Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 358 - The foundation breaks the power of a million stars

Chapter 358 – : The foundation breaks the power of a million stars

The sharp sword in the light curtain is produced more quickly and madly.

Jiang Yuan’s complexion was also shocked, his blood shook wildly again, and a golden light in the center of his eyebrows suddenly shone out.

Zhentianzhong appeared in the air.

It whirled, constantly getting bigger, and in a blink of an eye it became a full tens of thousands of meters in size, suddenly shocked, and smashed with howling.

go with.

Boom 0 boom

The continuous smashing, the abruptly smashed centipede shook his head and shook his head, and his consciousness was somewhat collapsed.

“Success or failure in one fell swoop.

The man roared in an instant, his body was burning with turbulent red flames, as if he were fucking, his hair was-

The roots stand up.

For an instant, the huge centipede was not moving as if it had been ordered by someone.


In the next second of “Three Nine Zero”, the centipede’s huge size exploded directly, and at the same time, the six blue beads also flew.

He came out and was provoked by Feijian to come in front of him.

Almost instantly, a terrifying force of vitality, almost visible to the naked eye, surging crazily—divided into two,

He got into the two of them.

Jiang Yuan’s combat power began to soar in an instant.

The power of half a million stars

Six hundred thousand stars

Seven hundred thousand stars

The power of eight hundred thousand stars

The power of nine hundred thousand stars

The power of a million stars

With such turbulent energy and blood, Jiang Yuan’s combat power reached a million base combat power in an instant before it ceased.

But at this time, the aura on his body was not attracted, and all kinds of mysterious auras radiated, making people unable to feel him-

The slightest breath.

In the third stage of All Things, under forty times the gain.

His combat power at the moment, as high as 40 million stars, is unimaginable.

Even if you squeeze it with your hands, there is a feeling of crushing the galaxy. If you step on it, you can break the big day.

With the palm of your hand, you can penetrate thousands of planets.

With a single blow, the power can reach far away in an instant, piercing through galaxies in an instant.

As long as the body is shaken, it can reach the speed of light in an instant, up to four thousand times the speed of light, and the breath can burst.

A planet dissolves directly.

Thousands of creatures were killed.(Read more @

If he returns to Wang Teng Star Court now, the veteran will be slapped to death.

If it is in the first form of vitality, blood and golden body, the combat power directly soars to 80 million, if it is in the second form, it will be even more.

The horror is doubling, which is the power of one hundred and sixty million stars.

This kind of strength is no longer Broken Star Realm, but a great master.

The strength of the Supreme Being is the power of 100 million stars.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan glanced at the man in front of him, and immediately saw it, as if he could see through all the qi of the other’s body in an instant.

Blood fluctuations, all secrets are not secrets in his eyes.

The opponent’s strength is also very strong, reaching the power of 15 million stars, placed in the Wang Teng star court, is the veteran, and the event

There is no big gap between the chiefs.

Under Jiang Yuan’s gaze, the man suddenly felt his breathing freeze, as if he was being stared at by a hunter. All the cells in his body were

It trembled involuntarily.

There is only one possibility in such a situation.

Only when the opponent’s strength is twice as high as one’s own, will a look be made to make all cells issue a warning.

His complexion stiffened, and then he smiled heartily, with a big hand-wave, three blue beads flew towards Jiang Yuan

Come here.

“This strange beast was killed by the two of us together. There are six beads in total, which contain powerful fluctuations of vitality and blood.

As the core driving force of the puppet of the power of tens of millions of stars.

“You and I each have three.

Jiang Yuan grabbed the three beads with a big hand, squeezed the three beads in his hand, and rushed in, and found that the inside was indeed-

This kind of agglomeration of power.

The power of qi and blood is not huge, on the contrary, it carries some other unknown powers and has a strong explosive power.

It’s like holding thousands of nuclear bombs in your hand, if you are not careful, it will explode.

“You are polite.” Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and had nothing to say about the distribution, and then slowly said: “Listen to what you said, ten million puppets

What is it?”

The man smiled and said, “Just call me Red Cun. Seventy-two Purple Mansion has its own characteristics. Among them, the Puppet Purple Mansion specializes in refining puppets.

As long as you have money, you can buy any kind of puppet. ”

“And this kind of alien beast’s natal orb is energy, which can generate strong enough power to drive the corresponding puppets.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and smiled: “Okay, thank you for your confusion, you can call me Jiang Yuan, and we will do it together.

“Okay” Hong Cun laughed loudly, his eyes sharpened instantly,

A stream of light swept out all over the body

Winding thousands of swords.

Wherever he went, a strange beast was swept and cut, and a large amount of energy and blood continuously poured into his body.

You can feel his power of vitality and blood rolling, and his combat power is soaring.

Jiang Yuan also gave a long roar, and the speed was not slow, Zhentian Bell waved wildly, trembling constantly, the frequency was extremely fast, one billion seconds

Hundreds of millions of times,-which strange beast hit, directly shattered its body.

A large amount of qi and blood power kept pouring in.

However, as the combat power increases, the growth of energy and blood begins to slow down, but it is scary enough to accumulate less.

Time flies,-the sky is in a blink of an eye.

Both of them slowly stopped, and there was a thick layer of blood on their bodies. When they met, they both smiled.

Jiang Yuan looked around and couldn’t help but said: “These strange beasts can’t be killed, but why did they all retreat just now?


Hong Cun laughed and said, “Brother, it seems that this is the first time you have come to the Battlefield of Eternal Life? Although it is called the Battlefield of Eternal Life, I

I prefer to call it the eternal killing field. ”

4.0″ But the rules here are very strange. Although the alien beasts are endless, as if there is no end, but every fifty

In an hour, there will be a special situation, which lasts for a cup of tea. This time is equivalent to giving us a rest.

Speaking of the whole person, he sat in the creek, racing against time, and began to regain his strength.

Jiang Yuan was also sitting cross-legged, recovering his strength.

Suddenly at this moment, Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly turned in one direction.

The horizon, at this time, seems to be beyond the horizon, the bright light is like the sunrise rising from the east, the sun rising from the horizon

The same, the light shines on the whole world at once.

At the same time, horrible fluctuations of vitality and blood burst out in the light, sweeping through everything, and Jiang Yuan’s expression was stiff.

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