit bitter. Little people’s lives drift with the crowd, and a little turbulence can make them die without burial.

Body place.

The game between the star courts and the battle between the great sages are flood disasters for them, and they cannot be touched. “Jiang Qian left

Lan Liangliang lifted the package on the ground, and Lan Yue’er held a fist and saluted Jiang Yuan slightly, and then hurriedly left.

Get out.

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. At this moment, his wrist suddenly shook, streamers lasing.

Come out and converge into a projection in front of him.

It was not someone else, but Bai You.

He looked a little anxious. After seeing Jiang Yuan, he was obviously relieved and hurriedly said: “Jiang Yuan, come to Star Court quickly.

There is an urgent matter.

Jiang Yuan could feel anxious in his mouth, and he nodded without delay. When his body shook, it turned into a stream of light.

The distortion disappeared.

The next moment, he came to the door of Wang Teng Xingting.

As soon as I opened the door, I felt horrible sights, which were projected over in an instant, with a supreme aura.

But after seeing him, he quickly retreated.

“It seems that what happened is not small, it is so martial law, the great master has come forward, and always observe the actions of the star court.”

Jiang Yuan’s heart moved.

I saw Wen Su hurried over in the distance, his face was a little pale, and he was very ugly and said: “Jiangyuan, the big thing is not good

Yes, come with me quickly.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, knowing in his heart, what happened to Yunhui domain, I am afraid that only the three star courts know best.

The two brothers and sisters Lan Liangliang still had too little contact.

0-Seeking flowers

Soon, with the document, the two came to Bai You’s office.

“Come in.” Bai You’s voice came from inside the door.

Jiang Yuan pushed the door directly into it, and saw the three major incumbent clerks and Bai Hong all in the office, as if

What is being discussed.

Seeing Jiang Yuan coming in, Bai You stood up directly, with anxious expression on his face: “You finally came back.”

After finishing speaking, he said to everyone present: “You go out first, go down and prepare, Jiang Yuan and I have something to say.

Everyone nodded slightly and bowed out.

As soon as they left, the anxious color on Baiyou’s face became more intense, “What happened to you until now?”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: “I just came back from the Eternal Battlefield. I just knew that something went wrong on the front line. There is a great alien beast.

Mixed into Yunhui City.

Bai Xiong nodded, his face looked very ugly and said: “Then you can tell, the front line is blocked by our three star courts.

The formation of the Forbidden Army has been solid as a mountain for millions of years. Why has it suddenly collapsed now?”

Jiang Yuan’s brain started thinking quickly, as clever as he was, and immediately knew some answers, and his brows suddenly wrinkled and said.”

There was a traitor! In other words, there was a problem with the Star Court.


Bai You angrily said: “The three big star courts, Wang Teng star court, destroy the star court, Dahong star court, just twenty days ago,

The Star Destruction Court quietly withdrew almost 90% of the army. ”

“For the front-line army, the number of troops has remained unchanged. Henggu is the same. It is the best state of calculation, even if it is less.

For a thousand people, there will be short-term turbulence, not to mention the withdrawal of so many troops.

“In just half a day, the alien beast found a breakthrough, tore through the huge gap, and a large number of alien beasts rushed in. We have to

After the news, there was no time to inform Dahong Star Court, so I could only touch the three great lords to rush over in advance. ”

“But who knows

When Bai You said this, he punched the desk angrily, and directly smashed the entire desk, with nothing in his eyes.

Exhausted anger, almost erupted like a volcano.

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