Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 361 - Forty times the eruption of the supreme majesty

Chapter 361 – : Forty times the eruption of the supreme majesty

More than twenty days passed in a blink of an eye.

The basic combat power has also soared to the power of tens of millions of stars.

“Above the tens of millions, it is a hundred million, and above a hundred million, there are still trillions,-the existence of the Nine Suns Realm is at least one trillion.” Jiang Yuan gasped in inconceivably.

Feeling the tremendous pressure, the gap is too big, and the big one makes him terrified.

“It’s no wonder that the Nine Suns Realm is called the Great Domain-level overlord. It’s really unpredictable how powerful this kind of existence is.

“Jiang Yuan said to himself, his heart was trembling.

Although he was thinking, his speed was dissatisfied with his body trembling constantly, and countless phantoms erupted from his body.

He stepped out, constantly fighting towards the strange beasts around him.

And before he knew it, he actually came to the huge stone monument again.

It was only one day before the time agreed upon by him and Hongcun.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuan landed and waited for the arrival of Hongcun.

After waiting for more than ten hours, the other party did not come, but three black rays of light suddenly cut through the sky and fell.

Come down.

These are three people wearing the same ancient robes. They are huge in height, burly in shape, stern faces, and 113 in their eyes.

There was a ferocious breath.

A circle of skull-like necklaces hung on her chest.

At a glance, they saw Jiang Yuan standing in front of the stele, their eyes swept past and directly landed.

“How long have you been here?” The sand demon’s voice resounded suddenly, and the halo of more than 30 runes on his head did not rotate.

Suddenly, it suddenly appeared, demonstrating his strength.

When Jiang Yuan frowned, he felt a strong sense of oppression, emanating from the opponent.

Not only the Sand Demon, the other two behind him also looked at them with cold eyes, and there were twenty on top of their heads.

Multiple rune auras.

This is deliberately demonstrating strength and wanting to put invisible pressure on Jiang Yuan.

Because there were only ten rune halos rotating above Jiang Yuan’s head, it was a broken star realm, titled Wu Zun.

They think they are stronger than Jiang Yuan, so they look at Jiang Yuan with a high, contemptuous look, like a big man.

High above, patrolling the world.

Questioning an ant.

You must answer.

Jiang Yuan frowned, and his voice became cold. “How long have I been here? What does it have to do with you?”

The sand demon’s eyes suddenly burst into a fierce aura, and the thirty rune halos on his head shook all of a sudden, sending out

The collision resounded.

It was like a metal collision, attracting Jiang Yuan’s gaze and looking directly at it.

“Give you one last chance.” As the Sand Demon spoke, the blood all over his body vibrated, and a large amount of blood power was on.

Hajime rushed out of the pores and slowly gathered on one palm, exuding a red breath.

“You’re questioning.” Jiang Yuan didn’t take this set at all, his eyes sharpened suddenly, his voice vibrated and his body shook.

The child will face each other.

At the same time, there was a continuous sound from the top of the head.

Rune auras rushed out at once.(Read more @


twelve .






When fifty rune auras appeared on Jiang Yuan’s head, Sand Demon’s complexion suddenly stiffened, and he retreated in amazement-


Not only that, but the two people beside them also opened their eyes wide in amazement, showing an incredible look, with constant blood and blood, they almost fell.

Fall down.

They didn’t expect that if they asked a passerby, they would face such a terrifying existence.

However, what is even more terrifying is that more and more rune auras continue to appear above Jiang Yuan’s head.





Ninety rune auras were reached in an instant, that is the power of 90 million stars (aece)!

However, the number of auras is still increasing, soaring to a hundred in an instant

When it reached one hundred, the three of them paled for a while, revealing an expression of incomparable horror, and the dragon opened their eyes wide.

The Sand Demon trembled even more: “Nothing is unparalleled, the Great Lord

Fighting power surpasses ten million, reaching one hundred million is the Supreme Dao. Such a character, placed in the star court, is the ancestor, sitting

On the side of the town, deter everything.

Even in the Seventy-two Purple Mansion, it is a great existence, an elder.

“Senior Sand Demon trembled in horror. Just as he wanted to say something, he saw the rune halo on Jiang Yuan’s head suddenly.

Shrinking, a halo appeared next to it.

In this halo, new halos are constantly being born, crowded in-


One hundred and ten

One hundred and fifty

Two hundred

Three hundred

Four hundred

In a blink of an eye, there are four small rune halos, presenting four corners, floating above Jiangyuan’s head, each inside

There are ninety-nine small rune auras in the ministry.

“The power of four hundred million stars

Sand Demon-The whole body stiffened with fright. He couldn’t say a word at this moment, and he stayed in place.

Jiang Yuan didn’t even look at it, and slapped him over.


Accompanied by a terrifying rumbling, the three of them were directly slapped and flew out. Accompanied by screams, their bodies were in mid-air.

Zhongdu began to disintegrate.

Blood was vomiting at the mouth, and the endless cells inside were crumbling.

It rushed out tens of thousands of meters, and countless strange beasts along the way, directly smashed and exploded, turning into a force of blood and blood.

Suddenly surging over.

It’s as if drops of water fall into the ocean.

For the current Jiang Yuan, it is already insignificant. He needs a stronger opponent and a stronger Qi and Blood.

In order to continuously improve the strength.

In the next second, all the rune auras on his head gradually dimmed, leaving ten rune auras spinning, keeping

The power of the basic ten million stars.

He just stood there, waiting quietly.

Hong Cun is more familiar with the Eternal Battlefield than he is. He needs to get some new information from Hong Cun to see if he can

Can find more powerful areas and continue to improve strength.

Now he is not satisfied with such a little improvement in his strength.

There is also a great mountain of nine suns in front of it. The sky is horizontal on the nine days, and the moment it appears, it is almost like the rising sun.

Shining on the huge world, as if welcoming daylight.

This kind of power was unprecedented and beyond his imagination.

Even if it was a big mountain, he believed that sooner or later he could climb it.

Jiang Yuan waited quietly, calming the clock, constantly flying and whistling, no need to manipulate, he would attack since he moved his mind.

Smashed out all at once.

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